Panther Commando

Chapter 4222: Dangerous

Under the hot sun, Xiaoya pointed to the two rocks in front of her and continued: "Xiaomiao's shooting accuracy is really good. You see, the impact point is basically near the center." She then looked at another rock and said: "Xiao Min is the first time to shoot live ammunition, and this result is quite good. They don't seem to be affected by the surrounding gunfire."

Wan Lin raised his eyes and saw that several white impact points had already appeared on the two rocks in front of him. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's really not bad. The area of ​​these two rocks is about the same as the area of ​​the gun target, and Xiaomin is only the first. One bullet missed the target, and the rest hit the rock. They practiced the exercises with their grandfather, their body balance was strong, and their arms were stable. Moreover, they could not panic in the surrounding gunfire, which showed that their psychological quality was also good. good."

While the two of them were talking, Xiao Miao had already pulled the trigger and fired up the bullets in the magazine. He raised his eyes and glanced at the impact point on the rock in front of him, and then quickly closed the safety on the gun. In front of Xiaoya, she excitedly said: "Brother, Miss Xiaoya, I've finished shooting." Wan Lin glanced down at the muzzle of the gun he pointed to the ground, nodded and said, "Yes, I'll practice other shooting positions later. ." With that, he raised his head and looked at Xiaomin who was still lying among the rocks.

At this moment, Xiaomin was staring at the rock in front of her with her small face taut, her eyes narrowed, and she gently pulled the trigger with her right index finger. "Da", the sound of a striker hitting the air followed from the gun, Wan Lin and Xiaoya standing beside them both laughed.

Xiaomin lifted the gun in frustration and got up, looked at Wan Lin and shouted, "Brother, I'm out of bullets, I've been aiming for a long time." Xiaomiao smiled and ran to Xiaomin's side, grabbed her arm and said: " Miss Min, you have to remember how many bullets you fired, this gun only has seven bullets in the magazine."

Wan Lin walked up to Xiaomin and said, "Xiaomiao is right. When shooting, you must remember how many times you pulled the trigger. If you pull the trigger on the battlefield and no bullet is fired, it is very likely that Create opportunities for the enemy to counterattack." Xiaomin nodded quickly and said, "Brother, I remember."

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, give them a few more bullets to practice other shooting postures. Be sure to pay attention to safety. I'll go to Chengru and Fengdao to see." After that, he took out his protective shield. Putting the goggles on Xiaomin's face, she lifted her sniper rifle in the blazing sunlight and strode towards the mountains behind.

The sun hanging high in the air has already slanted westward, but the air in the mountains still looks sultry. Chengru and Fengdao, who are climbing up the steep rock wall behind them, are already sweating profusely, and their clothes are soaked in sweat. wet.

Wan Lin strode to the foot of the cliff. He stood on a wet rock and looked up intently. The dark gray walls were damp and slippery, and patches of dark green moss grew on the raised rocks. Twisted black cracks are like spider webs, strewn across the steep cliff.

There are some green weeds sporadically drilled out of the cracks. In the dark cracks near the peak, a few twisted small trees slanted out of the rock cracks, and a few green leaves hung on the seemingly On the withered yellow branches, it looks very tenacious.

At this time, Cheng Ru and several people were clinging to the rock crevice above their heads with their hands, and their bodies were suspended on a steep cliff dozens of meters high. very dangerous.

Wan Lin quickly glanced at the comrade-in-arms hanging on the cliff, his eyes followed on the tall Kong Dazhuang who fell below, and a nervous expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Dazhuang was carrying a heavy backpack and a long machine gun behind him. At this time, his right foot was on a slightly raised rock, and his left foot was hanging in the air without finding a foothold.

At this time, his hands and fingers were clinging to a crack in the rock above, and his right leg on the raised rock was trembling slightly. At this moment, he looked up anxiously and looked up at the cliff above, apparently wanting to find a place where he could support his feet as soon as possible and reduce the pressure on his arms.

Wan Lin's expression changed drastically. He knew that most of the Leopard team members had internal skills. Only Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang had practiced external skills since childhood. Although both of them had Kong Wu and strength, their stamina and physical agility were not the same. worse than other players.

Wang Dali has been practicing Wanjia's internal skills with himself and his grandfather since then, and he has already gained a certain amount of enthusiasm. Kong Dazhuang followed his own people to cultivate both internally and externally, but his internal strength was still incomparable with the other team members. In addition, his body was heavy, and now he was physically exhausted on this steep, slippery cliff.

At this time, Wan Lin didn't dare to make a sound, he was worried that his sudden voice would distract Da Zhuang, which would put Da Zhuang in a more dangerous situation. He quickly put the sniper rifle behind him, took a deep breath, and slammed his feet up against the rock.

"Wow," Wan Lin's figure suddenly rose from the ground with a gust of cold wind. At this moment, his right hand grabbed a crack in the rock more than three meters high, and his left foot lightly tapped a moss-covered stone under him. Block, the body was pulled up again, followed by ups and downs on the steep rock wall, and in a blink of an eye, it has jumped up to a cliff that is dozens of meters high.

At this time, Chengru and Fengdao, who were already close to the top of the peak, noticed the sound of the wind from The two of them hung on the cliff and looked down. They immediately found that the leopard's head was projecting from the cliff below. They rushed up, and the two looked at Wan Lin's spirit monkey-like figure, with a look of astonishment in their eyes. At this time, they had discovered that Wan Lin's Qinggong had made great progress, and the figure went straight to Kong Dazhuang's place like a spirit monkey. Location rush!

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that Wan Lin's face was showing an iron-blue color, and cold winds were rushing upwards following his jumping figure.

The two were shocked, knowing that the cold air in Wan Lin was gushing out! The two found that Kong Dazhuang, who was hanging on the cliff below, was shaking slightly, and his body was shaky on the steep rock wall!

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao's hearts jumped into their throats, and a layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on their faces. They already understood that the leopard head saw that Da Zhuang was in danger from below, so he used all his strength to rush up regardless of the danger! Kong Dazhuang is already at stake! If he really fell from this nearly 100-meter-high cliff, he would definitely be shattered!

Feng Dao and Cheng Ru reacted quickly, their left hand clinging tightly to the crack in the rock above, and their right hand stretched out to the backpack behind them at the same time. They quickly grabbed a bundle of ropes from the bag, grabbed the rope end, and threw the rope to Kong Dazhuang, who was more than 20 meters away, and shouted hurriedly: "Dazhuang, grab it!"

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