Panther Commando

Chapter 4144: flying helicopter

The old man sat on the rattan chair, looked at Qi Zhijun and said gratefully: "Minister Qi, you are too polite. There are so many Lin'er and the others, just go back and let them clean up. Why do you send someone over there?"

Minister Qi smiled and waved his hand. He looked at Wan Lin and said, "Your Minister Gao has already called me and said that you are going back to your hometown in the mountains to rest and train. They have already passed by helicopter with weapons, equipment and living materials. In addition, during your training camp, a few of them stayed with you, mainly responsible for the security of the small courtyard and your logistical support. With so many weapons and ammunition, no one in the small courtyard can’t do it. ."

Wan Lin quickly stood up and raised his hand to salute. Qi Zhijun waved his hand and looked at the old man again and said, "Father, if you need anything in your hometown, just let Wan Lin tell me." The old man said gratefully, "It's really causing you trouble."

At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile: "Old man, you are welcome. Wan Lin and the others are training in the mountains, and of course we have to provide logistical support. Wan Lin, if you need anything, just say it."

Wan Lin looked at Ye Feng and agreed, then looked at Qi Zhijun and asked, "Minister Qi, are Brigade Zou's injuries any better?" Qi Zhijun replied, "They are all in good physical condition, and their injuries have improved. Yesterday I I went to the hospital to see them, and Zou Tao also said that he was coming to see you today, so I stopped him."

He stood up and said, "You guys also pack up. I have ordered the helicopter to stand by in the military compound." Ye Feng also stood up and said with a smile; "Let's go, you can have dinner at your hometown at noon. By the way, Wang Tiecheng is big. The captain is busy with the case for the first few days, so he won't be here today, he asked me to tell you."

Wan Lin hurriedly said, "Everyone is busy, we have already caused you trouble." He followed and said to the Chengru people standing next to him, "Let's go, let's go." He took his grandfather's arm and got up. stand up.

Everyone drove away from the small courtyard and drove straight to the military headquarters compound. Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun sent Wan Lin and his party directly to the helipad in the compound.

Cheng Ru and a group of people jumped out of the car and immediately lined up to look at Wan Lin, Qi Zhijun, and Ye Feng, Wan Lin turned to look at Cheng Ru and said, "Cheng Ru, take your grandfather and Xiaomin and Xiaomin to the plane. "

"Yes." Cheng Ru replied and shouted, "Salute!" A group of people looked at Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun and raised their hands to salute, and they followed their grandfather towards the helicopter.

Wan Lin saw his grandfather and the others leaving, looked at Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun and asked in a low voice, "Have you found anything about the case in the military hospital?" Ye Feng glanced around and replied in a low voice, "All the suspects caught are all caught. They have already spoken one after another, except for the person from Yamaguchi, the rest are members of two other national espionage organizations."

Wan Lin asked in surprise, "Are there no people from Red Fox?" Ye Feng immediately replied, "After comparing the corpse and the image of the suspect, the beggar you found at the entrance of the military hospital is a person from Red Fox. He has been killed in action. It seems that the Red Fox is just an operation team here, and this group of people is responsible for intelligence gathering and operations."

After hearing this, Wan Lin frowned and asked thoughtfully, "Which organization is the kid who was found outside the MRI room? This kid gave me a very deep image." Ye Feng recalled and said: " You mean the guy on the side who helped you pick up the crutches after you were knocked down by the troublemaker at the entrance of the inspection room?"

"Yes, it's this person, and this person has a murderous look in his eyes." Wan Lin replied immediately. Ye Feng shook his head and replied with a dignified expression: "This person did not appear at the scene that night. He suddenly disappeared after throwing off our stalker that day. He is a very experienced intelligence officer. The intelligence department is casting a net across the city to find this person. people."

At this time, Qi Zhijun looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "The main purpose of these people is meteor fragments, so Yu Jing's place is very likely to be the target of the enemy's next spying. We have informed your military region about the situation, and we must strengthen the research institute and General Yu's security."

Wan Lin replied immediately: "I heard Vice Minister Li said that they have strengthened the security of President Yu and the research institute, and the meteorite fragments obtained by the scientific expedition team should also be strengthened."

Ye Feng said in a low voice: "The meteorite fragments obtained by the expedition team members were sent to the General Research Institute on the day you arrived. Send someone to deliver it to President Yu secretly."

Wan Lin nodded when he heard this. He knew in his heart that the green stone they found in the mountain last time was sent to the General Research Institute for research first. During the experiment on this green stone, the researchers there stimulated the high energy in the green stone. The energy almost caused a catastrophe, and it could only be transferred to President Yu later.

The researchers of the General Research Institute must have found that the meteorite fragments collected this time also have extremely high unknown energy. They have not dared to carry out experiments on them easily, so they sent them directly to President Yu.

Wan Lin pondered for a while, looked at Qi Zhijun and asked, "Minister Qi, our special operations brigade has sent a few soldiers to participate in special operations training overseas. Do you know the news over there?"

Qi Zhijun replied immediately: "I Your military region has already sent us a notification, and the training camps over there are all conducted in an actual combat environment, which requires extremely high technical, tactical and will quality. The fighters we sent were all scared back. But the fighters we sent performed very well, and the training base outside the country gave them a very high evaluation. What, do you know these fighters?"

Wan Lin nodded and replied with a smile: "Deputy Minister Li also serves as the brigade commander of the special operations brigade. The three people sent are soldiers from the special reconnaissance team of the special operations brigade. We took them for a while."

Qi Zhijun immediately said, "It turns out that you are the apprentice of the leopards. No wonder you have such a strong technical and tactical level. Well, you can get on the helicopter and call Director Ye and me if you need anything."

"Okay!" Wan Lin raised his hand to salute the two of them, turned and ran towards the helicopter on the side. He jumped into the helicopter, the propeller on the top of the machine turned quickly, and the huge fuselage rose into the air, and then accelerated to the undulating mountains in the distance.

Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun stood quietly beside the apron. They looked up at the helicopter that was gradually drifting away in the air. It was not until the helicopter disappeared among the undulating mountains in the distance that Ye Feng retracted his eyes and sighed: "I can It is really a blessing for China to have these warriors who have worked hard for the country!"

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