Panther Commando

Chapter 4178: coldness

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The sun is like fire. The weeds on the hillside were drooping their green leaves in the hot sun, and a heat wave was rising from the damp hillside.

Just when Wan Lin felt unbearably hot, the icy cold air suddenly gushed out from the meridians in his body. He shuddered involuntarily during the exercise, and his body seemed to be suddenly scorched from the furnace-like roasting. Sent into the ice cellar, the faint white mist that enveloped him disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.

Wan Lin sat cross-legged on the hillside, and his face that had just been red was suddenly covered with a layer of blue. In the cold air gushing out from his body, the puddles around him that were still reflecting the sun were covered with a layer of white mist in the blink of an eye, as if a thin layer of ice had formed. The hillside suddenly became cooler in the sweltering heat.

Xiao Hua, whose senses were extremely sensitive, suddenly felt this cool breath in the heat, and immediately ran towards the hillside where Wan Lin and the old man were, wagging its tail in joy. The old man smiled when he saw the running flower, and then walked to a rock beside Wan Lin and sat down. He stretched out his arms and hugged the running flower and put it on his knees, raised his right hand to cover the dazzling sunlight and looked towards the mountains in the distance. look.

In the blazing sunshine, the mountains after the rain had already evaporated, and the mountains that were clear in the early morning had become hazy. The old man looked down at Xiaohua and asked in a low voice, "Xiaohua, can you still find the traces of those people?" Xiaohua lay on Grandpa's lap, raised her right paw to point at the gray-brown rocks in front, and then shook it vigorously again. Shake paws.

When the old man saw Xiaohua's actions, he immediately understood that the rainstorm last night and the flowing water in the mountains had washed away the traces of the other party, and even Xiaohua's keen sense of smell could not find the footprints of those people.

He sat on the rock and pondered for a moment. He reached out and stroked Xiaohua's head lightly. Looking at the rolling hills, he said, "It's enough to be sure that they are heading inland, and we will find their footprints sooner or later. Xiaohua, let's first Cool, cool and go again, the cool air on Lin'er's body is really comfortable."

Hearing Grandpa's answer, Xiaohua wagged its tail and lay on Grandpa's lap again. It opened its big mouth and stuck out its small tongue. Its big eyes stared at Wan Lin who was trembling slightly in the cold, and seemed to be enjoying it. A cool breeze from the sweltering heat.

The old man glanced at Wan Lin, who was concentrating on improving his skills, and there was a gratifying smile on the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his big hand and lovingly caressed the little flower, while squinting his eyes and looking into the distance.

At this time, he could already see that although Wan Lin still did not master the use of the orb on the scabbard to refine the cold infuriating energy in his body, the extent of his body shaking in the cold air had significantly weakened. This shows that Wan Lin is gradually getting used to this peculiar way of practicing, and he can initially use the heat from the orb to refine the cold energy in his body.

About two hours later, the blazing sun had already risen above Wan Lin and his grandfather's heads. The dazzling light of gems that shone through Wan Lin's fingers had disappeared, and the hillside was enveloped in a sweltering heat. The old man turned his head to look at Wan Lin, and nodded lightly.

He already understood that now the Yin-Yang True Qi in Wan Lin's body has reached a balance, some of the yin-cold True Qi in his body has been refined, and the rest has been hidden in his meridians again. This practice has ended.

Sure enough, Wan Lin raised his hands and made a gesture of resignation, and then stood up from the grass excitedly. He held the dagger in his left hand and ran to Grandpa and Xiaohua excitedly.

At this time, Xiaohua had already closed her mouth, and looked at Wan Lin who came running with some surprise, as if she didn't understand why he suddenly didn't have that cool aura. But just as its eyes swept across Wan Lin's left hand, a blue light suddenly appeared in its big eyes, and then it stretched out its right paw like lightning and snatched the dagger in Wan Lin's hand.

It looked at the dagger on its claws with joy, stared at the gems on the scabbard with its blue eyes, and then put the dagger on grandpa's lap, pressing the scabbard with its left paw, and burst out a few times with its right paw. A sharp fingernail went straight to the gem on the scabbard. Apparently, the boy had taken a fancy to the orb on the scabbard, and wanted to use his sharp fingernails to pry the orb off the scabbard.

Wan Lin was shocked, and immediately bent down and grabbed Xiao Hua's raised right claw, and snatched the dagger from under its claw with his left hand. He grabbed the dagger, raised his hand and knocked Xiao Hua's head, "Stinky boy, this is mine, not yours."

Xiaohua jumped up and landed on his shoulder, and then she stretched out her claws and pointed at the dagger, making a series of "Ow Ow" sounds in her mouth, as if to say that the dagger belongs to you, give me that shiny orb .

"Hahahaha..." The old man laughed when he saw Wan Lin and Xiao Hua fighting for a dagger, he stood up and stretched out his hand to hug Xiao Hua from Wan Lin's shoulder, lovingly stroking the anxious Xiao Hua and said with a smile: "We Xiaohua has fiery eyes, this kid can know the goods, and he can tell at a glance that this bead is a treasure."

He then looked at Xiaohua and asked with a smile: "Xiaohua, how many treasures are hidden in your stomach now?" He reached out and gently stroked Xiaohua's belly.

Xiaohua heard grandpa's questioning voice, and the long soft hair on her body stood up immediately, then jumped out of grandpa's arms, and when it landed on the rock next to it, it turned to look at grandpa in panic, and raised its two front paws I shook it vigorously, as if to say: No, I have nothing in my stomach!

Grandpa and Wan Lin laughed when they looked at Xiao Hua's anxious They knew that this little thing was the treasure that they were afraid of thinking about it.

Grandpa looked at Xiaohua lovingly, then turned his head to look at Wan Lin and sighed: "Xiaohua and Xiaobai are born and die with you, and never ask us to do anything for them, you must treat them kindly!" Wanlin said quickly: "Then It's natural, Xiaohua and Xiaobai are our brothers!"

Grandpa nodded, stretched out his hand and took out the small wooden box containing the dagger from Wan Lin's backpack, he opened the box cover, and said with a dignified expression: "I feel a chill on Xiao Hua's body, have you been recently? Staying in a humid, cold place for a long time?"

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said: "We haven't been to the cold and cold area to carry out our mission recently." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that they were indeed trapped in a cave with a dark river in the previous section, and they were It was trapped inside for a long time, and the cave was really damp and cold.

He quickly said: "Grandpa, we were trapped in a damp cave for a long time. Xiaohua must have been eroded by the cold in the dark river at that time."

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