Panther Commando

Chapter 4099: Surveillance and Counter Surveillance

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Just when the boy reached out his hand and touched his waist in anger, the boy next to him quickly bent down and held his right hand stretched out to his waist, followed by vigorously picking it up and looking down at his companion's bleeding wound, The two then limped towards the outpatient building, turning their heads to look at the group of kittens standing on the roof sideways and cursing.

At this time, Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua's movements out of the corner of his eyes, and he was shocked. He was relieved until he saw that the other party could still stand up and limping around. At this time, he knew that Xiaohua was angry when he saw the other party raised his right foot, so he stretched out his paw and scratched the other party, but it already grasped the proportions, and did not cause the other party to be seriously injured, but just scratched the other party's paw as hard as a normal kitten. .

Wan Lin's eyes looked casually sideways. At this time, Xiao Hua's agile figure had reappeared beside Xiao Bai's kittens on the roof, and she was proudly following Xiao Bai to watch the noisy crowd below.

Wu Xueying had also seen Xiaohua's actions, she immediately understood that Xiaohua was pointing them to the suspect at this time, she held Wan Lin with a smile in her eyes and said, "Mr. Wan, shall we go to the MRI room to continue the examination? "

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to support Wan Lin's arm and walked to the side, and then whispered into the microphone: "Director Qiao, those two people with lunch boxes seem to be the two you found at the gate of the military district. Suspects, watch them!"

Wan Lin followed Wu Xueying who was reporting on crutches, and limped to the MRI room on the side. The movements seemed very difficult, and it seemed that he was going to the next examination.

When he saw that Wu Xueying had finished reporting, he whispered to Wu Xueying as he walked: "You are right, Xiaohua has recognized these two people just now, and they must be the suspects that Director Qiao and the others discovered. How do I look at it? These two are very familiar, and they should have appeared near the military compound."

As he said that, his eyes suddenly swept across a young man sitting on the side steps of the MRI room, and he whispered to Wu Xueying, "Watch this kid!" At this time, he could already see that the other party's eyes were swept across quickly. The surroundings seemed to be monitoring everyone outside the surgical ward. There was a faint icy look in this person's eyes, and there was a familiar feeling from the side. Wu Xueying immediately replied in a low voice, "Okay."

As Wu Xueying walked slowly while supporting Wan Lin, she whispered into the hidden microphone: "Qiao Chu, pay attention to the man in dark gray clothes and wearing a sun hat sitting at three o'clock. This man seems to be very tracked. Suspicious, and it seems to be one of the suspects in the image." She could see that this person was very familiar in a glance. "Received." Director Qiao's voice immediately came from Wu Xueying and Wan Lin's wireless headphones.

At this time, the quarrel coming from behind suddenly became more intense, and someone shouted: "Don't hit people, if you have something to say, why do you beat people!" What is a woman? Say something!"

Wan Lin frowned when he heard the cry coming from behind, stopped and turned to look. He saw through the gap in the crowd that the man who was pulling the female doctor just now suddenly raised his arms in excitement. The woman was beaten, and she was still scolding, and there was a fat woman beside her who was pulling **** the female doctor's white coat.

The female doctor stretched out her hand to block the palm of the man's blow, and pushed the woman beside her, crying with a crying voice in her mouth: "I didn't see the doctor for you, you are mistaken, I didn't show you. sick."

At this time, Qian Bin's stern voice suddenly came from Wan Lin and Wu Xueying's earphones: "Attention, all personnel participating in the operation are not allowed to leave their posts without permission! Disputes in the hospital are handled by the hospital security department and the police, and secretly monitor those who have been discovered. suspicious persons, search for suspicious persons around."

When Wan Lin and Wu Xueying heard Qian Bin's voice, they immediately understood in their hearts that the incident in front of them must be the chaos deliberately created by the other party. The purpose was to find their own security personnel, but this was also a good time to distinguish hidden enemies.

The shouting from the crowd grew louder, and several hospital security guards were already running from the surroundings. They hurriedly ran into the crowd and pushed aside the crowd of onlookers, and then pulled the beating man and the shrew who was tearing at the female doctor aside.

At this moment, three middle-aged men who had been watching the excitement suddenly rushed towards the security guard. They pulled the beating man and woman, and while vigorously shoving the security guard, they shouted, "Your hospital is still alive. Is it unreasonable?" "Why are you pulling our family?" "Let go and avoid"...

A few security guards were caught off guard and were pushed back and staggered back by the three men who suddenly appeared. At this time, Wan Lin saw that there were several fully armed soldiers standing around the surgical department. They stood around the inpatient department and watched the surroundings coldly, but they did not stop the disputes that occurred not far away.

At this time, the suspects were standing around watching the movements of everyone nearby. The suspected sniper who was leaning on crutches was also scanning the surrounding buildings with cold eyes. Obviously, he was searching the surrounding buildings to see if there were hidden security personnel In this way Determine if there is a trap here?

Wan Lin stopped and looked back. He saw several heavily armed soldiers appearing around the surgical inpatient ward, and he immediately understood that they must have come out according to the command of the command. If the location of the expedition team members is not guarded by military guards, it is obviously abnormal, so they immediately appear around according to the command of the command, the purpose is to let the opponent discover their existence.

At the same time, Wan Lin couldn't help but feel a little awe-inspiring after scanning the suspects. He secretly said in his heart, "It seems that these red fox people do have experience in secretly planning actions. The people who are causing trouble in front of them must be bought by them. The thugs, their purpose is to see who the guards are and where they are."

He followed seemingly inadvertently swept over the boy sitting on the front steps, and speculated suspiciously in his heart: "The aura on this boy is different from those of the suspects just now, he doesn't seem to be a red fox, he doesn't have that kind of smell on him. Severe murderous aura, could it be a spy from another organization?"

At this moment, a siren suddenly sounded from behind, Wan Lin and Wu Xueying raised their heads and looked towards the hospital gate. In the darkness, a police car with sirens and lights flashing was driving in from the gate, heading straight for the direction where the crowd gathered.

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