Panther Commando

Chapter 4047: silent farewell

The two leopards suddenly raised their heads to look at the side of the mountain, and then burst out from Xiaoya and Lingling's arms with light in their eyes. They jumped up the steep hillside and ran straight to the top of the mountain.

The surrounding leopard team saw two leopards suddenly rushing out. Everyone quickly stood up with their guns and raised their guns to aim at the top of the side. The expressions that were just relaxed suddenly became tense. The group of Company Commander Liu, who was sitting on the rock on the side, also quickly surrounded Professor Wang and the three of them. They raised their guns and looked around, looking very nervous. In this barren mountain, anything can happen at any time, so everyone's heart is still on alert.

At this time, Zou Tao and Li Dongsheng's earphones had already heard the report of the guards at the top of the mountain: "Report, there are three black spots in the air in the southwest, which should be the helicopters that came to respond."

"Received!" Zou Tao immediately replied to the microphone next to his mouth. He then stood up and looked at Yu Jing and Wan Lin and said, "The helicopter will be here soon, so prepare for it." Li Dongsheng also said: "The helicopter will We will be sent to the military airport near the border, and then we will take a transport plane back to the station of the Southwest Military Region. Leopard head, order your people to gather!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin quickly stood up and replied, holding a sniper rifle, he turned and ran to the side of the Chengru group. Yu Jing also hurriedly put the backpack on her shoulders, and then walked quickly to the three professors Wang with the * and said, "Professor Wang, the helicopter has arrived, we will return with the wounded."

The three of Professor Wang quickly stood up leaning on wooden sticks. They glanced at the top of the mountain where the roar of the engine was already heard, and then opened their arms to hug Captain Liu and the soldiers of the two border defense companies. Professor Wang hugged Company Commander Liu vigorously, and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you brothers!"

At this time, Wan Lin had already walked over with Cheng Ru and a group of people. He walked over to Company Commander Liu and glanced at the officers and soldiers who had fought side by side, followed by staring at Company Commander Liu and said, "Company Commander Liu, let's first Go back, and the rest of the tasks in this mountain will be handed over to you!"

Company Commander Liu let go of Professor Wang's arms. He stood at attention and looked at Wan Lin who was standing in front of him and the group of special forces who risked their lives to save him. ……,salute!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand excitedly to his forehead, and there were tears in his eyes. The frontier guard company soldiers standing straight behind him also raised their arms excitedly and stared at the heroic special forces in front of them.

Wan Lin stood upright in front of Company Commander Liu's group. He quietly scanned the border guards who were fighting side by side, and then whispered, "Salute!" All the Leopard team members standing behind him raised their arms and waved at the same time. to the forehead.

Wan Lin lowered his arms and shouted, "Complete Li!" After speaking, he stepped in front of Captain Liu, opened his arms and hugged him tightly, then loosened his arms and turned around and strode towards the back pass. . All the Hua Leopard team members took a deep look at Captain Liu and the group, and then supported Professor Wang and the three of them as they walked towards the pass with Wan Lin.

Company Commander Liu and a group of people were still standing upright in the mountains, holding guns tightly in their hands, silently looking at the group of ragged special forces, with tears flashing in their eyes, they were all silent in their hearts with these Say goodbye to the special forces who rescued them from danger!

They already knew in their hearts that the soldiers who had fought side by side with them were the most outstanding special forces in China! This time, it was the first time, and possibly the last time, that they had seen these brave comrades in arms who saw the dragon in front of no end. But the most ordinary soldiers, they can kill the enemy side by side with these brave special soldiers on the battlefield, which is enough to make them proud for a lifetime!

At this time, several special assault vehicles suddenly entered the side pass. The first squadron leader who had just received the airdropped supplies jumped out of the car. He ran to Zou Tao, who had limped to the pass, and raised his hand. Saluting, quickly reporting the receipt of the supplies, he then turned his head and shouted at Captain Liu, who was standing upright in the mountain, "Captain Liu!" Run towards Zou Tao and the first squadron leader.

At this moment, three grass-green helicopters suddenly whizzed up from behind the steep mountain peak, and the finished glyph appeared on the top of the mountain in an instant. The sound resounded over the narrow mountain pass.

Professor Wang, who was being supported by Wang Dali and a few others, stopped in their tracks. They looked up into the air, and tears followed from their eyes! They looked at the helicopter whizzing in the air like a dream, and then they really felt in their hearts that the surviving scientific expedition team members were finally rescued, and they could finally leave this desolation that they will never forget. In the mountains!

Associate Researcher Hao looked up at the With tears in his eyes, he raised his hands and pressed down the metal box in his breast pocket. The scientific research specimens exchanged for their lives, now they can finally return to the laboratory with the experimental specimens exchanged for their lives at the expense of their teammates!

The three helicopters roared and hovered over the mountain for a week, then tilted the fuselage and flew towards the mountains outside the pass, and then slowly descended over an open space...

At noon that day, a group of people from Wanlin took a helicopter to a military airport near the border area. The helicopter had just landed, and several ambulances had flashed their warning lights and rushed to the helicopter. A group of military doctors and nurses quickly jumped out of the car with stretchers, and then got into the helicopter. They quickly lifted several seriously wounded people off on stretchers and then sent them to the ambulance. The two ambulances roared and drove out to the airport. go.

At this time, Wan Lin and a group of people had already jumped out of the helicopter. A lieutenant colonel military doctor ran up to Zou Tao and raised his hand to salute. He glanced at the bandages wrapped around Zou Tao's body, and then spread it out to the two behind him. The stretcher nurse yelled, "Take it away!"

Zou Tao quickly waved his hand and said, "President Tang, I'm fine! I'll go back to the military area with General Li and the others in a while." Captain, this is Director Tang of our resident division hospital."

Dean Tang quickly raised his hand to salute Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin who came. Li Dongsheng raised his hand in return, and then looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Is the injured brother here to take care of the wound?"

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