Panther Commando

Chapter 4195: just a metaphor

In the restaurant of Wanjia Xiaoyuan, everyone laughed when they heard Wan Lin's description, Xiaoya said with a smile, "I said why your clothes are so dirty, you must have been rolling in the mud for weeks." She put away the smile on her face, and said with some fear: "It was too dangerous at that time, and now you have a sniper rifle in your hand. Your uncoordinated movements are very likely to become the target of that kid!"

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya's worried look, and quickly said, "It's fine. At that time, Grandpa was already furious and rushed from the foot of the mountain like a gust of wind. He then threw a fist-sized stone at the rock where the boy was invisible. Hehe, the stone thrown by grandpa was like a cannonball, smashing the half-meter-high rock in front of the boy on the spot. In the night, the dust and mist were flying and the rocks were flying, and the boy was so scared that he quickly threw it out. With a *, he turned around and fled to the back of the mountain. At that time, this kid had been frightened by his grandfather, and he didn't care about me at all, lest he would be chased by his flying figure."

Everyone heard that the rock thrown out by grandfather was like a cannonball, and they all understood that the old man must have seen the other party shooting at Wan Lin in a rage, so they rushed out to meet the other party's bullets regardless of the danger, and then threw out the other party's bullets. A stone with a powerful inner force.

When Xiaomin heard this, she opened her mouth in astonishment, and she murmured: "Oh, grandpa is so brave, it's amazing!" Wu Xueying also exclaimed in astonishment: "Good guy, the old man's hidden weapon is too powerful! She then looked at Wan Lin and Feng Dao and said, "Leopard Head, Brother Feng, I thought your hidden weapons were powerful enough, but I didn't expect your hidden weapons to be incomparable with Grandpa's hidden weapons, they are nothing compared to the truth." ."

Fengdao heard Wu Xueying's cry, and stared at her small eyes and shouted in astonishment: "What, you take us all as wizards pretending to be ghosts?" Everyone laughed when they heard Fengdao's cry, Wu Xueying also " "Giggle." He smiled and shook his hands vigorously and said, "No, no, I mean grandpa's hidden weapon is shocking and weeping. Compared with grandpa's hidden weapon, your hidden weapon is like a little mosquito, and it has no power."

Feng Dao heard her explanation and cried out in frustration: "Hey, the more you explain, the more I think my flying knife is useless, you just say that our hidden weapon is useless, just let the two of us use the hidden weapon. Throw it all away!"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone burst into laughter, Wu Xueying quickly shook her hands and said with a smile, "No, no, that's not what I meant, your hidden weapons are also quite powerful, but you can't compare to grandpa's hidden weapons. "

Wan Lin said with a smile, "Hehehe, the rock thrown by Grandpa already has an indestructible internal force. It is indeed powerful. I can't compare with Lao Feng's hidden weapon."

He followed with a sigh and said, "I always thought that my skills had improved a lot in the past few years, but when I saw my grandfather rushing past me yesterday, I realized that my skills are still incomparable to my grandfather. He also flew forward with the help of the internal force of the Xuanxu Guan in the body, but I didn't expect my grandfather to overtake me from behind in a blink of an eye."

He looked at the crowd and continued with a dignified expression: "This time I went out, I saw the superb martial arts and grandfather's actions of the master of the void in the serious injury, and I really felt the meaning of the sentence that learning is endless, martial arts together. It's endless, it seems we have to work harder." He said here, suddenly looked at Wu Xueying and pondered for a moment and asked, "Yingying, didn't the yang energy in your body flare up later?"

When Wu Xueying heard Wan Lin's question, she quickly shook her head and replied, "No, since it happened once in the cave, it hasn't happened again since then. That yang qi can't keep coming back, it's making me uncomfortable."

Wan Lin nodded with a smile and said, "That's good, I suddenly remembered the cold and cold qi in my body, and I feel that it can neutralize the remaining yang qi in your body. It's just that I can't yet. Control this cold air, and after I refine this true energy, I will discuss with my grandfather to see if I can completely neutralize the yang energy in your body."

Wu Xueying jumped up from the table with great joy and shouted, "Oh, that's great! When the yang energy in my body flared up, it was like Zhang Wa threw me into the stove for a barbecue. It hurt me to death." When it fell, Zhang Wa glared at her and shouted, "Stinky girl, how dare I throw you into the stove, you treat me like a devil?"

Everyone laughed, and Wu Xueying hurriedly bowed at Zhang Wa and said, "No, no, I'm just making an analogy, you're not that bad!" Zhang Wa still glared at her and said, "Stinky girl, is there a metaphor like yours? For a while you compare Leopard Head and Lao Feng to wizards, and then you compare me to demons, and you still let us live?"

There was laughter in the restaurant, Wu Xueying picked up the chopsticks in front of her with a flushed face, leaned over and gestured to Zhang Wa who was sitting opposite, and said with a smile, "Stinky baby, I didn't compare you all to bad people, I just wanted to praise you. Our Wan clan's kung fu is She followed and looked at Wan Lin, clasped her fists with both hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother, thank you! You hurry up to practice, and as soon as possible refine that cold infuriating energy, so that you can help me. "

Wan Lin stood up and said with a smile, "Are you more anxious than me? This chilly infuriating makes me not human or a ghost. I am more anxious than you." Xiaomiao heard Wan Lin's words , raised his head and said, "Brother, I don't think you are a ghost or not? It's just that your face is a little blue, but it's quite normal."

"Hahahaha" Everyone laughed when they heard Xiaomiao's innocent question. Wan Lin picked up the dagger with a smile, raised his hand and patted Xiaomiao's head lightly and said, "Yes, it's normal, it's normal. Hahaha, I'm going to sleep for a while." He looked at Xiaoya and asked: "Xiaoya, did you report the situation to the Wang Brigade last night?"

Xiaoya quickly replied: "I reported it last night, and the photos of the three drug dealers who were killed have also been passed on." At this time, Lingling took out her mobile phone and glanced at it and said, "Leopard head, Wang Brigade has already sent me a message, He said to bring two people here in the afternoon, take away the drugs and guns you seized, and bring us some living supplies by the way."

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard that Wang Tiecheng was coming over, so he quickly said: "Okay. Lao Feng, we didn't sleep all night last night, we went to sleep first, you take the rest to the mountains and get some wild vegetables. , Come back with some game, and we will entertain the Wang Brigade and the others in the evening."

Fengdao stood up and replied with a smile: "Okay, our training intensity is also very strong during this time, and everyone needs to adjust it. Then we will have a holiday today and pretend to be hunters and go hunting in the mountains."

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