Panther Commando

Chapter 4149: towering mountain

In the restaurant of Wanjia Xiaoyuan, Wan Lin saw Xiaomin answering with her head lowered, and knew that she was reminded of the miserable life in the past. In his mind suddenly came to his mind the image of this little girl taking good care of him in the broken tent built with a few old bamboo stems.

With a pain in his heart, he quickly looked up at Wu Xueying, waved his hand and said, "Deputy Director Wang told me in the past that we should conduct corresponding military training for Jingyi and Xiaomiao during training. Now that Xiaomin is here, we also Let her start training accordingly." Wan Lin did have a deep love for Xiaomin, a kind and miserable little sister who saved his life.

He followed and looked at Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, when you are training, you will give Xiaomin and Xiaomiao corresponding military guidance. You can conduct shooting training with various firearms under your guidance, but you cannot let them Touch the gun alone to avoid accidents, shooting is only a subject of training, and they must lay the foundation." "Yes!" Xiaoya replied immediately.

When Xiaomin and Xiaomiao heard Wanlin agreed to their request, they jumped up from their chairs excitedly. Xiaomin hugged Xiaomiao and said excitedly, "That's great, thank you eldest brother, eldest sister." The siblings laughed excitedly.

Wan Lin also said with a smile, "You must not tell your classmates about your participation in military training here, not even your teacher. The discipline of confidentiality must be strictly observed, do you hear?"

Xiaomin and Xiaomiao quickly stood at attention. They raised their hands and saluted and replied, "Yes!" Xiaomin followed suit and said, "Brother, Professor Chang has already taught me the discipline of confidentiality, and I will not disclose our situation to any outsiders." Wan Lin looked at She said, "Okay, you are all soldiers now, you must abide by the discipline of confidentiality."

At this time, Fan Dabao looked at the salute of the two and praised with a smile, "Good standard salute, it looks like a little soldier." Xiaomiao looked at him proudly and said, "Brother Dabao, we are my eldest brother and eldest sister. The same little soldiers, when we grow up in the future, we will join them to fight bad people and protect our China."

Wan Lin put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Xiao Miao and said with a smile, "Yes, when you both grow up, we will fight side by side." He then looked at Feng Dao and said, "Old Feng, take Bao Ya to the mountains in the afternoon. , go get some game and come back, the two hares and one pheasant brought by Xiaohua are not enough to eat. By the way, except for live ammunition training, it is strictly forbidden to shoot in the mountains." "Yes!" Feng Dao and Bao Ya immediately replied.

Wan Lin stood up and said, "You guys eat slowly, I'll go out and see what Grandpa is doing?" Xiaoya also put down her chopsticks and stood up and said, "I'm done eating too, I'll go with you." After that, the two walked out together. room.

Wan Lin and Xiao Ya just walked out of the courtyard side by side, when a loud roar suddenly came from a high mountain on the side, followed by a cloud of dust in the mountains in the distance.

Wan Lin looked up at the top of the mountain on the side and smiled. He followed up and said, "It must be Qiuqiu who is roaring to greet those subordinates. It seems that it is going to make a fortune here again." Xiaoya looked up at the distant Shanfeng sighed, "Qiuqiu is too naughty, it must be bored in the city, this is the home of their leopards."

Wan Lin retracted his gaze from a distance and looked to the side of the hillside. Grandpa was bending over under a tree to pick up dead branches that had fallen to the ground. A pile of dry branches had already been placed beside him.

Wan Lin looked at the old man seriously and sighed, "Grandpa still likes the days of idle clouds and wild cranes. Living in the city has really made him aggrieved, let's go."

He and Xiaoya walked up to the old man and called out "Grandpa", then pulled out the saber from the scabbard on his leg, walked to the side of the tree and cut down a piece of vine wrapped around it. He bent down and bundled the dry wood with the vine swiftly. He then picked up the bundled firewood and looked at the old man and said, "Grandpa, shall we go back?"

As soon as Wan Lin finished speaking, the old man who had just straightened up suddenly changed his face, raised his hand to stop him from speaking, raised his head and looked at the rolling hills on the side, followed by a faint pink gushing out of his body.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were taken aback, their hands suddenly grabbed the pistol handle fixed on the side of their thighs. Grandpa raised his hand to stop Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were about to step in front of him, narrowed his eyes and focused on the direction deep in the mountains.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya immediately raised their skills and followed Grandpa's gaze to look into the distance. The mountains in the distance are ups and downs, and several steep peaks are like sharp arrows in the air. A silver-white beam of light hangs down from the steep mountain in the middle. The towering peaks are very spectacular.

Wan Lin's sharp eyes swept across the silver-white beam of light in the distance. He knew that it was a waterfall reflecting sunlight. It was very far away from there, and only a silver chain-like reflection could be seen from the wide waterfall.

He followed his grandfather's gaze to explore this direction, but he found nothing unusual around, and the three leopards on the top of the mountain not far away did not issue a corresponding warning. He looked at his grandfather in surprise.

The old man's body has a layer of light pink, his gray eyebrows are slightly raised, his eyes are staring into the distance and motionless, there is a melancholy look in the old man's eyes, and his body seems to be frozen on the hillside. at every turn. The green grass on the surrounding hillside and the branches and leaves beside it all tilted to the side under the strong infuriating energy gushing out of the old man.

Xiaoya stood on Grandpa's with her right hand tightly holding the gun on her leg, her camouflage uniform fluctuated slightly under Grandpa's infuriating energy, and her eyes flashed brightly as she stared at her surroundings. , but she also didn't understand the reason why Grandpa suddenly raised his anger.

Wan Lin withdrew the infuriating qi gushing out of his body, raised his foot and walked towards Grandpa's side. Seeing that Wan Lin suddenly relaxed, Xiaoya immediately walked up to him and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?" Wan Lin had a surprised look in his eyes, he looked at Xiaoya and shook his head gently and replied, " I don't know, looking at Grandpa's appearance, he seems to feel something."

Xiaoya raised her finger in the direction her grandfather was looking at and asked, "Where is that place?" Wan Lin looked at the faint waterfall in the distance and said thoughtfully, "The mountains are very steep, there's nothing in there, just the middle one. A cascading waterfall on a mountain peak."

After speaking, he suddenly froze for a moment, then looked up at the waterfall in the distance and said, "By the way, there is a Taoist temple on the hillside behind the waterfall, and there lives a Taoist priest who is about the same age as grandpa." He followed to the old man. look.

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