Panther Commando

Chapter 4138: early morning courtyard

Wan Lin followed Zou Tao and Wang Tiecheng and said, "I'll visit you in twoΩkanΩ Zou Brigade, and take good care of the injury." He then took out a small bamboo tube from his waist and handed it Said to Zou Tao: "This is the wound medicine that my grandfather concocted by himself. You sprinkle it on the wound when you change the medicine."

Zou Tao quickly took the bamboo tube, the three raised their hands and saluted each other, Wan Lin turned around and walked out the door. Cheng Ru and several others immediately raised their hands to salute and followed Wan Lin to the door.

Ye Feng bent down and picked up the sniper rifle. He carefully glanced at the mark on the *, and said, "Okay, this is a rare trophy, we will keep it!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and handed the sniper rifle to Qian Bin beside him. He looked up at Wan Lin and the others who were walking towards the door and said loudly, "Brothers have worked hard, let me know if you need anything here! Director Qiao, Send a car to take Leopard Head and the others home, and send their car in the hospital too."

Wan Lin turned around with a smile and said loudly, "Yes!" Director Qiao also agreed with a smile, then took out the phone and dialed.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the bright sunlight had already shot in the city with high-rise buildings. There were already groups of people doing morning exercises and going to work on the street. As soon as Wan Lin and the others arrived at the gate of Wan's small courtyard, the door was suddenly opened, and Zhang Wa and Dali ran out nervously.

Zhang Wa and the others ran to Wan Lin who jumped out of the car just now, and they all looked at them intently. When they saw that Wan Lin and the others were safe and sound, they said hello to the people from the National Security Bureau, and immediately Surrounded by Wan Lin, they walked into the courtyard gate.

When everyone walked into the courtyard, Wang Dali and Bao Ya closed the door and immediately ran to Wan Lin and the others. At this time, Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "What happened last night? We are so anxious. We haven't slept yet, why don't we go up together!"

Bao Ya also grabbed the wind knife's arm and said, "That's right, we're so anxious to die. At night, cars roared in the direction of the military hospital, and the police lights turned half of the sky red. We were so anxious to die, but there was no order. We dare not go up."

Wan Lin glanced at the quiet inner courtyard and replied in a low voice: "It's okay, the Red Fox group entered the hospital, and now they have been wiped out by us, Zou Brigade, Director Ye and Wang Brigade." He followed. He asked in a low voice, "Where's Grandpa?"

Zhang Wa quickly replied: "Grandpa and Professor Chang went to see Xiaomin and the others early in the morning, and went out for a walk by the way. The old man also heard the movement at night, and he was always at ease. He had already guessed that you were out to carry out the task."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his grandfather and the children had gone out. He followed: "Let's go and talk to the house. I'm really afraid that grandpa is worried." Cheng Ru also smiled and said: "Dali , Da Zhuang, hurry up and bring us some water, we are dying of thirst." Dali quickly replied: "Tea and breakfast are ready for you, go eat first, we have been waiting for you."

Cheng Ru turned around and was about to greet everyone in, when he saw Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng pulling Wu Xueying and Wen Meng to look up and down, he kicked Zhang Wa's **** and shouted, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and let our aunts in!" "Hahaha..." Everyone laughed and walked towards the inner courtyard.

Everyone ate breakfast in the small restaurant, then left the restaurant and walked into the living room next to them. Bao Ya quickly picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for everyone. He then put down the teapot and asked eagerly, "Leopard head, what happened last night?" There were Shanshan's mother and Minister Qi in the restaurant just now. Neither he nor Dali dared to ask the cooks sent, so he hurriedly asked now.

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw Bao Ya's urgent look, Wan Lin turned his head to look at Wu Xueying, who was eager to try, and said, "Yingying, you should tell them, I'll call Minister Gao and Li Tou. Report the situation." "Yes!" Wu Xueying listened to Wan Lin asking her to tell her story, she agreed excitedly, and then raised her hands to speak vividly.

Wan Lin smiled and waved to the crowd, took out the phone and walked out the door. He walked out of the living room to the side corridor, then sat under a round wooden pillar on the side and looked into the courtyard.

The small courtyard is very quiet. In the kitchen, only the eldest sister and a cook sent by Minister Qi are busy and chatting in a low voice. The ground paved with blue bricks in the courtyard is very neat and tidy, and the bright sun shines in the quaint small courtyard, making the small courtyard very warm and peaceful.

Wan Lin sat down and raised his mobile phone to call the Military Region Operations Department. The staff officer who answered the phone heard Wan Lin's voice and immediately handed the phone to Li Dongsheng. Wan Lin heard Li Dongsheng's voice, and he quickly reported the battle situation last night in detail.

After listening to Wan Lin's report, Li Dongsheng asked thoughtfully on the phone, "Can you be sure that these people are all from the Red Fox?" Wan Lin immediately replied: "It has now been determined that the one who took the action is the Red Fox. The people of this killer organization, these people have a dark red fox head mark on their bodies."

He paused for a and continued: "Although we have already played against the Red Fox people in the falling area of ​​the meteorite, this time it was a face-to-face close contact, and the image they gave me was extremely fierce. On the top of the laboratory building, I was almost stabbed by the sniper's poison-feeding ring, these people gave me the feeling that they were not only fierce, but also extremely cunning."

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng followed up: "They are members of the killer organization, and they will do anything to assassinate their targets. It seems that we really need to be careful about these people. You tell your brothers, if you encounter these red foxes in the future, you will definitely Be cautious." "Yes!" Wan Lin replied in a low voice immediately, and he asked, "Has Mr. Yu checked the things he brought back?"

Li Dongsheng immediately replied excitedly: "You have gained a lot from this trip to the plateau! She has conducted preliminary tests on what she has obtained. Among them, three meteorite fragments have similar properties to green stones, and they contain great Unknown energy. In addition, there is a meteorite fragment with a very peculiar texture, strong elasticity and toughness, which is an excellent material for protective equipment. Now Mr. Yu is conducting systematic research on these fragments, trying to crack the mystery. "

Wan Lin was overjoyed to hear this! He lowered his voice and said: "At that time, we found some of the fragments in the mountains that are very strange. I have seen the piece of material you mentioned. At that time, when I cut down the knife, it seemed to be chopped into a pile of viscous substances. It's amazing how the block of material came out unscathed."

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