Panther Commando

Chapter 4022: mountain breeze

The smell of blood wafting from the wind made both Wan Lin and Lingling nervous when they were squatting in the dark.

When the two saw Xiaohua's movements, they immediately lowered their guns and aimed between the rocks. In the faint starlight, the three shadows fell on their backs and remained motionless among the rocks. Wan Lin and Lingling looked at the three shadows between the rocks, and the pupils of their eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needles!

At this time, they could see clearly in the dimness. The bodies of the three shadows were stained with blood. Their eyes looking up at the starry sky had dimmed, but the three people's right hands were still tightly clutching the assault rifles scattered around them.

At this moment, a group of people from Company Commander Liu came running over from the foot of the mountain behind, and a shrill shout followed from the crowd: "Squad Leader Hao!" "Da Gang, Xiao Ma!" The soldiers had already rushed over in the dark, and they rushed over and lay on the three shadows and cried bitterly.

At this time, the two groups of Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa had already followed from the mountains on both sides. Wan Lin looked at a group of grief-stricken border guards. He turned his head and pointed at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were already full of grief. Mountains in front. Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru all straightened their backs and silently glanced at the border guards who were squatting beside the sacrificed soldiers. They followed with their guns and ran to the right hillside and the dimly lit mountains ahead.

Xiaoya, Yu Jing, Lingling, and Wu Xueying accompanied Professor Wang to Wanlin's side. They all silently glanced at the border guards squatting on the ground, and their eyes suddenly dimmed. They already understood the whole story. The three shadows lying in the mountains must be the three comrades who died heroically when they were attacked.

Tears flashed in Xiaoya's eyes, she followed and looked up at the dimly lit mountains around her, then bent down and pulled the arm of Captain Liu, who was covered in tears, and said in a low voice, "Captain Liu, it's not sadness now. When the time comes, let the soldiers get up."

In extreme sadness, Company Commander Liu didn't hear Xiaoya's reminder, he turned away from Xiaoya, pulled his arm, and threw himself on the shadow in front of him, he cried guiltily: "Little Hao. , I made a mistake in command, otherwise how could you..."

There were bursts of crying and sobbing echoing in the dimly lit mountains. Wan Lin squatted under the rock with a sad face. He raised his gun and aimed at the surroundings and quickly observed the surrounding terrain. He then looked at Lingling who was squatting beside him. He pointed to the microphone beside his mouth and waved his hand, indicating that there is still no radio signal to be received here.

At this time, Wan Lin's face was very gloomy, tears were already flashing in his eyes, and his hands tightly holding the sniper rifle were shaking slightly. These three border guards lying at the foot of the mountain sacrificed on the way to support them and the scientific expedition team. They were three Chinese soldiers who were as young as them. This really made him feel heart-wrenching. pain!

He turned his head to look at the group of Company Commander Liu from the side, but when he saw the sad look of Company Commander Liu and his group, his brows wrinkled.

He understands the pain of losing his comrades and the sadness of Captain Liu and the others, but the dark mountain area in front of him is still very dangerous, and militants of unknown origin may emerge at any time, and a string of whistling bullets will be swept away at any time in the darkness. . Now Company Commander Liu and the others were unable to extricate themselves in grief, which really made him feel anxious.

At this time, Yu Jing walked up to Wan Lin with a sad face on her face, she crouched under the rock and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, Captain Liu and the others can't do this, it's too dangerous here, everyone's cries are very loud. It may attract the enemy!" Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing and nodded lightly, he took a deep breath, then stood up with his gun, and stepped over to Captain Liu. He bent down and grabbed Captain Liu's arm and pulled him up, followed by a stern voice and whispered: "All of them, stand at attention!"

The border guards who were squatting in the dark suddenly heard the password issued by their side. They suddenly raised their guns and stood up, looking at Wan Lin with tears on their faces. Wan Lin let go of Captain Liu's arm and stared at the border guards standing at attention with sad faces. That is the glory of every soldier in our army!"

He raised his finger and pointed at the three soldiers who fell among the rocks, and said sharply, word by word: "These three brothers died on the battlefield of defending their homeland and defending the country. They died here in the face of the enemy's bullet rain. They are worthy of their honor. The title of our Chinese soldiers! Now they are sacrificed here, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow may be you or us."

When he said this, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, followed by raising his infuriating energy and said: "I tell you, we soldiers who defend our homeland and the country do not need tears, all blood debts must be paid with blood! You are all Soldiers, as long as you can still stand, hold the gun tightly for me, and follow me to kill those gangsters who dare to enter our China and commit crimes!"

When he said this, his eyes suddenly burst into the darkness, and he shouted sharply: "All of them, salute to the sacrificed brothers!" He straightened his back and suddenly raised his right hand.

Wan Lin's voice was not high, but the voice he made with infuriating anger sounded like a thunderbolt in everyone's ears! All the people around slammed their feet together in response to Wan Lin's swoosh and raised their arms. On the dark hillsides on both sides and the rolling hills in front, they also stood up. A line of straight figures, a gun has been erected in front of them.

Wan Lin lowered his arms and roared in a low voice, "Complete the ceremony! Captain Liu, pick up the guns of the sacrificial brothers for me, bury their bodies on the spot, and let us use their weapons to pay the debts with blood!"

Company Commander Liu raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face. He raised his neck, gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "Yes, blood is paid for by blood!" The surrounding border guards also had tears in their eyes and raised their hands His assault rifle roared in a low voice, "Blood for blood!" During the roar, Captain Liu bent down and picked up the assault rifle under the rock in front of him...

The mountain wind is solemn, and there is a tragic atmosphere shrouded in the dim mountains.

Following Wan Lin's command of "Li Bi", the shadows holding gun salutes standing upright on the hillsides on both sides and the undulating mountains in front quickly disappeared into the darkness, and the black muzzles of the guns were re-aimed. the surrounding rolling hills.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already rushed out from Wanlin and Xiaoya's side. The two leopards ran towards the hill one kilometer away with a faint red and blue light in their eyes.

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