Panther Commando

Chapter 421: Farewell to the battlefield

The Navy SEALs and the 707 Brigade, two famous special forces in the world, actually suffered more than half of the casualties in this anti-terrorism competition. This is a shame and a tragedy. Their team members are not casualties in an open and honest confrontation, but It was the casualties that were betrayed by these former comrades-in-arms from the R country, how could this not make these **** special combat team members full of resentment, and how could they not vent their anger on these conscientious little devils.

The leopard commandos walked away, allowing several foreign team members to vent their anger.

This scene also caught the eyes of the senior officials in the R** world who were watching the real-time pictures, and each of them had a complicated look in their eyes.

They are not monolithic. Some people have a sad expression in their eyes. A group of people who have lost their humanity should be punished like this. But any honest soldier will despise what they do. Akino and his group Not only has it touched the moral bottom line of a soldier, but also touched the basic bottom line of being a human being. They deserve what they deserve.

But some people's eyes showed angry expressions, that was their compatriots, they were the same soldiers as them, and they felt the same way.

"Baga." A loud shout sounded from the front of the screen: "Leave their images, investigate the background information of these people, and make sure that they pay for their debts with blood." The top commander in the command hall, Lieutenant General Kameda, turned ashen and glared. all the special forces players on the screen.

He couldn't tolerate such insults to his subordinates, and he shouted and issued a series of orders: "Immediately investigate all the information of this leopard commando, and lock down the two countries of M country SEAL team and H country. Several special forces members must be made to pay the price, this is an insult to the soldiers of our big R country."

He looked at his subordinates viciously, and then shouted: "Immediately order the relevant departments to form a joint research team to investigate the beam of light, and we must find out what exactly destroyed our satellite twice in a row, mother's , this is by no means accidental, otherwise it would not have destroyed our satellites so easily twice in a row, and I have not heard of such advanced aerospace weapons."

In the valley of Country A, a few SEALs who had vented their anger and members of the 707 Brigade glanced at each other and walked to Wan Lin collectively.

Lieutenant Colonel Pu Guocheng of the 707th Brigade with the highest rank walked to Wan Lin with a few blood-red eyes, and suddenly raised his right hand to stand at attention and salute: "Report, our special forces team members have completed the task in their hearts, that is Let the little devils pay their debts with blood, now, we request to leave the team and return to our own country, please instruct."

The two SEALs behind Park Guocheng and several members of 707 raised their right hands in a salute. Wan Lin looked at a few special forces members of other countries, nodded lightly, raised his right hand in return, and said, "You guys. It is our temporary team member and has the right to leave at any time, and I now respect your choice and approve your request."

Wan Lin said, turned around with a serious expression and commanded loudly: "All the leopard commandos, bid farewell to our brothers."

The eleven members of the Panther Commando team behind Wan Lin completed the formation in an instant.

Park Guocheng stretched out his arms and hugged Wan Lin tightly, with a lonely tone in his tone: "You, the best special soldier in the world, I am very honored to fight alongside you." He and The team members behind them walked in front of each of the commandos, and all opened their arms and hugged each of the commandos, including the two female soldiers.

When they walked up to Dali, whose upper body was still wrapped in thick bandages, they stared at Dali's eyes and shook his hand lightly. They sincerely admired this steel man.

The two SEALs and the leopards looked at each other after hugging. The two walked in front of Wan Lin and suddenly raised their hands in salute: "Sir, you are the best sniper we have ever seen. The anti-material sniper rifle will be given to you as a commemoration of our joint battle."

The tall Haig held a heavy Barrett M82 12.7×99mm semi-automatic anti-equipment sniper rifle in both hands and handed it to Wan Lin. Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then quickly reached out to take the sniper rifle, turned around and shouted, "Chengru Take the gun." Cheng Ru took a step forward and took the sniper rifle that Haig handed over.

Wan Lin gave a military salute and hugged the two SEALs tightly with open arms.

At this time, several foreign team members were ready to leave. Park Guocheng suddenly said to Wan Lin in Chinese, "Leopard." Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that they wanted to say goodbye to the two leopards.

"Xiaohua, Xiaobai, line up." The two leopards heard Wan Lin's cry and immediately ran down the hillsides on both sides. They had just cleaned up Qiuye and ran to the high points of the hillsides on both sides to be alert.

The two leopards ran in front of Wan Lin and looked at the foreign special forces players in front of them inexplicably, "Salute." Park Guocheng suddenly shouted and raised his right hand at the same time as the foreign team members behind him. Looking at these two little leopards, they salute the two little animals with the most standard military salute of a soldier. This may be the only time they salute two animals in their lives.

The two leopards saw a few foreigners in front of them saluting suddenly their eyes lit up, they stood up with a "swoosh", raised their right paw, their eyes twinkled, staring at With Park Guocheng and them.

Seeing the two leopards suddenly raise their claws in return, all of Pu Guocheng and the others were shocked. They understood that these were not two animals. They were clearly two standard leopard soldiers. It was these two leopard soldiers who helped them complete the task. own wish.

A group of soldiers raised their hands in salute to the two leopards. Both the man and the leopard stood silently, and the surroundings were silent. After more than a minute of this strange scene, Wan Lin called out in a low voice, "Salute." Done." Ren Leopard lowered his arms.

Several foreign special forces lined up and left silently. All the leopard commandos watched until they disappeared at the end of the valley before they retracted their gazes. The nostalgia flashed in their eyes. This was fighting side by side on the battlefield and in the smoke. This is also a rare scene of collective cooperation of multinational special forces in the history of international special operations.

In the farewell of the two sides, none of the team members mentioned the word "thank you". Everyone knew in their hearts that the special forces know no borders. If they can fight together and live and die together, they don't need the word "thank you". There is nothing. More important than the affection forged in battle,

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