Panther Commando

Chapter 4063: The 2 masters of the red fox

Seeing Kuroda's icy face, John already understood the mind of Kuroda, the head of the Yamaguchi security guard, and knew that he was upset with the way he showed his face. He sat on the sofa, immediately looked up at Kuroda and said, "Captain Kuroda, I was ordered to come to visit rashly, which is indeed rude. However, John was really impressed by the outstanding skills of the commander today, Yamaguchi. Security is worthy of being a well-known employment organization.”

As he spoke, he stood up and said, "I apologize to Captain Kuroda for the presumptuousness of my trip." As he spoke, he bowed to Kuroda using the etiquette of R country. He was really surprised when he saw Yoshino's lightning-like movements just now, but now he's condescending, this is a sincere apology to Kuroda.

Kuroda was leaning on the back of the sofa, his icy little eyes kept staring at the other side, and at this moment he saw the other side bowing and apologizing to him, and his tense face relaxed. He gently exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth, raised his right hand holding the cigar and shook it slightly, then said, "It's nothing, everyone eats with their hands, it's okay to play two tricks with each other, then we're going to eat. capital."

After finishing speaking, his small eyes were still looking at John who had already sat down, and he continued to say coldly, "What is your boss looking for me?" He didn't ask how the other party found his whereabouts, in his heart It is clear that people in the killer industry are extremely good at collecting intelligence. These people are all-pervasive. He asked in vain. These people will definitely not reveal their intelligence sources.

When John heard Kuroda's question, he sat upright on the sofa and said, "I was ordered to come here this time, just to ask about the situation of the meteorite in Huaxia. After the meteorite landed, we Red Fox have already sent people over. ." At this time, he really had an admiration for Kuroda in his heart, and he already knew that the person in front of him was not a person who deserved a false reputation, so his attitude had become respectful.

As he said, he looked at Kuroda and said, "As of now, our people have not been heard from. Our boss knows that you also sent a team into Huaxia, so we want to see if your people have returned safely, and we also understand What's going on over there?" He stopped speaking here, and his two small eyes, which were deep in their sockets, were fixed on Kuroda's face.

Kuroda raised the cigar in his hand and took a sip, then slowly exhaled the smoke from his mouth and said calmly, "Has our Yamaguchi security sent someone and has returned safely? Does it have anything to do with your red fox?"

When John heard Kuroda's impolite answer, he quickly raised his hand and waved it and said, "No, no, you misunderstood what I meant. Like your Yamaguchi security guard, our Red Foxes send troops to make money. Participated in the operation, but this time entering Huaxia is really strange. Our people only contacted our headquarters once after entering Huaxia, and then there was no news and could not be contacted again. This is very strange, so we are here to ask you. Let me know about your people. We are asking you for advice with sincerity and nothing else."

He said this, and then said, "As far as we know, your people have had many contacts with Huaxia, and you may know them very well." He said here, suddenly took out a small wooden box from a small bag on his back. Holding the wooden box in his hands, he said, "This is a gift that our boss specially told me to bring to you. This is a high-quality Cuban limited edition cigar. He knows that you have a lot of research on cigars."

Hearing his introduction, Kuroda's two icy little eyes suddenly flashed a light. He reached out and took the wooden box in front of him, and looked towards the wooden box with glowing eyes. At this moment, there was a greedy look on his face, and his eyes stared straight at the trademark on the wooden box.

He is a connoisseur of cigars, and he has already seen from this exquisite wooden box made of cigar wood that there are limited edition cigars rolled by hand. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. At this moment, he was really shocked when he stared at this exquisite humidor. This group of red foxes could not only find his extremely secret residence, but also knew his hobbies like the back of the hand, which was really shocking.

With the cigar in his mouth, he stared at the humidor in his hand for a while, and then gently placed the wooden box on the coffee table. Then he looked at John and nodded, and said in Y language, "After you go back, thank you boss for me." At this point his tone has softened a lot.

Seeing that his face had improved, John quickly complimented him and said, "This is a little thought from our boss. It's nothing to be concerned about. I didn't expect Captain Kuroda to speak so well." Kuroda listened to the other's compliment. The icy face really looked a lot better. Although he understood the other party's intention in his heart, he knew the truth of reaching out and not hitting the smiling face. Besides, the other party was a group of killers who turned their faces and didn't recognize them.

John followed up and said, "We know that your subordinates have dealt with the Huaxia military several times and have a deep understanding of them, but our Red Fox people are in contact with them for the first time, and this time our people And suddenly disappeared in Huaxia, so we tried our best to find you and want to hear your opinion."

Kuroda stared at the other party's eyes and rolled his and then took a hard puff on the cigar, he pondered for a while, and slowly said, "You are right, we are old The opponent." He then raised his eyes to look at John and continued, "I will not hide it from you, this time against the meteorite, our Yamaguchi security guard did send people to participate, and like your Red Fox people, there is no one until now. audio."

As he said, he picked up the teapot on the table, raised his hand and filled a teacup on the side with tea, and then gently pushed it in front of John. He continued, "Please drink tea." John quickly caught the teacup with both hands and said, "Thank you. ." Then he looked up at Kuroda.

Kuroda leaned on the back of the sofa, and said with a sad expression, "You don't need to send someone to find those missing men, let them take care of the aftermath!" John's arm holding the teacup trembled abruptly when he heard this. , some of the tea in the cup was spilled, he looked up at Kuroda in astonishment and said, "Impossible, our people all have rich experience in field combat, it is impossible to disappear like this silently!"

Kuroda raised his head and looked at him coldly, then said, "You have seen my people, they are still battle-hardened people, they are probably no worse than yours on the battlefield. But they are still with the Huaxia people. When people fought, they disappeared without a sound.


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