Panther Commando

Chapter 4061: uninvited guest

Kuroda glanced at him coldly, followed by a low voice and asked, "Is there any news from Huaxia?" The visitor immediately replied in R language: "No! According to the news from our employer, that area It has been completely covered by hot volcanic magma, no living creatures can be seen in the surrounding mountains, and it is impossible to find anything of value. Please search on Baidu (), but we still haven't gone with the team we sent. connect."

Having said that, he stopped talking and hesitated for a moment before answering: "According to the information I have obtained now, I analyzed that the team you sent should have been wiped out."

The answer of the person who came was very clear, and the voice did not contain any expression. Hearing the other party's answer, he lowered his head and pondered for a moment before raising his head and said, "Has the black snake reached the target area?" Pick up, they are looking for an opportunity and have not yet launched an operation."

"Grandma, what do the Black Hawks eat, why are they still looking for an opportunity?" Heida scolded a little irritably when he heard the reply from the person who came. He drank the wine glass with his raised hand, and then lowered the wine glass and his face was a little bit. He said blankly: "Forget it, just wait. Yoshino, send the order to distribute pensions to the brothers who lost contact in China, you go."

After he finished speaking, he put the wine glass in his hand on the rock beside the pool, slipped down a bit, and indented his body and head into the rising heat of the pool. At this time, he had already decided that the team he sent must be the whole army. It was over, otherwise there would be no audio for such a long time.

When the visitor heard Kuroda's order, he replied in a low voice, "Yes!" The expressionless face suddenly showed a touch of emotion. As far as he knows, in most of the world's mercenary organizations, the only mercenary groups that can provide pensions to fallen mercenaries are Black Hawk and Yamaguchi, and most mercenary groups only pay employment fees. The casualties and injuries had nothing to do with the hiring organization, so he was really moved when he heard Kuroda's order at this time.

At the moment when he was about to turn away, a burly man suddenly came running behind him. He whispered to the shadow standing by the pool, "Yoshino, three people came outside, and one of them said he was looking for the boss."

Yoshino frowned and asked in a low voice, "Who, how do they know the boss is here?" Kuroda's whereabouts are extremely secretive, and only a few of them around Kuroda know about this place, and these uninvited guests actually found it accurately. Here, it really surprised Yoshino.

The strong man immediately said in a low voice, "I don't know, he just said, you go and tell the boss of your Yamaguchi security guard that the people from the red fox are here!" Yoshino frowned and hesitated for a while, then whispered. : "Wait a while, I'll inform the boss." The strong man looked hesitantly towards the steaming pool in front of him when he heard his order.

Yoshino immediately took a step forward. He was about to open his mouth to speak when Kuroda suddenly poked his head out of the mist floating on the water surface of the hot spring pool. He looked at the brawny man who had just arrived and said coldly, "Yida, tell the people who come, I'll be there soon. ." With that, he pressed the stone by the pool with one hand, and his naked body jumped over the pool with a splash of water. It really surprised him that these people who called themselves the red fox were able to probe his secret abode.

At this time, Yoshino had already walked to Kuroda with a bath towel. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Boss, how do these people know your location and the origin of the red fox?"

Kuroda took the bath towel and wiped his body. He said in a low voice with a gloomy face: "The Red Fox is a killer group that has emerged recently. Legend has it that these people are elusive and skilled, and they are extremely ruthless. Since they found this place, they must be here. It's a request to us, let's go meet these uninvited guests."

As he said, he quickly wiped the water droplets off his body with a bath towel, then threw the bath towel by the pool, and reached out to take the casual clothes that Yoshino handed over to wear on his body. He turned his head and glanced at the picturesque mountains around him and cursed in a low voice: "Grandma, I can't stay in this place. I'll transfer the person who sees the red fox immediately!" He put on a pair of clogs and pulled them together. Go to the intestine path between the rocks in front of you.

Hearing Kuroda's instructions, Yoshino glanced angrily at the steaming hot spring pool, and followed Kuroda forward without saying a word. This is the leisure place he carefully selected for Kuroda. He didn't expect to give up because of the people of Red Fox, which made him a little angry, but he didn't say a word and walked forward behind Kuroda.

Kuroda and Yoshino had just walked around the small stone mountain in front, when they heard the sound of "bang, bang, bang" suddenly coming from the room in front of them and the sound of furniture falling to the ground. Several bodyguards were pulling out The pistol ran to the room where the sound came Kuroda frowned, and shouted to the bodyguards who ran over in a deep voice, "Go back. Yoshino, let's go and have a look."

Yoshino's thin face immediately flushed an angry red. He raised his right hand and pulled out the pistol at his waist. He stepped in front of Kuroda. He accelerated his pace and walked to a row of houses made of wood and stone in front of him. , pushed open the front door.

Four figures were shaking in the reception room in front of Yoshino. Two tall and strong Westerners were fighting with Kuroda's two bodyguards with their bare hands. The two surrounding sofas and a table had already fallen to the ground.

At this moment, one Westerner was punching the bodyguard's left cheek, another Westerner was kicking his right leg to the side of the side bodyguard's ribs, and the two bodyguards were falling to the side in embarrassment. At this moment, a white man in a black suit was standing beside him, with his hands on his waist, his sullen eyes were staring coldly at another bodyguard with a pistol on the side, apparently monitoring this man. Bodyguard movements.

Yoshino opened the door and immediately raised his pistol, aiming the muzzle straight at the white man standing on the side. He stepped into the house with his feet, and the muzzle was still aimed at the white man in the house with his hands on his hips.

"Put down the gun!" Kuroda's deep voice sounded from behind Yoshino. At this moment, Kuroda had stepped into the door. He glanced coldly at the two bodyguards who had been knocked to the ground, and then looked viciously at the two tall Westerners who had their arms folded in front of their chests. people.

He followed and looked at the white man standing aside, he glanced at the three uninvited guests, and then said coldly to Yoshino, who had put away his pistol: "Yoshino, come and don't be indecent, you go with that Two ocean horses having fun!"

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