Panther Commando

Chapter 4106: Tranquilizers in Chicken Thighs

At this time, a layer of cold sweat broke out from Qian Bin's group, and their faces were extremely nervous! Xiaoya put the lunch box in front of her face, lowered her head and smelled it, then said nervously, "Yes, this is a kind of animal anesthetic!" Director Qi immediately carried the lunch box and said, "I'll go to the laboratory to check it out. !"

Wan Lin immediately reached out and grabbed Xiaoya and said, "Don't go out now!" Everyone was stunned when they heard Wan Lin's voice, and all looked up at Wan Lin's face. At this time, they really didn't know what Wan Lin was thinking. ?

Qian Bin was also stunned when he heard Wan Lin's voice, and then he said with bright eyes, "Yes, don't go out at this time to avoid attracting the attention of the enemy!" At this moment, he suddenly understood what Wan Lin meant by not letting everyone out. , he followed to Xiaoya who was a doctor and asked, "Xiaoya, what is the effect of this medicine?"

Xiaoya lowered her head and sniffed the lunch box again, then raised her head and said, "This should be the smell of veterinary anesthetics used on large livestock. According to regulations, it is a state-controlled drug, and it cannot be bought without a doctor's prescription. It can be found in some Rural veterinary stations with poor management, but you can buy them casually. This anesthetic is very strong and can be injected intravenously or mixed with food."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and fanned it above the steaming lunch box, carefully smelled the smell in the lunch box, and said, "This animal sedative has the same basic ingredients as human sedatives, but it is not pure. So there will be some slight taste. Thanks to the sensitive nose of the leopard head, it is really difficult to find this medicine mixed in food. "

She continued with some fear: "It seems that these red fox people are indeed not professional spies. Most of the sedatives used in medicine are colorless and odorless. I am afraid that these people have no response channels to get these sedatives, so they will be temporary. Got some veterinary tranquilizers."

At this time, she already understood that Wan Lin himself has profound internal skills, his nose is far more sensitive than normal people, and he has followed his grandfather to tinker with herbs since he was a child, and he is very sensitive to the smell of various medicines. Although he was not clear about this anesthetic, it was also a substance extracted from plants, so Wan Lin's keen sense of smell immediately smelled the medicinal smell.

Hearing Xiaoya's answer, Qian Bin also said with a pale face: "Yes, the chemicals used by those spies are colorless and odorless. It seems that these red foxes have indeed not undergone this kind of training, nor have they obtained the The response channels of these medicines." He followed Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, thanks to your sensitive nose today, otherwise it would be difficult for us to find this kind of veterinary sedative mixed in chicken legs."

At this time, Wu Xueying looked at the lunch box still in her hand in amazement and said, "My mother, this group of people is so hateful! By the way, will the meals of the patients in the next ward also contain this kind of sedative?"

Director Qiao immediately shook his head and said: "No, we are the only people who deliver meals in the form of box lunches. The team members outside are all disguised as hospital employees and enter the hospital canteen in batches to eat. The patients in the ward outside are all delivered meals. Staff carts to deliver meals from ward to ward, and the other party will not prescribe medicine, it seems that those people have long been targeting us."

Qian Bin also said thoughtfully: "Yes, the enemy's purpose is not to kill, their purpose is to hijack the scientific expedition team members and rob the meteorite fragments in the metal box, so the content of the medicine they put in the meal is only to make us coma, the dose is not high. It would be too life-threatening. A dead expedition team member has no value to them."

Everyone nodded when they heard Qian Bin's analysis. The lunch box delivered here was for the guards and the disguised expedition team members, but the other party didn't know that Feng Dao and the others were fake expedition team members, so the other party Definitely not going to put too much of a dose in a lunch box.

At this time, Wan Lin stared at the screen and said coldly: "Okay, the other party's purpose is to let everyone in our ward sleep, and then they can steal the metal box and take away the scientific expedition team members without any effort. It's really beautiful to think! Then we simply do whatever we want, pretending to be unconscious and letting them come in without hindrance."

He turned to look at Qian Bin and said, "Director Qian, let us outside secretly investigate the person delivering the meals to see if he is an employee of the hospital cafeteria?" Qian Bin immediately said, "It's already been arranged, and we're working on it. survey."

He raised his hand to stop everyone from speaking, and listened to the voice in the earphone for a while, then frowned and said into the microphone, "Okay, I see."

He then looked at Wan Lin and Zou Tao and said, "It has been verified through surveillance that the person delivering the meals is indeed not someone from the hospital cafeteria! It was a man who was dressed in the hospital's food delivery clothes and had appearances similar to those of the food delivery staff. Immediately after dinner, I walked towards the and disappeared in a corner of the surveillance camera. It seems that this person intercepted the food deliveryman halfway, and then injected anesthesia into the chicken legs in each lunch box. ."

Hearing this, Zou Tao asked worriedly: "Is that delivery person in danger?" Qian Bin replied gloomily, "I haven't found the real delivery person yet. However, the other party's purpose is not to cause troubles. Therefore, I estimate that the other party may have suddenly approached the food delivery man, and then unexpectedly injected him with a strong anaesthetic. The purpose was to make him coma for a long time and not kill him. "

Wan Lin and Zou Tao breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Qian Bin's judgment. Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes, although these people are brutal, they are retired special forces from the regular army. Killing casually under the circumstances, especially when facing civilians." He then turned to look at Xiaoya and asked, "Xiaoya, can you judge the medicinal properties of the food?"

Xiaoya immediately replied: "I don't know the dose that the other party uses in each lunch box. I can only judge the onset time and maintenance time of this anesthetic after the dose is determined by laboratory tests. I'm going out to the laboratory now. I need to know the exact composition and dosage of this anesthetic before I can give an answer." She picked up a white cloth to wrap the lunch box, turned around and walked out quickly.

At this time, she, Zou Tao, and Qian Bin already understood Wan Lin's plan, which was to use the anesthetic in the lunch box to pretend to be unconscious to attract the enemy in. But in order to pretend to be realistic, they must know the dose of these sedatives in the lunch box, and use this as a basis to make corresponding actions to confuse the enemy.


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