Panther Commando

Chapter 4132: sinister killer

In the dim starlight, the red fox sniper saw that the opponent suddenly retreated like lightning, followed by a harsh sound of gun bolts. He raised his eyes and quickly stopped, with a desperate look in his crazy eyes. His face turned pale as white paper.

At this time, he already knew that the conspiracy to kill the opponent with the help of this assassination method had been discovered by the opponent. Now, he has lost his last chance for revenge, and he knows that the other party will not give him a second chance.

At this moment, Wan Lin made an angry questioning sound, and the stopped figure suddenly rushed forward, and a strong wind appeared in front of him, the red fox sniper, in a blink of an eye. Wan Lin's bandaged left hand slammed into the opponent's face with a fierce wind noise!

The other party's desperate eyes suddenly appeared again. He originally thought that the other party would let the people around him shoot him to death, but he didn't expect that the other party actually rushed up to meet the poisonous ring on his hand. , which gave him another chance to kill the opponent.

The crazy look in his eyes reappeared. One side of his head let go of the opponent's left palm, and his left foot stepped back half a step. At this moment, his left hand suddenly raised his left arm, which was vigorously attacked at the opponent. catch up.

At this time, he didn't dare to raise his right hand easily. He knew that the muzzles of the people around him were eyeing him. Once he raised his right hand to threaten the opponent, the ruthless bullets around him would definitely shoot him in the head without hesitation. ! He knows that he has no hope of survival, but he is not willing to die like this, he must find the time to die with his opponent.

Just as he stepped back and stretched out his left hand to grab the opponent's wrist, the opponent's left hand suddenly retracted. Wan Lin's eyes burst with light. At this moment, his figure suddenly took a step to the side, and his right hand clenched his fist and slammed into the opponent's right shoulder with a gust of wind.

At this moment, every movement of Wan Lin was as fast as lightning. At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in the opponent's eyes. His right arm, which had been protecting the injured rib, suddenly raised, and the right fist with the poison-feeding ring was clipped to the side of the body, and went straight to Wan Lin to strike. He slammed **** his fist, and his body was already thrown in front of the opponent at this time.

The pupils in the eyes of the people around them suddenly shrank, and everyone's guns immediately followed, but at this time, the other party did not retreat but advanced in the fierce attack of Wan Lin. Can't shoot!

At the moment when the two fists collided with the sound of the wind, Wan Lin's figure suddenly took a step to the side like lightning, the right fist he struck withdrew like a snake, and his right leg suddenly raised, " A loud banging sound immediately came from under the opponent's left ribs.

In the blink of an eye, everyone's eyes flashed, and the red fox sniper had already flew into the air, with a gust of wind whistling into the air. In a shrill scream, the figure of this kid crossed an arc in the starlight, roared and flew out of the building, and then disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After a while, everyone heard a heavy landing sound of "pop" from downstairs, and the shrill screams that had just echoed in the night sky stopped abruptly!

Just now, Wan Lin and the other party's movements were as fast as lightning in the dark, and even the most powerful Chengru and Fengdao couldn't see the movements of the two sides. There was a heavy landing sound from downstairs, and everyone suddenly realized that the vicious red fox sniper had been kicked out of the building by Wan Lin!

"Okay!" Everyone suddenly cheered. The two leopards that were standing on the shoulders of Xiaoya and Lingling, who had been staring at each other, also rushed to Wanlin's left and right shoulders at the moment when the other party flew up, and they stretched out. The fluffy little head rubbed against Wan Lin's cheek.

At this time, Xiaoya had already lowered her head, raised her feet and rushed in front of Wan Lin. She grabbed Wan Lin's arm and looked up and down at him, looking very nervous. A few people around also ran over with nervous expressions, and they all looked at Wan Lin's body intently, lest his skin be cut by the poisonous ring on the opponent's hand.

In the splendid starlight, Wan Lin quietly looked at the nervous Xiaoya and the comrades in-arms running around. A soft look followed from his sharp and lustrous eyes, and he stretched out his hand and gently pulled Xiaoya to his side. , looked at the nervous people and said, "It's okay, that kid hasn't been able to get close to me."

He followed Xiaoya's arm, walked to the guardrail beside the building and looked downstairs. He looked at the opponent lying motionless on the road downstairs, followed by a group of special forces who ran from the darkness with guns. The soldier said: "Old, report to the command, let professionals deal with the enemy's corpse, and let the brothers below never touch the ring on each other's fingers."

Cheng Ru saw that there were no wounds on Wan Lin's He replied loudly with a relaxed expression: "Yes!" After speaking, he walked aside and reported loudly into the microphone: "Report, the leopard head has been killed. Snipers on the top of the experimental building! Please order the brothers downstairs not to touch the enemy's corpse, the ring on the other's finger is highly poisonous."

"Okay!" Ye Feng's surprised voice came from everyone's earphones. The soldiers downstairs ran around the enemy's corpse, then stopped with their guns aimed at the surroundings.

Seeing that the soldiers downstairs had stopped, Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the corpse of the enemy lying in the dark and sighing, "It's really helpless to kill this kid. I originally wanted to capture this kid alive, but I didn't expect this kid to fight desperately even though he has already failed, so I can only send him away!"

He followed and retracted his gaze from downstairs, looked at the people around him and said solemnly: "These red fox people are fierce and fierce, and they are not afraid of death. Everyone must be careful when encountering them in the future!"

Cheng Ru and several people nodded with lingering fears. Just now, the other party dared to secretly take out the poison needle in the ring under the aim of so many guns. Obviously, he wanted to put on a back pad before he died. The insidious and sinister means really shocked all of them. Thanks to the fact that he was facing a superb martial arts master like Leopard Tou just now, others could really be hurt by this kid.

At this time, Fengdao also understood the meaning of Leopard Head stopping him from going up just now. He looked at Wan Lin gratefully and said, "Leopard Head, I really didn't notice this kid being so vicious just now. At that time, I really thought that this kid was relieved. With all the weapons on my body, I really want to learn our Chinese Kung Fu, if I go up, I might be hit by the poison needle hidden in this kid's hand."


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