Panther Commando

Chapter 4242: screams in the woods

? Zhang Wa and Bao Ya, who were already close to the woods, saw that the leopard head had appeared behind them, Zhang Wa immediately reached out and made an inquiry gesture. Wan Lin raised his hand and pointed to the forest on both sides of the hillside, indicating that the two of them entered the dark forest from the top and bottom of the hillside. under the tree.

Wan Lin leaned on the root of the tree, raised his gun and glanced at the forest, then turned his head to look behind him. Feng Dao, Wang Dali, and Kong Dazhuang also climbed over the hillside with their guns. They saw Wan Lin and the three of them were about to enter the forest. Wan Lin, Zhang Wa and Bao Ya provided cover.

Wan Lin raised his hand and pointed at Fengdao and the three of them in the forest, signaling them to follow immediately. He followed him and stood up with his gun from behind the tree, and quickly got into the dark forest. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya on both sides of the forest saw that Wan Lin had entered the forest. The two immediately stood up from behind the tree. They raised their guns and glanced at the forest, then flashed out from behind the tree and disappeared into the dense forest.

The forest was very dark, with clusters of weeds growing on the forest floor, and tree trunks of different thicknesses scattered irregularly in the darkness. At this moment, Wan Lin's figure was like a ghost in the forest, flickering around the tree trunks, running very fast towards the depths of the woods.

After running for about 100 meters, he suddenly stopped after rushing to a thick tree. He stood behind the tree and silently stopped the movement in the forest for a while, then suddenly raised his sniper rifle from the thick trunk, and aimed his eyes at the dark forest ahead through the scope.

It was very quiet in the woods, the birds that perched in the dense branches and leaves had been scared away by the drug dealers, and the small animals in the grass in the forest had long since disappeared. In the forest, there were only the branches and leaves swaying with the mountain wind, and in the dimness, there was a slight "whoosh" sound.

At this time, Wan Lin had already judged that the stream slowly flowing from the hillside to the mountains below should be about 300 meters away in the forest in front, where the group of drug dealers were likely to rest.

At this moment, Wan Lin heard a slight "rustling" sound not far away, and he quickly turned his gun to aim at the side of the forest where the sound came from. Through the gap between the trees, a faint shadow had appeared in the forest above him, and then suddenly stopped behind a tree and raised his gun to aim forward. At this time, there was a faint sound of "rustling" in the grass in the lower right, and another black shadow stopped behind a thick tree trunk.

Wan Lin could see at a glance that Zhang Wa was in the forest at the top left, and Bao Ya was in the forest at the bottom right. Both of them had already mentioned Qinggong, and they followed quickly. The sound of running in the forest was very weak. He saw that Zhang Wa and Bao Ya were already distributed in the forest on both sides of him, and he quickly turned his gun to aim in the forest ahead.

Just as his eyes were aligned with the scope, two faint blue dots suddenly appeared on the thick canopy of a big tree in the forest in front of him. He immediately raised the muzzle to aim at the two blue dots. . Vaguely, he could see at a glance that it was the light in the eyes of Xiaohua lying on the branch of the tree. It was obviously guiding him, and there was no trace of Xiaobai and Qiuqiu around.

Wan Lin pondered for a while, and then realized that the three leopards had discovered the traces of the drug dealers in front. Xiaobai and Qiuqiu must be monitoring the drug dealers' movements in the forest close to the drug dealers, and Xiaohua quietly ran back to guide them. past.

Wan Lin quickly turned around and made a gesture to Zhang Wa and Bao Ya on both sides. At this moment, the wind knife suddenly quietly emerged from the forest behind. He ran to Wan Lin to hide under the tree, and then made a gesture to Wan Lin.

When Wan Lin saw the wind knife catching up, he immediately raised his hand and pointed to the canopy of the tree where Xiao Hua was in front of him, then hid behind the tree and whispered into the microphone: "Everyone's attention: Xiao Hua and the others have found the enemy's tracks, those drug dealers will In the forest not far ahead. Be careful, after getting close to the drug dealer, you must first determine the location of the undercover agent to ensure his safety!"

"Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang, you should approach the top of the forest and the foot of the mountain to prevent the enemy from escaping from the upper and lower directions! Attention snipers outside the forest, closely monitor the surroundings of the forest, and immediately kill any drug dealers who have escaped in secret!"

Wan Lin issued an order and waved at the wind knife, and the two immediately bent over from both sides of the tree trunk and ran out to the location of Xiao Hua. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya saw Wan Lin and Feng Dao running forward, and they also quickly ran forward from the forest on both sides, with their assault rifles on their shoulders, and aiming at the dark forest in front of them as they moved.

Wan Lin and Fengdao ran to Xiaohua's location under the cover of the tree trunk. They followed behind the two trees that were parked around Xiaohua, and raised their guns to aim forward. When Xiaohua saw Wan Lin coming, it jumped out of the tree branch three or four meters high with a "whoosh" sound, and landed firmly on a branch above Wan Lin's head.

The little flower fell on the tree branch. It lowered its head and was about to report the situation to Wan Lin when a faint roar suddenly sounded from the dim forest in front, followed by a shrill scream, although the sound was only It came faintly in the dark, but it was very harsh in this silent and dim forest!

Wan Lin was shocked! He didn't care about knowing the exact location of the enemy from Xiaohua, he waved his hand forward at Xiaohua, and then rushed towards the forest where the screams sounded with his sniper rifle. Fengdao quickly followed Wan Lin with his assault rifle. A gleam of light had already emerged from the two small eyes.

At this time, he, Wan Lin and the team members around him have realized that this scream is probably the cry of the exposed undercover agent in extreme The other party is using torture to torture the deep enemy. The lone hero of the camp!

Xiaohua heard the screams in front of her and jumped out of the tall tree branch. It landed on the forest ground in front of Wan Lin, and ran forward with Wan Lin and the wind knife like a smoke.

Wan Lin and the others had just run 100 meters away in the dim forest, when Qiuqiu and Xiaobai suddenly jumped down from the thick branch of a big tree a dozen meters away. The two leopards ran in front of Xiaohua and Wan Lin and immediately stood up, turned to face the **** of the forest in front of them, their eyes showed a faint red and blue luster, and their raised front paws were already exposed. Sharp nails!

Wan Lin and Fengdao saw Xiaobai and Qiuqiu suddenly jumping down from the tree in front of them. The two immediately disappeared behind the tree, raised their guns and aimed in the direction of the front claws of the two leopards.

In the dark, thick tree trunks blocked their sight, and they couldn't see the scene in the distant forest at all. Wan Lin hurriedly listened to it. The screams and curses, as well as the heavy beatings, were mixed with the sound of the gurgling stream.

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