Panther Commando

Chapter 4140: excited old man

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Wang Dali stared at Wu Xueying and asked in astonishment, "You monkey can really play the guqin?" Everyone looked at Wu Xueying with a smile. Δ 』Look Δ book 』 Δ Pavilion WWW. Кan ShUge. La

Wu Xueying raised her hand and hit Dali: "You are a monkey, I tell you, we can play in our dreams, sister Lingling can play the violin, and sister Xiaoya can also play the piano. You really underestimate us, Our four sisters are really good ladies, and they are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

At this moment, Xiaohua, who was lying on the coffee table, suddenly jumped towards the door. The loud voice of the old man also came from outside the door: "Who said our granddaughter is not a lady?" Everyone stood up with a smile, they knew that Grandpa and Professor Chang were back.

Sure enough, Grandpa and Professor Chang appeared at the door with a smile. Their shoulders were lying on Qiuqiu and Xiaobai respectively. Qiuqiu saw Xiaohua running, and it roared excitedly, and followed Xiaobai from the two. The old man jumped up and down, and the three leopards ran towards the courtyard excitedly.

Wu Xueying also ran to her grandfather and Professor Chang's side. She took the arms of the two old men and walked into the house, looking at the old man coquettishly as she walked, and said, "Grandpa, Professor Chang, Zhang Wa and Dali said that I am not a girl. , I'm so mad, you help me manage them."

The old man and Professor Chang both laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's complaint, and the old man smiled kindly: "Yingying, don't listen to them. We Yingying are all ladies, just like a monkey." The old man said in his mouth. He was talking and laughing, but his eyes quickly turned to Wan Lin and Xiaoya.

Everyone laughed when they heard Grandpa's ridicule, and Yingying also "giggled" and said, "Grandpa, are you laughing at me too? Love jumping high is also a girl." Professor Chang looked at Yingying with love and smiled. : "Yes, yes, love jumping high is also a lady, and we Yingying are girls." As he said, he looked at Wan Lin and the others, and walked to the wicker chair with the old man holding Yingying's arm. down.

The old man sat down and took a cup of tea handed by Xiaoya, looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Lin'er, did you guys go out to carry out the mission again last night?" Wan Lin quickly replied: "No, last night was Director Ye and Big Brother Wang have missions, and we just went over to watch the fun." He was afraid of the old man's worries, so he didn't dare to tell the thrilling scene last night.

The old man saw that Wan Lin and the others had returned unharmed, and the hanging heart had been let go. The old man was extremely skilled. The roar of cars outside and the faint sound of gunfire had already reached his ears last night. He really worried about Wan Lin and the others all night.

Professor Chang blinked at Wan Lin, then looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm right. This is the city, and Wang Brigade and the others are dispatched for something, and it's not Wan Lin's turn. Take action with Xiaoya and the others." He was a member of the National Security Bureau himself, and he knew Wan Lin and Ye Feng's actions beforehand.

Xiaoya also quickly smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it's not our turn to take action." After saying that, she picked up the big cigarette bag and cigarette purse on the table and handed it to Grandpa.

The old man was completely relieved when he heard the explanations of the few people. He took a sip of tea, took the tobacco pouch and purse handed over by Xiaoya, smiled and loaded the tobacco, while looking at Yingying and asked, "I was in the yard just now, Professor Chang and I heard you talk about buying a guqin?"

Wu Xueying said quickly: "Yes! Grandpa, I want to face the mountain and play the famous guqin piece "Flowing Water" for you." The old man looked at him with some doubts and asked, "Dashan, where are you going? ?"

Wu Xueying said excitedly: "Go to your hometown in the mountains!" The old man heard Wu Xueying's cry, and the arm holding the cigarette bag trembled. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Why, are you going? In the mountains?"

Wan Lin smiled and said: "Yes, I called Vice Minister Li just now, and he said that you missed your hometown last time, so let us accompany you back to live for a while. In addition, the medicinal herbs in the house should be Take it out to cool."

The old man was overjoyed to hear that Wan Lin and the others could go back to their hometown with him, and the wrinkles on his face trembled. He raised his eyebrows and looked outside the door with an excited smile: "Hahaha, those medicinal herbs are about to see the light of day. Alas, I'm getting old, and I really miss my hometown. Recently, the mountains and rivers in my hometown have always appeared in my sleep! Well, go home, Qiuqiu, Xiaohua, and Xiaobai will also follow us back, which is also their hometown." He then looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and asked, "What about Xiaomin and Xiaomiao?"

Xiaoya quickly replied: "Xiaomin and the others will have their summer vacation in two days. Deputy Minister Li and President Yu asked them to play together. Besides, Jingyi's grandparents also miss them." The old man heard Xiaoya's words He replied, waved his hand and said, "Mr. Yu and Deputy Minister Li are so busy, how can they have time to take care of so many children, let them follow us back to the mountains."

Wan Lin said quickly: "Mr. Yu promised to take them out to play during the holiday. She lives in a spacious place, and Wei Chao's younger sister is also there. Let my elder sister take them there together."

Professor Chang knew that the old man was worried about these young disciples, he smiled and persuaded: "Old brother, don't worry, President Yu and Deputy Minister Li are not outsiders, let the children go out and see the ~It's good for them."

The old man smiled, and he followed up: "Hehehe, what do I have to worry about when they follow Vice Minister Li and President Yu? I'm just worried that the children will affect their work. Well, my hometown is the root of all families, Xiaomin. Now her surname is Wan, and they are descendants of our Wan family. Let her and Xiaomiao follow me back to their hometown to see. They are the direct descendants of the Wan family. They must be familiar with every grass and tree there, and they must not forget their roots. "

Professor Chang said with a smile: "Alright, then let Xiaomin and Xiaomiao follow you back. Xiaomin's ten thousand kung fu and medical skills are poor, so I can learn more with you." He then looked at Wan Lin and Xiao Miao. Ya said, "Xiaomin is a very hard-working child, and her academic performance has improved rapidly. I have already discussed with the school to let her skip classes next semester and follow the fourth grade directly. If she makes great progress, she will skip to the upper grades."

Xiaoya exclaimed excitedly: "That's great, Xiaomin is too old, it's really inappropriate to follow the lower grades in class. I didn't expect her to improve so fast!"

Professor Chang said with a smile: "This child knows that it is not easy for her to get the current life, so she works very hard. This child is very smart. The school teachers, Jingyi, and us are all helping her. In fact, she has already finished elementary school. The main reason is that my teacher and I want her to lay a solid foundation, so I will follow the fourth grade next semester."

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