Panther Commando

Chapter 4086: premeditated

Wan Lin was sitting at the conference table, he quickly glanced at the building distribution of the military hospital, then looked at Zou Tao next to him and asked in a low voice: "Professor Wang and the three of them live here, if the enemy is attracted Is it too dangerous?"

He knew that Professor Wang's hospital area had been closely guarded by Zou Tao's special team members and Ye Feng's people. If they were to open it up to lure the enemy into taking the bait, the three of Professor Wang would definitely be in danger.

Zou Tao immediately replied in a low voice: "The three scientific expedition team members have been sent away through secret channels after careful inspection and disposal in the hospital, and they are not there now. Now, the surgical inpatient department is still strictly protected by us, just for the sake of our opponents. Create an illusion to lure them into taking the bait."

Wan Lin was overjoyed to hear Zou Tao's answer! He suddenly understood that when they returned that day, Commander Ouyang of the Southwest Military Region went to the airport to greet them with great fanfare. One was to welcome the fighters to their triumphant return, and the other was to attract the attention of the enemies. It seems that the commander has been aware of the situation and ordered Qi Zhijun and the others to prepare for the annihilation of these bastards.

Sure enough, Qi Zhijun followed up: "Our commander has noticed that those enemies are unwilling to fail, so he ordered me to contact Director Ye and the others, and jointly formulated a plan to wipe out this group of enemies. When you came back that day, we had already done Well thought out."

"At that time, after we sent Professor Wang and the others to the military hospital, we immediately carried out a series of examinations and treatments. After confirming that their lives were not in danger, we immediately secretly sent them to other hospitals for further diagnosis and treatment, and our surgical inpatient department Still heavily guarded, just waiting for those **** to take the bait."

Wan Lin laughed when he heard this, he looked at Qi Zhijun and said with a smile: "Haha, I said that when we came back that day, why did we arrange so many guards with great fanfare, it turned out to be to attract the attention of the enemy, it seems that you are scheming and early. There is a plan."

Everyone laughed when they heard Wan Lin's voice. Qi Zhijun said with a smile, "Yes, there was a plan. The commander said that day that he was going to meet you in person. I immediately arranged a large number of guards along the way with great fanfare. It's to draw out those bastards. Hehe, I didn't report to the commander at that time. He saw guards everywhere along the way in the car, and he stared at me and scolded me." When everyone heard the witty voice, everyone opened their mouths and laughed. stand up.

Ye Feng also said with a smile: "Yes, this is our territory, how can we let those **** run wild! That day, we and the military intelligence department of the military region have jointly conducted counter-surveillance on those suspicious people who came out to monitor."

When Wan Lin heard this, he immediately asked, "Have you found the locations of those suspicious people?" Ye Feng shook his head and said, "These people have extremely strong anti-reconnaissance and anti-tracking capabilities, so we didn't follow them for a long time in order not to startle the snakes. However, Director Qi and Director Qian's people have already obtained the video data of some suspicious persons." He looked at Director Qi as he spoke.

The gentle, bespectacled intelligence virgin chief Qiao Shiwen said immediately and competently: "Yes, as long as these suspicious persons reappear in the area we set, we can immediately find them. From the current situation, those suspicious persons should be They belong to different employment groups, there should be intelligence personnel from Red Fox and Yamaguchi Security, and I am afraid there are also personnel from overseas intelligence agencies. These people were very vigilant, and we did not dare to continue to follow for fear of attracting their attention. "

Ye Feng followed up: "From the analysis of the current situation, there must be Yamaguchi security personnel among those intelligence personnel, but they have been cleaned up by Wan Lin and the others many times. They should be scruples in their actions and will not act rashly."

He then looked at Wan Lin and said, "The people like Red Fox have not debuted for a long time, so far they have not met a strong opponent. And they don't know much about the strength of our military and the national security system, so they are conceited. I thought I was so powerful that I could run amok in various countries. Wan Lin, it seems that after you wiped out a team of them at the impact point of the meteor, they still haven't learned their lesson!"

Wan Lin looked at Ye Feng and said coldly, "Okay, since they haven't learned their lesson, then we'll beat the underdogs until we beat them, and see how many of them come to die!"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, then we'll beat the underdogs until they hurt them!" He then twisted his body and pointed to the topographic map on the side screen and said, "Now, Minister Qi and I have jointly formulated a plan. Yes, the enemy was drawn to the vicinity of the surgical ward of the General Hospital of the Military Region under the pretext of treating the injuries of the expedition team members, and the enemy was wiped out in one fell swoop."

At this time, Qi Zhijun said with a serious face: "Now the three expedition team members have been secretly Our people disguised as scientific expedition team members and lived in the ward, and the medical staff were replaced by our people in disguise. The red realm is the battlefield where we beat these underdogs!"

When Wan Lin heard this, he looked at Qi Zhijun with glowing eyes and asked, "How do we arrange our people?" Qi Zhijun smiled when he saw his appearance, knowing that he was itching to participate in the action again.

He smiled and said, "You forgot the orders of your two ministers? You are participating in the war as appropriate. With so many people on our side, we still need you to fight continuously. You return Wen Meng and Xiaoya to Director Ye. Just fine."

When Wan Lin heard Minister Qi's answer, his eyes dimmed immediately, and he said a little dejectedly, "Then we are watching from the side?" The people around them all laughed when they saw the young soldier's depressed look.

Ye Feng raised his finger to the screen on the side, and said with a smile: "Your military region's operations department has ordered you to participate in the war as appropriate, and there is really no need for all members to participate. So, in order to ensure that the opponent is brought into the surgical inpatient department, you lend me two The wounded are similar to the expedition team members, and the leopards are also used by us. These two little babies have extremely sensitive senses, and they are more effective than those electronic reconnaissance equipment such as cameras."

Wan Lin's darkened eyes suddenly lit up again. He was about to speak with joy, and Zou Tao, who was sitting next to him, said hesitantly, "It's a hospital there, will the presence of two little leopards in the hospital attract the attention of the enemy? "

Ye Feng immediately replied: "No, there are stray cats in all hospitals, and I went to the hospital for a walk yesterday. Our two little babies look just like them. As long as they are mixed in with these stray cats, they won't be at all. It will attract the attention of outsiders.”


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