Panther Commando

Chapter 4205: just a trap

After listening to John's report with a gloomy face, Phillips frowned and asked: "The hospital is obviously a trap for the other side to shoot, and the other side is already prepared. Where did you get the meteorite fragments and the information about the Huaxia expedition team members there? ? You called me Cook outside the door!"

John's expression immediately became tense, and he quickly greeted the door. The door was pushed open immediately, and when the tall Cook entered the door, he stood at attention and raised his hand to salute, looking very nervous. John looked at him and said, "Close the door. Can you give the Colonel a detailed account of the situation?"

Cook answered quickly, turned around and closed the door and strode to John's side, then looked straight at Phillips, and then reported the situation at that time. At this time, he was really nervous, his team was completely wiped out, and only he, the team leader, fled back alone. According to the rules, it was necessary to rectify the Fa on the spot! Moreover, he knew that the colonel in front of him was very strict, and someone had already been shot in the head by him after the operation failed!

At this time, Phillips looked up at him coldly, then raised his finger to the sofa beside John and said, "Sit down and say, how did you decide that the subject is in the hospital?" At this time, his voice was cold and narrowed. There was a cold light in his small eyes that made Cook feel chills.

Cook hurriedly sat beside John, looked up at the boss and replied respectfully: "After we disguised and entered the provincial capital, we immediately followed John's order to monitor the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region and the military airport. There was indeed one at that time. The military plane landed at the airport, and the important personnel of the Southwest Military Region went to pick up the plane in person, and there were a large number of guards along the way, it should be the commander of their military region who went to the airport in person."

"After the convoy of this VIP entered the airport, it didn't take long for several ambulances to drive out of the airport and then to their military hospital. Several other vehicles also returned directly to the Southwest Military Command. These two groups are guarded by heavy troops. We speculate that the people who returned by plane should be the scientific expedition team members who returned from the plateau. "

John followed up: "This is the first reason, and the second reason is that after I met Kuroda, the head of Yamaguchi Security, he agreed to share intelligence with us, and their people also informed us that they returned from the meteorite landing site. The members of the Chinese scientific expedition team and some injured members of the operation team have indeed been admitted to the military hospital, and some wards of the surgical inpatient department have implemented martial law, and it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to approach."

Cook took the voice and said, "Yes, for the above two reasons, we sent people to disguise to enter the hospital for reconnaissance and verification, and we did find that the surgical ward there was heavily guarded. Their military regional command is closely monitoring."

"On the second day after these personnel returned, a jeep with a military license plate suddenly drove out from the military compound, followed by several vehicles with local license plates. At that time, we determined that the personnel on the military vehicle was extremely dangerous. It may be carrying precious meteorite fragments, so we immediately decided to attack the military vehicle halfway."

He lowered his head and said with a gloomy expression: "This operation was very carefully planned. Just when our people drove towards the military vehicle, I didn't expect that an off-road vehicle with a local license plate in the back responded very quickly. The off-road vehicle that drove us towards the target vehicle overturned, and several agile people rushed out of the car. One of them jumped out of the car and shot down the drone we were monitoring in the air with a shot. These people It's moving too fast!"

Hearing this, Phillips suddenly raised his head and stared at Cook's face and said coldly, "Who are these people?" Cook quickly raised his head and replied, "These plainclothes people don't seem to be from the Southwest Military Region. They are from the Southwest Military Region, they don't need to change into civilian clothes, and their origins have not been found yet, I guess they are likely to be from the national security department."

Hearing this, John looked at the angry Phillips and explained: "I watched the video shot by the drone. These people have dark faces. They should be the special forces who came back to protect the Huaxia Scientific Expedition Team. I reckon that a small team is most likely broken in their hands. Judging from the real-time images sent back by the drone, these people's reactions are indeed very fast. A single shot would take down a drone that was monitoring the air."

When Phillips heard John's explanation, his face became very dignified. He stared at the two people sitting opposite and said coldly: "Find out the origin of this group of people, we must not let anyone who dares to attack my red fox. pass them!"

John immediately replied: "I have already sent someone to investigate the origin of this group of people. The Yamaguchi security guards just provided us with some information, but they didn't do it, as if they were afraid. I guess they already knew about this group of people. people's history."

When Po Phillips heard this, he said coldly: "The people of Yamaguchi Security are treacherous, greedy, and never trustworthy. You must be careful when dealing with these people and ghosts. Their scope of activities is mainly in Asia. I am afraid that there have been many contacts with the police or military in China. This time they did not take direct action after obtaining the information. They must have suffered a big loss at the hands of these Chinese nodded. Said: "Yes, I also feel that this time Kuroda has the purpose of killing people with a knife, otherwise he would not have handed over the information to us so easily. I guess they have already guessed the origin of the other party, so they dare not take it lightly. It seems that there are indeed experts among these Chinese people. "

He followed with a sigh and said, "Alas, it's a pity that we are organizing an operation in Huaxia for the first time, and we don't know the situation there, otherwise we wouldn't suffer such a big loss!"

Hearing John's sigh, Phillips turned his head to look at the white snow outside the window and said, "The Yamaguchi security guards, Black Hawks and other mercenary groups have formed a scale, they have their own branches on all continents, and their intelligence networks are all over the world's hotspots. The Red Fox really can't compare to them."

He followed his gaze from the window, looked at John and Cook who were a little frustrated, and said, "Don't worry, our Red Fox has only been established for more than three years, but we have already made a name in the industry. As long as we mention the name of our Red Fox, we have not How dare people despise us!"

John and Cook nodded their heads vigorously when they heard the boss's confident voice. It is true that Red Fox was established for a short period of time, but since the beginning of its establishment, they have connected several almost impossible assassination missions one after another. Once they made a name for themselves in the industry, those are all tasks that experts think are impossible to complete.

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