Panther Commando

Chapter 4101: mercenary

Wan Lin followed Wu Xueying into the aisle of the MRI room suspiciously. He followed him to the window and looked out through the side glass window.

The other party was walking unhurriedly towards the outpatient building of the hospital, but did not look in front of the surgical inpatient department. Obviously, he may have gotten what he wanted from the riot that happened just now, so he was worried about attracting attention, so he went straight outside.

At this time, Wu Xueying had also quickly observed several people waiting to be checked. She then whispered to Wan Lin, "Mr. Wan, let's go in through another door." Wan Lin nodded and followed with a cane. Wu Xueying walked to the other aisle on the side.

At this time, he already understood in his heart that Wu Xueying and Wen Meng arrived here early, and Qian Bin and the others must have brought them to familiarize themselves with the various passages here, and determined the passage to be used in an emergency.

At this moment, Sister Qiao, the director of the Intelligence Division of the National Security Bureau, who was wearing a white coat with a stethoscope in her pocket, suddenly came towards them. She walked up to Wan Lin and looked at Wu Xueying and said: " Xiao Wu, have you brought the patient for an examination?" Wu Xueying quickly raised her head and replied, "Doctor Qiao, Mr. Wan fell just now. I wonder if it affected the injury? So I took him to check."

Director Qiao glanced behind them and said, "Come with me, I'll check with Mr. Wan." With that, she took Wu Xueying and Wan Lin and pushed open a door beside her and walked in. Wan Lin already understood at this point that Director Qiao must have been watching the movement on her side just now, knowing that the suspect was already paying attention to them, so she hurried over to respond.

The three walked into the room, Wu Xueying turned around and glanced outside the door, and then gently closed the door. Director Qiao looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "What happened just now?"

Wan Lin said in a low voice: "The suspect who was sitting on the steps just now may have doubts about our identity, so he came to check the crutches and injuries I was leaning on. He saw the crutches and the blood oozing from my hands. After that, I dispelled my suspicions and turned away."

Wu Xueying looked at Director Qiao and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qiao, the group of troublemakers must have been sent by the opponent, are they investigating our arrangement?" "It must be the confusion caused by the opponent deliberately, the purpose is to check Is there a trap we set up here?" Director Qiao replied with no expression on his face.

She followed her side ear and listened to the movement outside the door, raised her hand and pushed the glasses on her face, and said in a low voice, "I'll see the police's interrogation record in a while. I just saw that the security guard and the police caught two people. The troublemakers." Wan Lin said thoughtfully, "These troublemakers wouldn't belong to the other party, right? How could they possibly attract the police's attention because of their violent identities?"

Director Qiao immediately said: "Yes, it's definitely not the other party's person, it should be someone they instigated or hired with money. The purpose of making these people make trouble is to see if there are traps here? Also observe us. The number and position of the team sent to protect the expedition."

Wan Lin listened attentively to Director Qiao's analysis, and then asked, "Do those hospital security and police officers know about our plan?" Director Qiao immediately replied, "I don't know. For confidentiality, we only notify the hospital security guard. There are three important people in the department who were admitted to the surgical ward, and the guards in the ward were directly sent by the military region to **** them, and they did not tell them all about the operation. In addition, the operation was not notified to the police. "

Wan Lin nodded. He knew clearly in his heart that this was not a question of trust or not, but the fewer people who knew about this secret operation, the better. He followed in a low voice and asked: "The person who was watching us just now doesn't seem to be a Red Fox. He doesn't have that fierce murderous aura."

Director Qiao said thoughtfully: "Judging from the current situation, there are red foxes and other spies of unknown origin gathered here. It is difficult to identify them now. We have sent people to monitor them separately." At this moment, Director Qiao suddenly raised Pointing to her ear, she indicated that there was a call coming in. She listened intently for a while and said, "Okay, I see."

She then raised her head to look at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying and said, "The troublemakers just now have all been arrested, and the preliminary interrogation has been carried out. These people are a group of professional doctors who often help some patients and the hospital. The troublemaker. According to their confession, a stranger they had never met gave them 2,000 yuan to help them find a doctor who misdiagnosed his family, and promised to give them another 10,000 yuan. Just now The stranger pointed to the doctor outside the surgical ward and said that she had misdiagnosed her family, so they surrounded her."

When Wu Xueying heard this, she looked up at Director Qiao and scolded angrily: "These mercenary villains bought them for more than 10,000 yuan. We must clean up these medical troubles! Find the instigator. No?" Director Qiao shook his head and replied: "After the incident, this person has disappeared. Our people are working with the police to obtain video and search, and there is no result yet. We don't need to worry about this group of doctors, and the police will take care of them. They'll do it."

As she said that, she looked at Wan Lin and said, "Although it's not a good thing for those boys to make trouble just now, we also found a few suspicious Except for the few people you and Wu Xueying discovered , Our people also found three targets around, and now they have sent people to monitor them. Judging from the current situation, these people may belong to different spy organizations, and they all came to the scientific expedition team and meteorite fragments. "

When Wu Xueying heard that these people might belong to different organizations, she frowned and asked worriedly, "They won't do it at the same time, right?" Wan Lin also raised his eyes and looked at Director Qi worriedly.

When Director Qiao heard Wu Xueying's question, a look of disdain suddenly appeared on her gracious face, and she said coldly: "Those spy organizations have already learned our methods, they are not so big. How dare you! From the analysis of the current situation, there is only the newly emerged organization, the Red Fox, I don’t know the importance, we can concentrate on dealing with the Red Fox group now!”

Wan Lin thought for a moment after hearing Director Qiao's answer, then nodded. Judging from the current situation, both the security guards in Yamaguchi and the spies have already experienced the strength of our national security and the military. The purpose of these people here is just to know the scientific research personnel and meteorite fragments who have gone deep into the falling area of ​​the meteorite. 's whereabouts.

When they are not sure, they really do not dare to blatantly do something in our mainland China. Now, only the arrogant armed men like the Red Fox could risk their lives without knowing the importance of their actions.

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