Panther Commando

Chapter 4055: off-road vehicle

Following Bao Ya's hurried voice, the sound of Cheng Ru's report came from Wan Lin's earphones. Wan Lin straightened up and raised his hand to adjust the angle of the rearview mirror in the car. He stared at the rearview mirror and said coldly, "Don't worry about him, just follow Minister Qi's car and drive forward, Director Ye's people should be there. nearby."

Sure enough, as Wan Lin and the others drove past the intersection, the traffic light behind them suddenly turned red. Just as the motorcycle behind was about to cross the intersection at the moment when the red light came on, a black car suddenly appeared on the side street, blocking the motorcycle's path.

The car that suddenly rushed out of the side road and the accelerating motorcycle almost collided in the road, and both cars stopped at the intersection with a sudden braking sound. A head with sunglasses stuck out from the black car, and he raised his finger and shouted at the driver, apparently yelling at the motorcycle driver who almost hit him.

The motorcycle driver stood on one foot on the ground. He glanced coldly at the driver who was yelling at him, then turned his head and looked around. He turned the handlebar and drove the motorcycle to the right street without saying a word. Go, the motorcycle followed with a deafening roar and quickly disappeared into the street on the side.

Zhang Wa turned her head to stare at the disappearing motorcycle. He scolded in a low voice, "Grandma, these boys dare to follow us in broad daylight, why didn't the National Security Bureau detain that boy?"

Wan Lin said helplessly: "At most, he is driving a motor vehicle to run a red light, so what if he is stopped? He can only be punished according to the traffic regulations. Forget it, don't worry about him, Director Ye will definitely arrange for someone to follow and investigate this. boy."

Bao Ya drove an off-road vehicle and followed Li Dongsheng and their military vehicles to a street on the right, and he muttered, "It's so **** troublesome to fight with these **** in the city, I really don't know how those national security team members endure it. Come here. Hey, why are these field troops so happy, they can be happy on the battlefield, and when they see the figure of the enemy, they raise their guns and "tumble" them!"

Yu Wenfeng, who was sitting next to Zhang Wa in the back row, also shook his head and said, "Old Zhang, I'm really worried for Yingying and Wen Meng, they belong to the national security system, and they want to leave us, Huabao, and go back with these annoying people. When dealing with spies, why don't you worry about killing these two girls?"

Zhang Wa heard Yu Wenfeng's sigh, he looked away from the window, shook his head with a dim face, and sighed: "Oh, there's no way. They themselves are members of the National Security Bureau, so naturally they have to go back to execute them. The task over there. Deputy Director Wang sent them to us to exercise, and they want to go back after all."

He said and looked up at Wan Lin: "Leopard head, can you talk to Deputy Director Wang? Let Yingying and the others stay with us." Wan Lin turned his head to look at Zhang Wa's expectant look, and his face was also a little bit. He shook his head reluctantly and replied, "Oh, they are all our junior sisters, and I can't bear to let them go! But Deputy Director Wang sent them here to improve the individual combat capability of the Guoan team members. If you can't keep them, it's useless to say it."

Zhang Wa, Yu Wenfeng and Bao Ya nodded silently when they heard Wan Lin's answer. In fact, they also knew in their hearts that Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were outstanding agents in the national security system, and it was impossible for the national security system to keep them here. . Not only are they unable to keep these two lovely sisters, but the military region may not help.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he looked up at the road ahead with a look of regret on his face. By this time, the morning rush hour had passed, and the originally busy road had quietened down. There were forks on both sides of the street from time to time, and some elderly people with vegetable baskets and strollers had appeared on the sidewalks.

At this time, Bao Ya also raised his head and glanced at the roads on both sides. He followed and said to Wan Lin: "Leopard head, the road has quieted down, and there are no suspicious vehicles behind. It should be to get rid of those bastards."

As soon as Bao Ya's voice fell, Xiao Hua, who had been lying on the driving platform in front of Wan Lin, suddenly turned her head and looked to the right, with a flash of blue light in her eyes. Wan Lin and the others in the car quickly followed Xiao Hua's gaze!

There was a sudden roar of an engine from a small street on the right, followed by a black off-road vehicle roaring out of the narrow street on the right, heading straight for Wan Lin, Yu Jing, Li Dongsheng and the others were sitting in front of them. Qi Zhijun's green off-road vehicle rushed!

"Stop it!" Wan Lin shouted in shock, his right hand quickly pressed down the side window glass, followed by a pistol from the holster around his waist! With Wan Lin's shout, Bao Ya's right foot was already on the accelerator, and his left hand turned the steering wheel to the right.

The off-road vehicle immediately made a huge roar of "hum", the gray off-road vehicle jumped out to the side and forward like an arrow from the string, and the front of the car went straight to the side street. The black off-road vehicle rushed out diagonally!

In an instant, Wan Lin's off-road vehicle had been inserted obliquely to the side of Li Dongsheng's off-road vehicle, just when the other side's off-road vehicle was about to hit the side of Li Dongsheng's's off-road vehicle The car had slammed into the side of the front of the black off-road vehicle with a "bang" sound, and the huge sound shook the ground violently.

At the moment of the impact, Xiao Hua's figure had already roared out from the window on the right side of Wan Lin, and the four doors of Wan Lin's off-road vehicle were also pushed open at the same time. Wan Lin, Bao Ya, Zhang Wa and Yu Wenfeng jumped out of the car at the moment of impact. At this time, two black shadows appeared on the other side's black off-road vehicle when the door was opened at the same time.

With the deafening impact, the off-road vehicle that rushed out of the side rolled out diagonally. Wan Lin's gray off-road vehicle also jolted violently, and a white water vapor appeared from the front of the vehicle, and then stopped on the side of the road. At this moment, when the green off-road vehicle that Li Dongsheng and the others were riding in were already in a hurry, they roared and rushed out from Wanlin's gray off-road vehicle and the rolling black off-road vehicle!

At this time, Xiao Hua's figure had already rushed to the side of the window of the off-road vehicle that was rolling on the ground, and then passed through the broken windshield of the black off-road vehicle with a gust of wind, and flew directly into the car with a shrill sound. Screams followed from inside the car.

Wan Lin and the others threw themselves out of the car and shrank into a ball in the air. When they landed on the ground, under the influence of inertia, they tumbled forward quickly for a few weeks, and followed them on the ground and stretched forward. right hand holding gun.

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