Panther Commando

Chapter 4103: missing suspect

Wan Lin and a group of people in the doctor's office stared at the monitoring screen with solemn expressions. They all knew in their hearts that if the suspect No. 1 was really a sniper, then his sudden disappearance would mean that the subsequent actions would be in great danger. Under the muzzle of a sniper, no one could guarantee their own safety. , this kid's threat is too great!

Director Qiao moved the mouse lightly, adjusted the picture on the screen, and said, "Look, the experimental building is surrounded by this circle of walking paths, and it is impossible for the other party to disappear from our eyes. The only possibility now is this person. Suddenly, under the cover of the crowd, I sneaked into the flowerbed close to the laboratory building, and then secretly climbed down to the laboratory building, and then entered the laboratory building at an opportune time."

Zou Tao immediately asked: "Is there any surveillance in the laboratory building?" Director Qiao replied immediately, "There are in the corridor and elevator, but not in the walking stairwell. If the other party goes in, he will definitely not appear in the corridor to take the elevator. I will definitely avoid the surveillance and take the stairs.”

At this time, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, staring at the screen and said: "This position is the position to cover and retreat. If the opponent sneaks into us and succeeds and then retreats, they must go through the hospital's gate and back door. At this time, they must appear in this place. The two sides of the medical inpatient building in the middle are just right to intercept the security personnel we chased from a long distance!"

Hearing Wan Lin's analysis, Zou Tao immediately said: "Yes, the other party must have realized that we will strictly monitor the buildings within the field of vision of the surgical inpatient department, so they gave up these best support and cover positions around them, and chose This is not directly facing our laboratory building. That kid chose this inconspicuous position to cover the retreat of his companions, and the distance of these passages is also within the range of the sniper rifle. "

Wan Lin immediately looked at Zou Tao and said, "Brigade Zou, you should also adjust the position of your snipers. If the opponent is a sniper, then he is too dangerous, and he must not pull the trigger!"

When everyone heard Wan Lin's suggestion, they immediately looked at Zou Tao. They all knew in their hearts that any sniper was the most dangerous person, so they must not let the other party act.

Zou Tao nodded and took a step to the desk. He pointed to the building of the inpatient department of internal medicine in the middle of the screen, then looked at Director Qiao and asked, "Director Qiao, is the height of this building higher than that of Director Qiao? The laboratory building should be taller?" Director Qiao replied immediately: "Yes, the laboratory building is six floors, and this inpatient building is eight floors, two floors higher."

Zou Tao immediately looked at Wan Lin and said: "Leopard head, then I will arrange a sniper on the roof of this building, who can monitor the roof of the experimental building from a high position. Once the other party's figure is found, he can immediately kill the other party. Look. How?"

Wan Lin stared at the image on the screen, he pondered for a moment and replied: "Okay! However, now we can't judge each other's retreat route. In order to prevent this kid from hiding at the floor window and attacking secretly, I suggest that on both sides of the laboratory building. Arrange a sniper for each!" He followed by raising his hand and clicking on the buildings on both sides of the laboratory building.

He then looked at Director Qiao and asked, "Where are these two buildings?" Director Qiao stared at the screen and replied, "On the right is the Orthopedic Surgery Building, which is five stories high; on the left is the three-dimensional parking lot. Three floors above ground and two floors below."

At this time, Zou Tao already understood what Wan Lin meant. Now he really can't judge the retreat route after the enemy's action. If the enemy is not hidden on the roof, it is likely to appear near the windows on both sides of the floor of the laboratory building. At this time, the internal medicine department is hospitalized. The snipers in the building could not see the enemy in the distant windows at all, so snipers had to be arranged on both sides.

Zou Tao looked at Wan Lin and said, "Then I will place the three snipers in these three positions." He followed it and tapped three times at different positions on the screen. Wan Lin stared at the position of his hand and nodded, "Okay, this way we can monitor the windows on the roof and both sides of the laboratory building." At this time, Qian Bin said, "Brigade Zou, I will send someone to lead the three snipers. In the past, to prevent being discovered."

Zou Tao immediately replied: "Okay, I'll order now, let the three snipers gather in the car, and your people will just go over there." As he spoke, he gave the order in a low voice to the microphone pinned to his collar.

At this time, Director Qiao had stepped aside and asked in a low voice what? She walked back to Wanlin and the others and said, "The suspects have been discovered. Except for the missing person suspected of being a sniper, the other suspects have left the hospital."

At this moment, the sound of a report suddenly came from her earphone. She listened intently for a while and whispered, "Don't get close to the other party, let the other party leave."

After speaking, she looked at Wan Lin and the others with a dignified expression and said, "Just now, after the second person next to the suspected sniper walked out of the hospital, a motorcycle suddenly drove by the side here People stepped on motorcycles at the intersection ahead and suddenly accelerated to cross the red light intersection, our people did not dare to follow directly for fear of attracting the attention of the other party.”

Wan Lin and the others looked at Director Qiao with solemn expressions. Losing the other party's whereabouts at this time means that they can't know when the other party will act? This is tantamount to putting a heavy stone on everyone's heart.

But they also all knew that under the circumstances at the time, Guoan's team members could not continue to track suspicious elements driving motorcycles on the intricate roads in the city.

Just when everyone was in a low mood, the deep voice of the commander-in-chief Ye Feng suddenly came out of everyone's earphones: "Wan Lin, Zou Tao, now the No. 1 and No. 2 suspects have escaped our sight, but people like Honghu Your target is the surgical ward where you are. Therefore, it is up to you to completely wipe out the enemy. Remember, if the enemy dares to act, I authorize you to kill!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin and Zou Tao answered immediately. At this time, they could hear the anger in Ye Feng's voice. This group of gangsters not only entered the plateau area of ​​our country without authorization to covet our treasures in China, but now they have gone deep into the mainland to chase after them, and they are still in our military hospital. Provoking an accident in the middle, this really caused an uncontrollable anger in Ye Feng's heart.

At this time, the voice of Qi Zhijun, the head of the operations department of the Southwest Military Region, also sounded: "Wan Lin and Zou Tao, strictly implement Director Ye's orders, kill them, and never let them hurt innocent people!"

"Yes, kill me!" Wan Lin and Zou Tao replied in a deep voice. The people around also stood at attention with grim faces, looking at Wan Lin and Zou Tao with murderous expressions on their faces.


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