Panther Commando

Chapter 4018: Spare magazine

Under the dimly lit rock, Wan Lin and the others all laughed softly when they heard Zhang Wa's voice, Wan Lin looked at Wu Xueying and said with a smile: "Yingying, then you interstellar thief, go with Zhang Wa and Dazhuang. Be careful." "Yes!" Wu Xueying exclaimed excitedly, she then greeted Kong Dazhuang who was lying on the side of the rock, and the three of them turned around with guns and ran towards the dark mountain behind.

At this time, Xiaoya, Yu Jing and Lingling had already bent down and ran to the rock where Wan Lin and the others were. Yu Jing squatted under the rock and looked up at the dark mountain six or seven kilometers away, and whispered, "Leopard head. , Captain Liu and the gangsters just now ran from the direction of that mountain, there must be a communication signal after passing that mountain, right?"

At this time, Lingling was already squatting under the rock next to her. She put the electronic countermeasure box on the rock in front of her and quickly pressed the switch. She stared at the screen on the box cover, and a light suddenly flashed from her two big eyes. She quickly put on her earphones, and then called a few times in a low voice. She then looked up at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, there has been a weak signal of danger here! But the signal is too weak to communicate with Get in touch with the outside world!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard Lingling's report, and they all turned their heads to look at Lingling. Wan Lin said in surprise, "Great, it seems that we are indeed approaching the edge area affected by the meteorite."

Yu Jing probed into the electronic countermeasure box in front of Lingling, her two big eyes stared at a row of faint curves on the screen, she said excitedly: "Sure enough, there is a weak signal! After passing the big mountain in front, we can definitely communicate with you. Get in touch with the military!"

She turned her head to look at Wan Lin and said eagerly, "Leopard head, shall I go ahead with Lingling and try again?" As she said that, she pulled Lingling to stand up.

Wan Lin quickly reached out and grabbed her arm and said, "My aunt, you can't go!" Several people around saw Wan Lin's nervous look and laughed, Xiaoya also held Yu Jing's shoulder and arm and smiled: " Sister Yu, you giant panda can't talk nonsense, or else you must scare the leopard head out."

Yu Jing laughed awkwardly. She squatted down again and said, "How can I be so delicate? Haven't I been fighting with you all the way, I'm already an apprentice."

Wan Lin let go of Yu Jing's arm and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, you are absolutely fine on the battlefield." She then looked at her and said with some doubts: "No, when we attacked at the pass just now, I Didn't I ask you to follow Yuwen and the others to protect Professor Wang, when did you follow?" He looked at Xiaoya sternly.

Yu Jing heard Wan Lin look at Xiaoya sternly, she quickly reached out and grabbed Xiaoya's arm tightly, followed by blinking her big eyes twice and said, "Leopard head, when did you tell me to protect Professor Wang and the others? Why didn't I hear it. Xiaoya, Lingling, did you hear it?"

When Xiaoya and Lingling heard Yu Jing's answer, they immediately covered their mouths and laughed. They both whispered in unison: "No, absolutely not, we didn't hear the order at all." Chengru and Fengdao next to him He also laughed softly.

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya and the others who were giggling, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Xiaoya, you must ensure the safety of President Yu, and never let her act without authorization, this is too dangerous!" "Yes, yes. " Xiaoya replied quickly. Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin's serious look, and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, you must not act without authorization."

She changed the subject and said, "Leopard head, I was chasing just now, but I happily swept out two shuttles of bullets at the enemy. Hehe, I don't know if they hit or not, but the two boys in front must be I don't know if the person who fell during my strafing was hit by you, or whether it was hit by me.

Everyone laughed when they heard her proud voice. Wan Lin also looked at her big bright eyes and said with a smile, "That's right. Mr. Yu, you were the one who hit us. We must not have fired at that time." Hahahaha..." The surrounding people covered their mouths and laughed softly. At this time, the danger was not completely over, and everyone covered their mouths in laughter.

Yu Jing smiled and sat on the rock under her. She raised her favorite gun and said, "Leopard head, this gun has a short body and is light in weight. There is basically no recoil when shooting, and the speed of fire is fast and the shooting is fast. The accuracy is also good, it is just tailored for me, you will give me this gun, right?"

This MP5* was a weapon that Wan Lin brought with him to use in melee combat, but Yu Jing snatched it away. She didn't expect that she really liked this type of melee weapon.

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't have the right, you should go back to Li Tou and ask for it. By the way, this kind of gun has a fast rate of fire, so you should save some bullets. No ammo supplies."

Yu Jing hurriedly said: "There is still a shuttle of bullets. I didn't dare to hold the trigger during the battle. I used burst shots during the shooting." After saying that, she took out a spare magazine from the tactical vest, and then became skilled again. Pulling out the magazine on the gun and taking a look, she followed with a smile and said, "There's still a half-shuttle of bullets, enough for me."

After speaking she turned her head to look at the MP5 behind Cheng Ru, who was sitting on the side, and said with confidence: "It's okay, Lao Cheng must have a spare magazine on his body."

Cheng Ru hurriedly shifted to the side, and said nervously, "Don't, don't, Mr. Yu, don't worry about my equipment." Lingling stretched out her left hand and grabbed Cheng Ru's arm, her right hand quickly slipped out of his tactical vest He pulled out a magazine and shouted: "Stinky door god, look at your stingy, your **** are not used at all, what's wrong with giving Sister Yu a spare magazine." Cheng Ru said quickly with a sad face: "Okay, then give it to One, give one."

The people around laughed when they saw Cheng Ru's stingy appearance, Yu Jing took the magazine that Lingling handed over and said with a smile, "That's right, Lao Cheng, you are too stingy, give me a magazine to lighten your load, You should thank me. Lingling, give him this empty magazine and let him be stingy." After speaking, she took out an empty magazine in her vest and gave it to Lingling, Lingling shoved the empty magazine into Chengru's hand and said: "Let you be stingy, take it!"

Cheng Ru quickly took the empty magazine and stuffed it into the tactical vest. He stood up and walked to Feng Dao, who was sitting next to him, and sat down with a wry smile: "Oh, it's unreasonable, I'd better stay away from these aunts, or I will They haven't collected all the treasures on him." Wan Lin and the others all laughed softly when they saw him being angry.

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