Panther Commando

Chapter 4066: Convinced orally

Kuroda held the pistol in his right hand, and stared at John with two cold eyes. At this moment, he saw the opposite direction looking at him angrily. With a sarcastic look on his face, he said, "John, you must tell your subordinates in the future. If you are a guest at someone else's house, you must be polite and abide by their rules, otherwise you still don't know if you can go out from someone else's home!"

As he said that, his right hand suddenly shrank into the wide sleeve, and the small pistol that was still in his right hand suddenly disappeared as if by magic. John heard Kuroda's sarcastic voice, and without a word, he turned his head to look at the two subordinates who were walking towards the side room outside the door. The two small eyes sunk in their sockets were filled with uncontrollable anger.

But he knew in his heart that this was someone else's territory, and there was really no room for him to speak. These people in front of him are not good men and women. If he really annoys this group of people, the other party will most likely send the three of them to the West on the spot, and will never leave them any room for resistance.

At this time, John really regretted it in his heart. When their boss asked him to visit Heotian, he once told him to treat each other with courtesy, but he arrogantly thought that the people in these hired groups were all sacks of wine and rice, and he really did not expect Kuroda himself and the people around him actually have such skills.

Just when John was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, a smile suddenly appeared on Kuroda's icy face. He looked at John and said, "John, everyone is a person who seeks a life at gunpoint, so don't worry about these messy things."

As he said that, he picked up the tea cup on the coffee table and said, "Drink tea, I forgot to tell you, this is the most famous Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao in China. I will only take it out for the most distinguished guests. Hehe, tell me. You may not believe it, you are in Huaxia, I am afraid you can't drink such a pure Dahongpao!"

Kuroda said that he picked up the teacup in front of him, stared at the clear tea soup in the cup and continued, "Look, this tea soup is green and clear, and the tea leaves are red and green. This is the treasure of tea!" He took a deep breath and said, "This tea has a strong aroma like an orchid, which has the effect of eliminating fatigue and refreshing one's thoughts." He smiled and looked up at John, who was still alive, and said, " Brother, try it."

John silently raised the teacup, the angry look on his face has faded, and the other party's words have explained that they are treating him as a distinguished guest, and the unpleasantness just now has passed. But at this time, he already knew in his heart that after revealing his hand, this Kuroda was changing the subject to avoid him being too embarrassed. He raised the teacup to his face and took a deep breath, and a strong aroma rushed towards him, making him furious. The mood does have a sense of tranquility.

He looked at the teacup in front of him in astonishment, then raised his head to look at Kuroda and asked, "It smells so good, Mr. Kuroda also has research on tea?" He opened his mouth and took a big sip of tea, suppressing the thought in his heart. Share anger.

Hearing his questioning, Kuroda looked up at him and shook it gently and said, "It seems that you don't know anything about oriental culture! Tea drinking is a habit of our country. There is a tea ceremony in our country. It is said that we are born with the habit of drinking tea, which in our country is called a culture, a mutual etiquette and a self-cultivating way of life.”

He then took a small sip of tea, then put down the teacup and looked at John and said in a leisurely tone, "Speaking of which, the tea ceremony was introduced from China to our country, and the best tea in the world is also China."

When he said this, his face suddenly became solemn. He looked at John and said coldly, "China has a long history and outstanding people. If you red foxes want to play against such an opponent, you must understand each other! Otherwise, you will die. I don't know how to get to heaven!" He said behind, his voice suddenly intensified, and his small eyes stared at John coldly.

John was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up and bowed to Kuroda, then straightened up and said, "Thank you, Captain Kuroda, for your guidance. I came here on orders to ask Mr. Kuroda for advice." Although he was reckless and arrogant, his brain But very flexible, he had already heard that Kuroda was pointing them out by drinking tea.

At this time, he had calmed down from his anger, and knew that he and his subordinates were humiliated here, not because of his lack of skills, but because of his lack of understanding of these Yamaguchi mercenaries. Knowledge of Yamaguchi mercenaries.

Seeing John's respectful look, Kuroda nodded, and thought to himself, "This kid can be taught, it seems that this kid is convinced. However, John seems reckless, but his mind is extremely flexible. People like Honghu can be in the industry in a short period of time. It seems that these people are indeed outstanding."

He knows the weaknesses of these people and always wants to become the world's leading martial artist, but after a long time in the mercenary world, he has realized that he is simply not capable of achieving this goal. , any employment organization cannot achieve this goal, and earning money alive is their fundamental purpose.

Now John, the second head of the Red Fox, has calmed down so quickly under the humiliation, and sincerely bowed to him for advice. This really requires a high level of understanding.

Kuroda slowly put the teacup in his hand on the coffee looked up at John who was standing opposite and nodded and said, "Sit down, as I said just now, we are all people who seek life on the tip of a knife. , No one knows when we will meet a strong opponent, but we must ensure that we are alive, and we can make more money by staying alive!"

John nodded vigorously and sat down on the sofa again. At this moment, he was really impressed by the head of Yamaguchi Security, whom he had met for the first time. In the past, he had always thought that his killers and those in the mercenary group were thugs who would kill without blinking an eye, but today he saw Yamaguchi Security. The leader's outstanding skills and deep cultivation.

He sat on the sofa, immediately looked at Kuroda and said, "Yes, you are right! Only by living can you earn money and enjoy life. I apologize to you again for your recklessness." He knew in his heart that this Kuroda's actions just now , is still expressing dissatisfaction in his heart, so he suddenly drew his gun and showed his skills, so that these red foxes would not dare to look down on them.

Kuroda put the cigar in his hand into the ashtray and pressed it hard a few times, then straightened his upper body and waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's over." John saw that Kuroda's face had softened, and he knew that the crisis he had just now has passed. He let out a small breath, just now he was really worried that Kuroda would raise his gun and aim at his head again.


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