Panther Commando

Chapter 400: bestiality

Since there were already two snipers in the team, Wan Lin also began to carry an assault rifle with him to facilitate close-range assault operations, and he still carried his own sniper rifle behind him.

Approaching the village, Cheng Ru stopped at a distance of 400 or 500 meters from the village, and Lin Zisheng, who came up behind, found a sniper spot to lie down. Jin Guozhu, a sniper from the 707th brigade, also found a sniper spot. squat down,

Seeing that the sniper was in place, Wan Lin raised his binoculars to observe the village. There were about a dozen dilapidated houses in the village, most of which were smoking. still smoking,

"Zhang Wa and Bao Ya take Xiao Hua down to investigate" Wan Lin ordered. Xiao Hua heard Wan Lin's voice and ran out first, and rushed down the hillside in a flash. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya then swayed from side to side with guns and cats on their waists. running down the mountain,

Before Zhang Wa and the two approached the village, Xiao Hua had already run out of the village, wagging her tail towards Zhang Wa and the two of them. Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua's movements in the telescope on the hillside. Knowing that there was no danger in the village, he immediately ordered: "Sniper alert, come on." He led the rest of the team to the village,

The team members rushed into the village and found that the village was quiet. Except for the smoke column rising from the house, there was not a single person, not even the common dog barking in the village.

The team members carried their guns and scattered into different courtyards. After a while, everyone withdrew with grief and anger. Allende rushed directly into a courtyard at the end of the small village. Wan Lin followed closely.

Entering the courtyard, Allende stopped while covering his mouth. There were two old men, a man and a woman, lying at the entrance of the courtyard.

"Aunt!" Allende shouted and ran forward, holding up the old lady's head, but the old man was already out of breath, and a deep knife mark appeared on the side of his neck. Wan Lin followed into the yard and looked at the When I got to the corpse in the yard, I immediately understood that this might be the relative Allende said,

He frowned, not knowing who would do something to these unarmed commoners. He looked around the yard and found a young man in local clothes about the size of Allende lying in the corner, holding his hands tightly. A hoe, sitting on the ground, leaning against the corner of the atom, also a lot of blood flowed from the neck,

Wan Lin walked into the room with his feet raised, and he backed out as soon as he walked in. Inside the room, a 16- or 17-year-old girl was lying on her back on the bed. On the roof, there is blood on the beach under him, obviously his neck was twisted directly by the ****,

At this moment, Allende put down his aunt and walked into the room with red eyes Run, just ran to the gate of the courtyard, when Wan Lin caught up behind him grabbed his pistol and shouted sharply, "What are you doing, you don't even know who the murderer is, who are you looking for."

Allende was stunned for a moment, then suddenly crouched at the gate with his hands on his head, and burst into tears. Wan Lin walked out of the courtyard with a grim expression on his face, and the team members also came out of the courtyards with angry expressions on their faces. Ya and Lingling's eyes were red,

Wan Lin looked at the team members, and the team members shook their heads at him, indicating that there was no one alive. He walked to Feng Dao and asked in a low voice, "Who did it?" Feng Dao clenched his teeth and stretched out his right hand, palm Slowly spread it out, a flat cross-shaped thing appears on the palm, the edge of the cross is very sharp, and the center of the cross is a round hole, which is very fine in workmanship.

At this time, the team members also came up, "What is this?" Kong Dazhuang asked angrily while holding the heavy Vulcan cannon.

"A hidden weapon called the cross shuriken, which is the special hidden weapon of the R country ninja. It was found on the corpse of a fellow countryman." Fengdao said word by word,

"Ah,." The team members all screamed. They didn't expect that this massacre of the village was actually done by the R country's special commando, known as the special force.

"Yes, this kind of hidden weapon is their special hidden weapon, and I saw the wounds on the corpse, and they were all killed by one knife. Obviously, it was done by professionally trained people, not by ordinary terrorists. They don't have the same skills. Professional means of killing,” said Park Guocheng from the 707th brigade of H country in Chinese angrily.

"Bastard." Bao Ya's eyes were bloodshot on the side, he scolded and reached out to grab the hidden weapon in Feng Dao's hand, Feng Dao quickly dodged Bao Ya and shouted: "Be careful, the tip of the blade is poisonous. "

Everyone was shocked. I didn't expect these **** to actually apply poison on their hidden weapons. Fengdao quickly explained: "This is the tradition of ninjas. This hidden weapon is rotated and flew out, and the general killing range is about ten meters. Lethality, the tip of this hidden weapon is usually smeared with poison, and when I saw the body killed by this hidden weapon, the blood flowing out was all black.”,

"It's so cruel, these beasts, seven or eight big girls and little daughters-in-law in the village were raped and murdered, the youngest was only seven or eight years old!" Lingling's voice had a cry in her voice and shouted loudly,

Wan Lin's eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly shouted: "Damn, kill, I won't leave any of them when I see them."

Feng Dao said from the side: "These **** must have had bad thoughts after seeing these girls, ruined other girls, and even killed their mouths. They even slaughtered more than 20 people in the whole village and carried out all the corpses, isn't it? The whole world will broadcast live, then let the whole world see the evil deeds of these bastards."

The team members ran to various and carried out the corpses as they were. More than 20 corpses lined the aisles in the village.

Bao Ya ran into the house, found a large black cloth, and spread the black cloth with the other team members. Xiaoya used white ash on the edge of the black cloth, and wrote a few big English characters in white ash: "Who did it,,." Then Put the hidden weapon of the cross shuriken in the middle of the black cloth, and then stand beside the corpse with the team members to support the black cloth, and hold it high above the head,

The image was immediately transmitted to the Ministry of Defense of the world through the satellite high-definition camera monitoring this area in country M, and it was also transmitted to the screen of the "World Special Forces Association", the organizer of this special forces competition, for the first time.

Seeing such a dehumanizing act, all the people who saw the image were outraged. They called the "World Special Forces Association" and asked how the competition organized by the Special Forces Association could have such beastly behavior against civilians.

Lieutenant General Wenger, president of the World Special Forces Association, with a livid face and angry eyes, stared at the image and asked loudly, "Who uses this hidden weapon, let me find out immediately." Major General Xie Er, the vice-chairman, replied coldly: "Is it still necessary to check, the special hidden weapon of R country ninjas, the R country special commandos participating in the competition this time are all ninjas."

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