Panther Commando

Chapter 4082: stealth battle

Wan Lin and the others watched the two children, Wang pulling a group of children to the kitchen, and everyone laughed. At this time, Cheng Ru looked up and looked around, and then asked, "Where are Xiaohua, Xiaobai and Qiuqiu? Where did they go after so much excitement?"

Wan Lin pointed to the roof on the side and replied, "Qiuqiu has long since sped out from there with Xiaohua and Xiaobai, and it is estimated that Xiaoqiuqiu has found a fun place again, so he took Xiaohua and Xiaobai to inspect his new home. Territory, let them relax and leave them alone."

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's answer and knew that the three leopards looked like kittens and would not attract the attention of outsiders, and they were so fierce that no one or animal could harm them.

He nodded with a smile, and then said to Lin Zisheng who was standing beside him: "Zisheng, you called Wen Meng, let's go outside and see the situation around." After speaking, he greeted Lingling to the outer courtyard go. The son-in-law happily called out the shy Wen Meng, and the four of them walked towards the gate of the outer courtyard in pairs.

Feng Dao watched Cheng Ru and several people walk out, knowing that Cheng Ru was not worried about the situation around him, he smiled and said to the people around him: "Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang, everyone left in pairs, we bachelors only I can go and clean the house. Let's go, go to work." A group of people then laughed and walked to the surrounding rooms.

The small courtyard that had been lively just now suddenly became quiet. The old man kindly looked at the backs of Cheng Ru and his group and muttered to himself, "It's rare for this courtyard to be so lively. It's good for the children to come back." The old man finished speaking. , turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Lin Er, why did you suddenly mention your skills just now, what's going on?"

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then realized that his grandfather was asking him why he suddenly had murderous intent, and he replied in a low voice, "It's nothing, I was talking to Professor Chang about this mission, so I mentioned it unconsciously. Skill." He was afraid that his grandfather would worry about the safety of the children, so he didn't dare to tell the story of the other party following him and attacking Yu Jing and Li Dongsheng.

The old man looked at him solemnly and shook his head gently, but he did not speak. The old man's eyes were very sharp. As early as when Wan Lin and the others came back, they had already sensed the tense atmosphere in them, and knew that something must have happened on their way. Now a few people from Chengru have gone out to observe again, must be preventing something?

Seeing Grandpa's expression, Xiaoya knew that the old man had noticed something, and she quickly said: "Grandpa, it's really nothing, but we ran into a few opponents when we returned, and we drove them away at the time, and now Director Ye and the others are arresting them. Just now, Director Ye called and asked Lin Er to take Yingying and Wen Meng to the National Security Bureau for a meeting tomorrow to hear the progress of the case. "

Hearing Xiaoya's explanation, the old man nodded and said, "I'm nothing to be afraid of as an old man, as long as it doesn't hurt my children." After speaking, he raised his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "You are all Those who kill the enemy on the battlefield, as the saying goes, it is easy to hide the gun, and the arrow is difficult to guard against, you must be vigilant at all times."

The old man said and stood up and continued: "Come on, I'll tell you how to use internal strength to diagnose the disease." Wan Lin and Xiaoya quickly stood up and replied, "Okay." The two followed Professor Xiang Chang. After saying hello, he followed the old man into the house.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya had just walked to the door when the phone in Wan Lin's pocket suddenly vibrated. After he took it out, he glanced at the phone, and then whispered to Xiaoya who was walking beside him, "Litou phone, you go in with grandpa first. Let's go." After speaking, he stopped and raised the phone to his ear and said, "Vice Minister Li, I'm Wan Lin."

Li Dongsheng's rich voice immediately came out on the phone: "Wan Lin, Yu Jing and I have returned to the military area safely. Minister Qi Zhijun called in the morning to inform me and Minister Gao of the situation on your side. Director Ye also immediately Called and gave details on tracking down those attackers."

He paused as he spoke, and continued: "Judging from what we know now, the other party should be from the Red Fox. These people are very ferocious. Director Ye and Director Qi have already formulated a plan to annihilate the enemy. Tomorrow you will bring Let Wu Xueying and Wen Meng study this plan together in the past, and we must not let these murderous enemies escape!"

At the end of his words, there was a murderous aura in his tone. At that time, his and Yu Jing's vehicles were attacked, which really annoyed him as a veteran.

At this time, the voice of Gao Li, the head of the military region's operations department, rang on the phone: "Wan Lin, I discussed with Deputy Minister Li just now. You have already fought with the Red Fox people, and you have a better understanding of the situation of these enemies. Now I In the name of the military region, I order you to participate in the actions of Minister Qi and Director Ye as appropriate, and must not let those daring **** escape!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin immediately answered with both feet at At this time, Li Dongsheng's voice resounded in his ears again: "Wan Lin, this action is mainly about Director Ye and Director Qi, You and your team members have been exhausted both physically and mentally from continuous battles, so you are only participating in operations as appropriate, and there is no need to dispatch all of them. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng are members of the national security system, and Ye Feng will take over the command." Wan Lin quickly replied: "Understood! "

After listening to the orders of the two ministers, Gao Li and Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin put down his mobile phone with a grim expression. He stood at the door and thought for a moment, then took a deep breath and walked into the house with his feet raised. At this time, he already knew in his heart that a secret battle had begun.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Wan Lin drove Wu Xueying and Wen Meng into the compound of the National Security Bureau. The three of them got out of the car in casual clothes. Go straight to the small conference room next to Ye Feng's office. On the way, Wan Lin had already conveyed Li Dongsheng and Gao Li's orders to them, so Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had expressions of tension and excitement on their faces.

As soon as Wan Lin and the three entered the conference room, Wan Lin saw that Director Ye Feng and Director of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department Qi Zhijun were already sitting at the conference table, next to several directors of the National Security Bureau and one of Qi Zhijun's men. The staff officer, Zou Tao, who was wrapped in bandages, also sat beside Qi Zhijun with a serious look. On the big screen at one end of the wall, a topographic map of the military hospital was clearly displayed.

The three of Wan Lin closed the door and raised their hands to salute Qi Zhijun and Ye Feng. Ye Feng, Qi Zhijun and the people sitting at the conference table immediately stood up and returned the salute. Ye Feng then pointed to the three seats beside Zou Tao at the conference table and said. : "Wan Lin, sit down."


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