Panther Commando

Chapter 4024: hurried call

The flickering fire in the sky is getting faster and faster, and the night sky in the southwest has been reflected in a layer of dark red. Wan Lin raised his head to observe the changes in the firelight in the air, and hurriedly shouted: "I am a leopard, please answer immediately!" At this time, Xiaoya and the others around them were all clenching their weapons in both hands, eyes glowing. Staring at the night sky in front of you, eagerly waiting for a response from the earphones!

Yu Jing, who was squatting beside Lingling, raised her hand and pressed the earphone under her helmet. She turned her head impatiently to look at Lingling and asked in a low voice, "Lingling, is our communication frequency not on the same channel as Brigade Zou and the others?"

At the foot of the dim mountain, Lingling heard Yu Jing's questioning voice and immediately replied: "No, I have already asked Company Commander Liu, and they have adjusted the communication frequency according to the orders of the Southwest Military Region. The troops all use the same frequency as us."

When Yu Jing heard Lingling's answer, she frowned and looked into the sky where the red light flickered to the side. At this point, she already understood that the purpose of dispatching troops from the Southwest Military Region was, firstly, to support the Leopard Commandos and scientific expedition teams that had lost contact, and secondly, to annihilate those outlaws who dared to enter China. Therefore, they will definitely use the same frequency of combat as their own people in this mountain, and only in this way can it be easy to communicate.

Wan Lin's urgent cries echoed at the foot of the dimly lit mountain, and everyone's faces showed nervous expressions. At this time, the flashing firelight in the air suddenly became brighter, and the entire mountain trembled a few times in the sudden flashing firelight, and a few low "Boom" and "Boom" sounds also faintly came from the side of the mountain.

When Wan Lin heard the sudden explosion, he stood up from under the rock with a sniper rifle in one hand. Called: "I am a leopard head, I am a leopard head, please answer immediately, please answer immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, "Ow", "Ow", two deafening leopard roars suddenly sounded from the dimly lit mountains in front, and the steep hillside in front of Wan Lin and the others suddenly trembled with the roar, a piece of gravel " Whooping" rolling down the hillside.

Roar like thunder! The roars of the two leopards in the dimness were rapid and deafening, with an extremely irritable mood in their voices, as if they were urgently summoning the Wanlin people in the mountains behind.

Wan Lin heard the roars of the two leopards in the mountains in front of him, and his face became extremely nervous. He had already heard from the deafening roars of the two leopards that the one who was in the room was definitely his own. The sharp eyes of the two leopards saw that they recognized their acquaintances, otherwise they would not have been so violent. sound!

At this moment, Company Commander Liu and his group had already seen the flames flickering in the air in the distance. The three border guards with red eyes stepped forward to the three staggering Professor Wang, carried them on their backs and followed the comrades beside them, going crazy. In general, he rushed towards Wan Lin and the others.

Captain Liu and the others had just buried three comrades in arms with their own hands, and their hearts were full of grief and anger. Now they suddenly saw the fire in the distance in the distance, and the anger of revenge suppressed in their hearts had already spewed out.

Wan Lin saw that Captain Liu and the others had come with Professor Wang, and he immediately ordered Xiaoya who was standing beside him, "Continue calling!" Ya handed it over, and then she was about to issue an order to leave.

At this moment, a series of rapid voices suddenly came from everyone's earphones: "I am Li Dongsheng, I am Li Dongsheng, answer!" There were bursts of fierce gunfire and explosions echoing in the rapid voice.

Wan Lin was shocked when he heard the sound coming from the headset. He knew that Lingling was using the communication frequency of the war zone, and the communication range was only a few dozen kilometers. Voice, and Li Dongsheng should have been in the combat department of the military region thousands of kilometers away.

He immediately raised the microphone to his mouth and hurriedly reported: "Report, I am a leopard head, I am a leopard head, we have safely escaped from the danger area, now the position..." He immediately raised the microphone to Lingling's head. mouth.

At this time, Lingling had already opened the confrontation box and stared at the direction displayed above. She immediately reported a series of crisp numbers to the microphone, and her crisp voice seemed very urgent in the dimness.

At this time, all the Hua Leopard team members clearly heard Li Dongsheng's voice from their earphones. There was a bright light of excitement in everyone's eyes, and warm currents were pouring out of their hearts.

They did not expect that Li Dongsheng's voice would suddenly come out in this mountain of crisis, which means that Li Dongsheng, the deputy director of the military region's operations department, has traveled thousands of miles, regardless of his own safety, and personally penetrated into this danger. area to meet them!

As soon as Lingling's voice came out in the dark, Li Dongsheng's hurried voice immediately came out of everyone's earphones: "Leopard head, Zou Tao and I were suddenly attacked in the mountains three kilometers southwest of you, and the number of enemies is unknown. , the firepower is fierce. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have already launched an attack on the enemies in the surrounding mountains, you immediately move closer to me, immediately move closer to me!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin shouted immediately After finishing speaking, he handed the microphone in his hand to Lingling, lowered his head and gave a hurried order to the wireless microphone beside his mouth: "Attention to all the leopard team members. , Li Tou is attacked, in the direction of the southwest fire, set off immediately!"

He followed and turned to look at Captain Liu, who came running with a gun, and ordered: "Captain Liu, take your people to protect the three expedition team members and follow them. Make sure they are safe!" In his voice, he carried a sniper. The rifle rushed towards the dark side of the mountain.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of Wan Lin and all the Hua Leopard team members, and all of them heard Li Dongsheng's hurried voice in their headphones. At this time, they could hear from their voices that Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao were in a very dangerous situation, otherwise Li Dongsheng, a veteran special soldier who had been in battle, would not have made such a hasty voice!

In the dimly lit mountains, Wan Lin's command voice had unconsciously brought out an internal force, and the low voice resounded like a thunderbolt in the ears of everyone around, causing everyone's eardrums to "buzz". ring.

The leopard team members crouching around immediately got out from under the dark rocks, and a group of people with guns rushed in front of Captain Liu and a group of people, and ran along the foot of the mountain to the foot of the mountain in front of them. past. At this time, Wan Lin's figure was already like a black smoke, turning over the foot of the mountain in front and rushing towards the side of the mountain.

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