Panther Commando

Chapter 4235: little flower friend

Xiaoya and Chengru also hid on the top of the mountain and stared at the sky in astonishment. They could see clearly in the clear morning light that what was suddenly flying was a huge bird of prey, its wings spread in the air. It is more than two meters wide, and the two eagle claws protruding downward are as powerful as steel hooks. At first glance, it is an extremely ferocious aerial king. The giant eagle in the air and the small ball on the rock below form a sharp contrast.

At this time, they saw that the giant eagle that had thrown down suddenly spread its wings and gave up its attack on the ball. They also immediately realized that this giant eagle must know Xiaohua, otherwise it would not have volleyed fiercely just now, and now it is so friendly to Qiuqiu.

Wan Lin laughed when he heard Xiao Miao's questioning. He had already seen that this huge giant eagle was not an ordinary bird of prey, it was an extremely rare eagle eagle in the mountains! The last time he took Xiaohua to find Wanjia's hidden treasure, they had encountered this air king on a cliff.

At that time, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua were hungry and climbing up the steep, slippery rock wall, and a ferocious big green snake was hiding on the side cliff. At this critical moment, this rare eagle eagle suddenly flew over, grabbed the big green snake fiercely, and then threw the long snake to the rock where Xiaohua was located.

At that time, Wan Lin had already understood that this was the intersection of the Overlord in the Air and the Overlord in the Mountains, and it was an expression of the raptors in the sky and the beasts on the ground.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already retracted the light beams from their eyes, and with a "whoosh" they jumped up to the rock where the ball was located, and Xiaohua followed up and looked up at Cangyi flying in the air and let out a low, long roar .

The loud eagle croak also followed from the blue sky. The long leopard's roar mixed with the loud eagle croak, which shook the mountains with a "humming" echo, and their voices were filled with a voice. A cheerful atmosphere.

In the clear sound of the eagle croaking, the huge bird of prey in the air suddenly flapped its wings twice, and circled for half a circle on the top of the hidden hilltop in Wanlin, with two sharp eagle eyes staring at the group of Wanlin hidden on the top of the hill. Man, it then flapped its powerful wings and flew straight to the high mountain top in the distance.

In a blink of an eye, the huge giant eagle had turned into a small black spot, and then disappeared behind the high mountaintop. Obviously, its sharp eagle eyes have spotted a group of people hidden in Wanlin on the top of the mountain, but it must understand that these are the companions of the beast king at the bottom of the mountain, otherwise these three strange and ferocious beasts under the mountain will never allow outsiders Hiding and peeping beside them.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the rock, he quietly watched the mighty eagle disappearing from sight, then he turned to look at Xiao Miao and replied in a low voice: "This is not an ordinary big eagle, this is It is a rare eagle eagle in the sky. We have encountered this eagle before. It is a good friend of Xiaohua's heart. He has recognized Xiaohua next to Qiuqiu, so he will not face Qiuqiu again. Attack." With that, he leaned over the sniper rifle and aimed down the mountain.

At this time, the three leopards at the bottom of the mountain saw the eagle flying away, so they opened their mouths and bit the big snake on the top of the rock. He ran between the mountains and disappeared into the rolling hills in a blink of an eye.

Wan Lin watched the three leopards run away with gentle eyes, and then moved the gun to observe the surrounding mountains. He took out the kettle and took a sip, then whispered into the microphone beside his mouth: "Xiao Hua, they have gone out to scout, Everyone, be careful, take a break, and have something to eat."

After he finished speaking, he took out two compressed biscuits from his body and threw them sideways at Xiaomin and Xiaomiao who were hiding under the tree. The two of them stretched out their hands to take the biscuits. Turned around and handed it to Xiao Miao.

The sun has jumped over the top of the mountain, the sun is shining in the mountains, colorful birds are flying among the rolling hills, the crisp bird calls are sounding one after another in the mountains, and bursts of colorful flowers are also drilled out of the grass on the hills below the mountain. Gorgeous pheasants, and a few hares from time to time stick out their heads from the grass and look around.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the rock and slowly chewing a crushed biscuit, his eyes still fixed on the scope on the sniper rifle, he moved the gun body with his left hand, and slowly swept across the vibrant mountains, his eyes pierced. With a pleasant, intoxicated look.

This is the hometown where he has lived since he was a child. Although he has been away from here for many years, the plants, trees, mountains and rivers here still give him a feeling of familiarity and kindness.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the surrounding mountains, and a look of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes. This place was originally in the depths of the inaccessible mountains, with unique natural scenery endowed by nature. However, with the proliferation of drugs, the crazy drug dealers at home and abroad colluded with each other, taking advantage of the inaccessible and complex terrain here, to secretly transport batches of drugs to the mainland.

The arrival of these scumbags not only broke the tranquility of this mountain, but also destroyed the tranquility of the reclusive people such as the Wanjia and the Daoist of Nothingness, but they also poisoned thousands of people with drugs.

At this he suddenly remembered his mother who died tragically, the nihilistic Taoist priest who died in the hands of the rebels, and the thousand-year-old Taoist temple that collapsed in the storm! Wan Lin thought of this, a strong murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body, and the grass and blades covering his body shook slightly in this strong murderous aura! His hands tightly clenched the sniper rifle, and his eyes suddenly turned sharp as he looked at the distant mountains!

Xiaomin and Xiaomiao, who were lying under the tree eating compressed biscuits, suddenly felt this murderous aura coming from the side. Both of them bit the compressed biscuits and turned their heads towards Wan Lin in astonishment.

Xiaoya, who was on the side, turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin, and then whispered to Xiaomin and Xiaomiao: "Be careful!" She knew in her heart that Wan Lin must have heard the sound of her mother who died tragically at the hands of those drug dealers.

Time passed slowly forward, the sun that originally hung on the top of the Dongfang Mountain has gradually moved to the top of a group of people in Wanlin, the hot sun shines straight on the top of the mountain from top to bottom, and the air between the mountains becomes unbearably hot. There was already a heat wave in the mountain wind blowing slowly from the side.

The leopard team members were lying motionless behind the rocks on the top of the mountain and among the grasses. Sweat beads the size of soybeans had already appeared on everyone's faces, and tiny beads of sweat hung on their eyelashes. Everyone's face was flushed in the heat, and the camouflage clothes on their bodies had been soaked with sweat.

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