Panther Commando

Chapter 4057: old man's eyes

After answering Yu Wenfeng's question, Wan Lin lowered his head to the microphone and said, "Director Ye, a drone appeared in the sky just now, and we have shot it down. Please pay attention to the top of your head while you are traveling."

"Understood. On the street near the accident scene just now, three motorcycles galloped past. It should be the enemy vehicle in charge of responding. My people and the police have already caught up." Ye Feng's voice followed from Wanlin sounded in the earphones.

When Wan Lin heard Ye Feng's answer, he immediately asked, "Do you need our assistance?" Ye Feng immediately replied, "No, you go back to the old man, pay attention to protecting President Yu and Deputy Minister Li, and leave the rest to us. ."

After Wan Lin heard Ye Feng's answer, he raised his eyes and looked at the road ahead. Li Dongsheng and Xiaoya and their cars were no longer visible on the road ahead. Obviously, they had already turned to the side street. He looked at Bao Ya who was driving with a gloomy face and ordered, "Let's go around the street for a while and then go home." "Yes!" Bao Ya replied immediately.

At this time, Zhang Wa said: "It seems that the other party is heading for Li Tou and President Yu. At that time, the other party's off-road vehicle wanted to cause a traffic accident, and then took advantage of the chaos to **** the metal box from President Yu's body. Do they still have accomplices? ?"

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes, Director Ye just reported that three motorcycles galloped past the surrounding streets when the accident happened, and they should be the accomplices in charge of the response. They must have seen that we had stopped the attacking vehicles. So they immediately evacuated the scene. At present, Director Ye and the police have followed. The other party is really crazy, and they dared to openly **** them in broad daylight. They should have realized that we might have to send the meteorite fragments away as soon as possible, so they quickly took action. action."

Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin with some worry and said, "Since the other party has already attacked President Yu and us, he will definitely attack Professor Wang and them. Should we notify Director Ye and Director Qi immediately and ask them to strengthen the vigilance of the military hospital?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied: "No, Director Ye and Director Qi have rich experience in fighting the enemy. They must have realized this and will not let the enemy succeed."

At this time, Li Dongsheng's voice came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Wan Lin, we are close to your grandfather's residence, where are you and are you safe?" Wan Lin quickly replied: "Report, we are all fine, we Go back after walking around the street for a while, you go back first." Li Dongsheng followed: "Okay, pay attention to safety!" Wan Lin immediately replied: "Yes!"

Wan Lin said and glanced around, followed by opening the sunroof in the car and glanced in the air, he ordered Bao Ya: "It's okay, turn left, go back!" "Yes." Bao Ya replied in a low voice , turn the reverse disc and turn left at the intersection in front, and the off-road vehicles of Chengru and a few people who follow closely behind also turn left.

Wan Lin's black car drove to the entrance of Wan's small courtyard, and Wan Lin's sharp eyes swept around. A silver-gray and black sedan were parked on both sides of the street, and two young men who seemed to be chatting sat under a tree beside the side street. From the outside, the two cars and the young man under the tree were nothing out of the ordinary. But Wanlin and the others knew in their hearts that this must be a national security team member arranged by Ye Feng, who was secretly monitoring the surrounding movement.

As soon as Wan Lin and the others drove to the door, the two vermilion doors suddenly opened silently, and Bao Ya immediately stepped on the accelerator lightly and drove directly into the door. At this time, Wan Lin could see clearly that the door was opened by Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who had arrived earlier. The two looked nervously at the two cars of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru who had entered the door, and then gently closed it again. two doors.

Wan Lin's black car just stopped when two leopards, Xiaobai and Qiuqiu, ran out of the inner courtyard, followed by excited Wan Min, Wan Miao, Shanshan and Shanhua. The children seemed to be happy. The little deer that was in his lap ran to Wan Lin's car, and Wan Min shouted excitedly, "Brother, brother, you're back!" Shanshan and the others also shouted and ran over excitedly.

Wan Lin looked at a group of younger brothers and sisters. He smiled and pushed open the car door beside him. At this time, Xiaomin and Shanshan had already rushed into Wan Lin's arms, who was about to get out of the car. Wan Lin got out of the car with a smile, his right hand gently stroked Wan Min's head, and reached out to hold Wan Miao and Shanshan. At this time, Yu Jing and Xiaoya took Jingyi out of the door with a smile, the two of them walked to Wan Lin and the others, Yu Jing hugged Jing Yi in front of him and said, "Wan Lin, a few children. Really close to you."

Wan Min raised her head and looked at Yu Jing and said seriously: "Aunt Yu, this is my brother!" Xiaoya smiled and pulled Wan Min and Shanshan in front of her and said, "Yes, it's your brother." At this time, Cheng Ru Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa jumped out of the car. Cheng Ru glanced around vigilantly, and then asked Wu Xueying and Wen Meng in a low voice, "Where's Director Ye?" people look. At this time, they had noticed that Ye Feng's black car was not in the courtyard.

Wen Meng came over and replied in a low voice, "Director Ye took us to the door and left immediately." Wan Lin and the others nodded. They already knew in their hearts that Ye Feng was definitely going to direct the arrest of those who had escaped on motorcycles. kid.

At this time, Wan Min looked at Wan Lin, who was covered in dust, and exclaimed, " What's wrong with you? Why is there so much dirt on your body. Brother Yuwen, your arm is injured? I'll bandage you. Now, grandpa taught me how to take the medicine!" After saying that, she ran to Yu Wenfeng and dragged him to run inside the house.

Yu Wenfeng was moved and stretched out his right hand to grab Wan Min's arm and said, "Little sister, I'm fine. We trained with our comrades in the military region for a while, so I have dirt on my body. My arm is only scratched."

Wan Lin looked affectionately at Wan Min, the little sister who had saved his life. He then turned to the people around him and said, "Let's go, let's go see Grandpa." After speaking, he pulled Wan Miaohe Shanshan walked to the inner courtyard,

As soon as Wan Lin's group walked into the inner courtyard, they saw that Grandpa was talking with Li Dongsheng and Qi Zhijun in the courtyard. Wan Lin quickly walked over and called, "Grandpa, I'm back." Cheng Ru and the group also quickly called. Said: "Grandpa, we are back!" The crowd raised their hands to salute the old man, Li Dongsheng and Qi Zhijun.

The old man laughed, his gray eyebrows trembled, and his two deep eyes quickly looked at Wan Lin and Zhang Wa, who were all covered in dust, and asked nervously with the voice: "What's going on, what's wrong with your body? Dirty?" The old man said, his eyes suddenly turned to the Yuwen brothers who hung their left arms on their chests, and the smile on their faces suddenly disappeared.

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