Panther Commando

Chapter 4049: really don't give face

On the dimly lit airport, the soldiers of the Southwest Military Region looked solemn. They raised their hands to salute and stared at the warriors who had just returned from the battlefield, with expressions of reverence and envy on their faces.

In the eyes of these soldiers, only soldiers who have been on the battlefield are real soldiers, and this is especially rare in peaceful times. These special soldiers are still wrapped in blood-stained bandages, and their faces are still covered with blood. The smoke of gunpowder was gone, which made all the soldiers in the airport awe.

The leopard team members and the wounded of the Southwest Special Forces stood upright beside the transport plane. They stared at the old general who saluted him and the surrounding comrades in arms, with excited expressions on their faces.

They hurriedly raised their hands to salute and stood motionless beside the transport plane, with a gleam of light in their eyes. As soon as they returned to the military region from the battlefield where the bullets were full of bullets, they received such a grand courtesy from the commander, which made a warm current in their hearts.

Commander Ouyang raised his hand and waved under his military cap. His eyes swept over every leopard team member and the injured Zou Tao's subordinates, and then shouted sharply, "Bi Li!" After speaking, he looked at the group of brave men in front of him The special forces said loudly: "Brothers have worked hard!"

Li Dongsheng took a half step forward. He looked at the commander and raised his hand to salute, and then shouted loudly: "Report to the commander, Li Dongsheng, deputy director of the operations department of the a military region, led all the leopard team members to report to you!" Zou Tao also He quickly took a step forward, looked at the commander, raised his hand and saluted, "Report, Zou Tao was ordered to lead the wounded of the special team back!"

Commander Ouyang looked at the two old special forces who were leading the way and nodded vigorously. His sharp eyes quickly glanced at the bandages wrapped around Zou Tao, and then looked at the wounded who supported each other and stood behind Zou Tao.

His eyes swept across the blood-stained bandages of the special forces members, and then he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Very good, you fought side by side with your brothers and played the majesty of our Southwest Military Region on the battlefield. I am very impressed. Satisfied, congratulations to you for your military exploits!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and the little flower on his shoulder and shouted, "Leopard head, Wan Xiaoya!" Looking at the commander with a nervous look.

Commander Ouyang glanced at the brand-new combat uniforms on Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and there was a soft light in his sharp eyes. He asked with concern, "Do you need to send your wounded to the hospital?" He knew Xiaoya Ya is the best field doctor in the army, and she has the holy medicine for healing from thousands of ancestors. If the injuries of the team members are not too serious, she will definitely not send the team members to an unfamiliar hospital.

Wan Lin hurriedly looked at Xiaoya who was beside him, and Xiaoya replied immediately, "Report, our wounded have already been treated on the battlefield, and they don't need to be sent to the hospital. I will be responsible for treating them."

Commander Ouyang nodded reassuringly when he heard Xiaoya's answer, he said with a smile: "Okay, you don't need to be sent to the hospital, it means you can drink. Today I will treat you as a victorious warrior and celebrate! Xiaoya, your task for a while is to **** our group of wounded warriors at the wine table!" "Yes!" Xiaoya replied loudly with a smile.

Li Dongsheng and all the Leopard team members laughed when they heard the commander's loud voice, and a grateful look appeared in their eyes. The general commander not only came to the airport to meet them, but also served them with wine, which filled their hearts with warmth.

Li Dongsheng looked at the commander and said loudly, "On behalf of all the leopard team members, I thank the commander!" He raised his hand and waved under the helmet. Commander Ouyang smiled and waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me. Today, I will personally go to the airport to meet you warriors, not only on behalf of me, but also on behalf of you Commander Zhong and Deputy Director Wang Molin of the State Security Bureau. The two of them are there. Call me at noon and let me represent them to welcome you warriors who have returned triumphantly!"

When Li Dongsheng and all the Hua Leopard team members heard this, everyone slammed their feet together with excited expressions on their faces. With such a group of generals who love soldiers like sons watching and loving them, what reason do they have not to fight for their own army and their own country!

Commander Ouyang looked at a group of excited leopards and nodded. He followed and stared at the two leopards lying on the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and said to the two leopards with a thumbs up: "Xiao Hua , Xiaobai, you have made military exploits again, great work!"

When the two leopards heard the old general's praise, a flash of red and blue light immediately flashed in their eyes, and they stood up with their mouths wide open in excitement, watching the commander raise his right paw in a salute, and the thick tail behind him also shone. Shake vigorously.

Commander Ouyang watched the two leopards He immediately put away the smile on his face, raised his hand with a serious expression and waved the salute between his foreheads, his eyes flashing with light. He knew that the two leopards had military status, and they had the rank of lieutenant and second lieutenant respectively. These were the only two magical special forces in the Huaxia Army. Now, these two magical special forces looked at him and saluted, which made him, an old general, not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

He put down his arms, turned around and pointed at his jeep and said with a smile: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, Libi! Come to my car, I'll prepare food for you there!" The two leopards Hearing the commander's words, he hesitated for a while, then looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya.

When the commander saw their appearance, he knew that despite his high position, he still could not command these two miraculous little special forces. He laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy, it seems that my commander can't command you guys. These two soldiers. Wan Lin and Xiaoya, tell them, I prepared high-end chocolate for them, which I bought for them with my own money, and there are hares that I asked the soldiers to catch alive at the station. And the pheasant." The people standing around heard his laughter and scolding, and all grinned.

After the commander finished speaking, he turned around and shouted to a lieutenant colonel standing behind him: "Staff Wang, go and take out the delicious food I prepared. These two little things don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. It really doesn't give me face."

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