Panther Commando

Chapter 4088: forget yourself

Seeing the expressions of several of his subordinates, Ye Feng immediately looked at Qi Zhijun and said loudly: "Minister Qi, then it's settled, your people and Wan Lin's people are in charge of the inner circle, and the outer circle of our National Security Bureau people are in charge!" Qi Zhijun He also replied loudly: "Okay, that's it, do we arrange a few snipers on the surrounding buildings? To prevent the enemy from escaping."

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Those red foxes are all special operators with field experience, and it is difficult for us to know the location of their surveillance personnel. It is difficult for snipers to avoid their eyes. When they find there are snipers around, our intentions will be revealed. In addition, there are many people in the hospital, and the sniper rifles are too powerful. Once fired, innocent people are likely to be injured.”

He hesitated for a while when he said this, then looked at Qi Zhijun and said, "Well, Wen Meng is a sniper herself, she just needs to carry a sniper rifle by her side. In addition, there are snipers among Captain Wan and the others as well as your guards. Also carry a sniper rifle with you to prevent accidents."

Qi Zhijun replied immediately: "Okay, that's it. All the snipers participating in this operation are secretly carrying sniper equipment. Once the enemy is found fleeing, they can shoot without harming the innocent." He followed. Looking at Wan Lin and Zou Tao, Wan Lin and Zou Tao quickly answered loudly, "Yes!"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Wan Lin and asked, "The person disguised as a member of the scientific expedition must be a wounded person, but it cannot affect the operation. Now that the Zou Brigade is going up in person, which two members are you going to send?"

Wan Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's send Chengru and Fengdao, both of them are very good at kung fu, and there are injuries on their arms, but the injuries are not serious, and the wounds have begun to heal and will not affect their movements. In addition, Fengdao's hidden weapon skills are extremely good, and it can provide support for comrades around you in times of crisis."

"Okay!" Ye Feng said immediately, he stood up and walked to the screen, raised his finger to the red domain on the screen and said, "According to the orders of Deputy Director Wang Molin of the State Security Administration and Commander Ouyang of the Southwest Military Region, I am the leader of this operation. Commander-in-chief, Minister Qi is the deputy commander-in-chief of this operation to assist me in commanding."

He stopped talking, and said loudly with a grim look on his face: "The opponents in this operation are very fierce, and all the personnel participating in the operation in each unit must not be slack in the slightest, and you must do a good job in pre-war mobilization. "

Everyone sitting at the conference table immediately stood up and shouted: "Yes!" Ye Feng raised his hand and pressed it down to let everyone sit down, and he followed up: "According to the results of today's discussion, Captain Wan and Brigade Zou are responsible for this red spot. *Yu, be ready to strike the enemy head-on at any time!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin and Zou Tao stood up and replied. Ye Feng followed up: "The staff of the National Security Bureau do a good job of monitoring, vigilance, and communication around the inpatient department. Once suspicious persons are found approaching, they will immediately notify the commander Zou." Qian Bin and Director Qiao answered accordingly. one sound.

At this time, Wan Lin raised his hand and touched his head, and said suspiciously, "No, where am I?" He had just been patronizing Xiaoya and a few others to obtain tasks, but he forgot to assign himself a role.

When everyone heard his doubtful voice, they all couldn't help laughing. Qi Zhijun said with a smile: "You just came back from the war zone, so you can accompany the old man and other team members to rest for a while. You can be the reserve team. We will notify you if there is any situation."

When everyone heard Qi Zhijun's voice, everyone looked at Wan Lin, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying's tired faces with a distressed look in their eyes. They all know that Wan Lin and the others have experienced life and death under extremely difficult conditions, and they really need to rest.

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said anxiously, "I'm fine, Wen Meng and Xiaoya have already participated in this operation, how can I stand by and watch?"

Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun saw Wan Lin's anxious look, and they glanced at each other. They knew that Wan Lin, the leopard head, would never stand by and watch. Ye Feng followed up and said, "It seems that you can't be idle either. Mobile personnel, you can just walk around in the hospital when you have nothing to do, and once you find the enemy's situation, you can help us capture the enemy at any time."

Qi Zhijun followed suit: "In addition, your left hand and arm are also injured, and there are a few wounded around you who need to be taken care of. Now that Xiaoya and several others are not with you, you also need to go to the hospital to change the medicine. Wan Lin, that's how it was arranged. Bar."

Wan Lin nodded helplessly when he heard Qi Zhijun's words. He followed with a long sigh and said, "Oh, it can only be like this, how could I forget myself."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "You haven't forgotten, your people have already participated in this operation. Well, let's study the details of the operation in detail now." Following his voice, Director Qiao of the Intelligence Department of the National Security Bureau I got up and stood took out a few sheets of paper from the folder in front of me, leaned over and handed them to everyone present.

Seeing that Director Qiao had finished distributing the documents, Ye Feng put away the smile on his face and said solemnly: "This time our opponent is different from the spies we have encountered in the past, this is a group of very dangerous militants. , this is in a densely populated urban area, so we must be vigilant and must not accidentally injure civilians during the operation."

When he said this, looking at the people who were taking the documents, he continued: "You have the detailed plan of this operation in your hands, which lists the location of each operator according to the area. Make sure this action is safe."

As he spoke, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "Captain Wan, Wu Xueying, Wen Meng, you have played against these red foxes, and you should study this plan carefully. If you have any questions, you can ask them at any time." "Okay!" Wan Lin The three replied immediately, and they looked down at the plan in their hands carefully.

The plan is very simple. On a piece of A4 paper is a reduced topographic map of the surgical ward area of ​​the General Hospital of the Military Region. On it, the positions of personnel in each channel are marked with human-shaped icons of different colors, and the text annotations are below.

Wan Lin quickly read the plan, he looked up at Ye Feng and asked, "Where might the enemy enter the ward?" Ye Feng immediately pointed to the topographic map on the screen beside him and said, "From the topographic analysis of the inpatient department, the enemy has There are two ways to enter the ward, one is to disguise as a wounded person and enter by means of an ambulance; the second way is to disguise as a medical staff and enter the surgical ward from the surgical operating room through this barrier-free passage.” Said , he raised his hand and tapped a red channel on the screen.


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