Panther Commando

Chapter 4045: deepest fear

In the quiet hillside, Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao became nervous when they heard Wan Lin's vivid description. Li Dongsheng stared at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "It's really terrible. Wasn't even you able to resist this kind of gravity?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied: "I was in a fighting state at the time, but I have already mentioned internal strength. But the sudden appearance was very strange. We all rushed down the mountain involuntarily, and the whole person was in that strange feeling. I was in a state of ignorance in the gravitational pull, and I couldn't resist this magical attraction at that time, and my eyes were staring straight at the surging lake at the bottom of the mountain, and I flew down the mountain completely unconsciously."

When Zou Tao heard that his face had turned pale, he asked nervously, "How did you escape the danger then?" Wan Lin took a long breath and said in a low voice, "When you were fighting the enemy in the mountains. , a gigantic goshawk once became friends with Xiaohua and Xiaobai. At the critical moment when we unknowingly rushed towards the lake below the mountain, this goshawk suddenly appeared over the top of the mountain, and it was in the already reddish sky. He swooped down quickly, and suddenly made a loud eagle croak towards Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai on the hillside."

"Xiaohua and Xiaobai heard the sound of eagles croaking in the air, and their eyes shot blue and bright red beams into the air, and then they made an earth-shattering roar at the churning lake below the mountain!"

Wan Lin said here and looked up at the blue sky, he said with lingering fears: "I was rushing down the hillside at a fast speed, and the huge roar of the little flowers made me stop abruptly, and my mind was like a dream at this time. Fang woke up like he was awake, I quickly stopped, and roared at the brothers around me with all the energy in my body!"

He said this and shook his head gently, looked at Li Dongsheng and said with a sigh: "Li Tou, you may not believe it. Over the years, I have followed you and your brothers through countless life and death, but I have never I have never felt fear. But this time was different. For the first time, I had a kind of fear in my heart. At that time, the blood-red sky, the flying saucer soaring rapidly, the huge red waves surging on the lake, and the people on the hillside rushing to death The giant beasts made me suddenly feel a sense of insignificance and fear in my heart! Only then did I know that in this roar that seemed to come from the gods, the creatures on our earth were indeed too small."

Yu Jing, who was sitting on the side, heard Wan Lin's exclamation, and she said with a horrified look on her face: "Yes, the scene that day was terrifying! At that time, all of us were at a loss to the lake below the mountain. Rush, if the roars of the two leopards and the leopard head hadn't stopped us in time, I'm afraid we've all rushed into the surging lake, and the hot magma that will be ejected will be buried in that mountain forever. "

She then looked up at the blue sky and sighed: "Oh, the leopard head is right! Compared with the vast universe, we humans and all creatures on the earth are too small, we are the great power, It simply cannot compete with the supernatural phenomena in the universe."

As she said that, she looked up at the blue sky, and a deep light suddenly appeared in those big smart eyes, and she followed up: "There are too many mysteries in nature! In fact, since we humans were born on earth Since then, we have never stopped exploring these unknowns, trying to unravel the mysteries that have plagued us human beings, which is also the tireless pursuit of scientific researchers throughout the ages."

She lowered her head to look at Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin and Zou Tao, and said with some relief: "In this operation, although God has destroyed the traces left by the impact of the meteorite, all those mutant beasts have been wiped out. But Wang The professors and we have arrived at the target area in time and obtained some precious meteorite fragments, which is of great help for us to solve the mystery!"

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng looked at Yu Jing with glowing eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are those meteorite fragments really strange?" Yu Jing nodded affirmatively, and she lowered her voice and said, "Yes, although I haven't had time yet. After careful analysis of its characteristics, it can be seen from the outside that some of the meteorite fragments contain some unknown energy, which is very similar to the green stone in my hand. In addition, there are also some physical properties of the samples. It’s also very strange, I must study it carefully after I go back, try to crack the mystery and apply it to our weapons and equipment.”

Li Dongsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately realized that Yu Jing must have discovered some of these specimens with usable value! He glanced at Professor Wang who was sitting on the side of the mountain, and said in a hurried voice: "There is an unknown energy in the meteorite fragment, is it the same as a green stone?"

Yu Jing smiled when she saw Li Dongsheng's excited look, and she whispered: "Yes, it has the same energy response as the green stone. However, now I can't determine the size of the energy, so I can only go back and determine it gradually through experiments."

When Li Dongsheng heard Yu Jing's answer, a greedy look appeared in his eyes He whispered: "Professor Wang and the others have also found a few meteorite fragments, do we want to come here? Bring it back to your institute?"

Seeing Li Dongsheng's greedy expression, Yu Jing quickly waved her hand and said in a low voice, "That's what Professor Wang and the other expedition team members found with their own blood and life. We can't take it without authorization."

She glanced at the three professors who were eating, and continued to whisper: "In addition, their scientific expedition team members are not under the jurisdiction of our military, and the meteorite fragments they found need to be handed over to the Huaxia Institute of Physics for research and analysis. We If you want to take it for research, you also need the military region to come forward and directly contact the General Research Institute, and you can't take it directly from Professor Wang and the others."

Yu Jing said this with a sly smile on her face. She looked at Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin and said with a low voice, "Hee hee, this time you know why I came out with you? If I didn't follow you, Those precious meteorite debris samples will be handed over to Professor Wang and they will be brought back to the General Research Institute. It will take at least a year and a half for them to study them, so they are not in a hurry to kill me during this time."

When Li Dongsheng heard Yu Jing's appearance, he stared at Professor Wang and the three who were sitting on the side, and said in a low voice, "Yu Jing, why don't I discuss with Professor Wang and the others? The meteorite fragments are borrowed so that you can study them before returning them to them."

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