Panther Commando

Chapter 4035: all warriors

Under the steep hillside, Li Dongsheng stood upright in front of the military vehicle that was blown up by the enemy. His eyes burst with light, and his eyes swept sharply at the solemn soldiers standing in the surrounding mountains.

He looked at the soldiers standing in the morning light and shouted loudly: "Defending the home and the country, fighting the battlefield, this is the responsibility of every Chinese soldier! Today, despite the unfavorable situation of the war, you still beat us Huaxia. The brave and invincible momentum of the army shows the style of our Chinese special forces, and I am proud that we have soldiers like you and excellent special forces like you in our Chinese army!"

He roared like thunder, and then he pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound, raised the assault rifle in his hand with one hand and shouted: "Libi!" In the voice, the assault rifle he held up in the air "dah dah" spurted out. A fire, a string of bullets roared towards the blue sky!

The crisp sound of gunfire echoed in the rolling mountains, and the raised arms in the mountains were put down neatly and uniformly. The black shadows standing upright on the top of the mountain then disappeared into the jagged rocks. The special forces members of the Southwest Military Region who had replaced the Leopard team members re-entered their guard positions. At this moment, all the special forces members of the Southwest Military Region who were still looking a little frustrated just now had proud looks on their faces.

At this time, Company Commander Liu led his subordinates and supported Professor Wang and the three of them running over from the mountains in front. Company Commander Liu took the lead and stopped in front of Li Dongsheng and the others. He stood upright under a rock and raised his hand to salute Li Dongsheng, Yu Jing and Zou Tao. Chang Liuqiang, led a row of soldiers to protect the three expedition team members to report!" His eyes followed Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao's faces, he really didn't know who was the president of this war zone Command Captain Zou.

Hearing his report, Zou Tao immediately took a step forward and raised his hand in return. He quickly glanced at a group of border guards, and hurriedly lowered his arm and grabbed Captain Liu's arm and said, "I'm Zou Tao. Captain Liu, You've worked hard." Captain Liu replied with a blushing face and a somewhat embarrassed look: "Report to the chief, we are not working hard. When we arrived here just now, you and Colonel Wan had already wiped out the enemy and ended the battle!"

"Hahahaha..." Li Dongsheng, Zou Tao and Yu Jing all laughed when they saw Captain Liu's depressed look. Yu Jing raised her finger and pointed to Professor Wang and introduced to Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao: "Deputy Minister Li and Captain Zou, these are Professor Xiao, Professor Wang and Associate Researcher Hao of the scientific research team."

She followed in a low voice and said to Li Dongsheng and the two: "When we arrived at the target area, there were only three of them left in the scientific expedition team. The rest of the team and the two guides were killed!" Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao heard Yu Jing The introduction, his eyes suddenly dimmed.

At this time, Professor Wang looked at Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao tremblingly and said, "Thank you, you brave Chinese soldiers for rescuing us!" After saying that, the three of them leaned on wooden sticks in their hands and had tears in their eyes. bow.

Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed their arms. Li Dongsheng looked at their thin bodies and said affectionately, "You all died for the sake of our scientific research career in China, it's us soldiers who didn't protect you, let's come. It's too late for you to suffer!"

At this time, Wan Lin stood up from the foot of the mountain and strode over. Li Dongsheng quickly released Professor Wang's arm, turned to look at him and asked in a hurried voice, "How are the wounded, is there any danger?"

Wan Lin stopped beside Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao, and replied in a low voice with a gloomy face: "There are three seriously wounded, among them the second lieutenant's arm can't be saved, I have ordered Xiaoya to use the incense magic pill to treat these seriously wounded. Judging from the current situation, their lives are not in danger for the time being, the warheads and shrapnel from the seriously wounded have been removed, and now Xiaoya is performing amputation on her brother with a serious arm injury."

Zou Tao's eyes immediately turned red when he heard this, and his voice trembled as he said, "The tiger is the one who protected me and suffered serious injuries!" Wan Lin looked down at the bandage wrapped around Zou Tao's body and followed Xiang Li. Dongsheng looked up.

Li Dongsheng explained in a low voice: "When we were suddenly attacked at night, Zou Brigade immediately ordered his subordinates to use three vehicles to set up a temporary bunker here, and he rushed to the battle position of the * launcher, facing the surrounding foothills. Sweep out a piece of *."

When he said this, he raised his finger and pointed to the off-road vehicle that was blown up to the ground and continued: "At this time, an enemy's * suddenly flew from the foot of the side of the mountain, and Hu Zi, who was controlling the machine gun on the vehicle, immediately shot. He threw Brigade Zou under the car and pressed Brigade Zou under the rock with his own body. Brigade Zou and Huzi were injured at that time. Huzi's left arm was blown off on the spot, and there were several pieces of shrapnel embedded in his body. Zou Brigade's subordinates are all warriors!"

A few people around listened to Li Dongsheng's narration quietly, and the faces of everyone showed admiration. Wan Lin also nodded lightly. He already knew that Zou Tao must have been fighting the enemy and contacting him at the same time. Then he heard a deafening explosion in the earphone. This tiger and Zou Tao must have It was at that time that it was blown up by *.

After Li Dongsheng told about the situation at that time, a few of them and the surrounding company Commander Liu immediately turned their heads and looked to the side with a worried look in their eyes.

Xiaoya has asked several soldiers around to lift the wounded to a flat stone slab next to them, and a green military blanket is covered under the wounded.

At this moment, Xiaoya was squatting beside the wounded second lieutenant, performing a tense operation, and her hands in sterile gloves were already stained with blood. She looked up at Lingling, who was squatting opposite to assist her, and hurriedly called, "Release the tourniquet on her big arm." "Okay." Lingling replied in a low voice.

Xiaoya followed and called to Wu Xueying, who was squatting beside her as a surgical assistant: "Sprinkle our special hemostatic powder on the wound." Wu Xueying immediately took out a bamboo tube from the medicine box, followed by pulling out the stopper and quickly poured the medicine powder to the wounded. sprinkled on the wound.

After a while, Xiaoya stood up. She raised her hands and took off the blood-stained gloves, and then whispered to the several special forces soldiers who were standing on the side with a nervous look: "Don't move him for now."

After finishing speaking, she, Lingling and Wu Xueying took some military blankets held by the surrounding team members, and carefully covered them over the three wounded. Xiaoya straightened her waist and wiped a handful of beads of sweat from the tip of her nose, then whispered a few words to the sanitation staff who came over, and then took Lingling and Wu Xueying and strode towards Li Dongsheng and the others.

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