Panther Commando

Chapter 424: jungle

Zhang Wa frowned and continued: "Yes, according to this terrain, there should be only one passage to enter the base. This passage should be an important supply passage for the enemy, and this passage is obviously the focus of the opponent's defense."

After listening to Feng Dao and others' analysis, Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes, if this is the case, then the enemy's defense should focus on the passage, and the rest of the defense should at most set up some open and dark posts, and then deploy a few patrols. , if so, we can secretly approach the enemy base as long as we avoid the passage."

Cheng Ru said: "It is the best choice to enter from the dense forest, but we must pay attention to the demining work." Zhang Wa said: "I will take Xiaohua and Xiaobai to the front and make a safe passage."

Seeing that everyone had no other suggestions, Wan Lin immediately said, "Okay, let's implement this plan. After entering the forest area, Zhang Wa and I bring two leopards in front, and the rest of the team will follow up."

Wan Lin brought a few people back to the queue, introduced the situation and geographical environment of the East Turkistan No. 3 base, and discussed the precautions and tactical arrangements. In particular, he urged everyone to strictly follow the established queue after entering the forest to avoid touching landmines. .

Wan Lin finished the arrangement and continued to head towards Base No. 3 with his team in the mountains. Allende ran to the front and walked side by side with Wan Lin at the front. The two leopards were still reconnaissance in front.

In the evening of the third day, the guide Allende pointed to the mountain in front of him and said to Wan Lin: "Come over this mountain, you can see the forest, and the other party's base is in the dense forest." Wan Lin turned to face Everyone made a warning gesture and ran up the mountain with their sniper rifles. Allende followed closely and ran to the mountain.

When he got to the top of the mountain, Wan Lin Mao lowered his waist and climbed to the top of the mountain under the cover of the big rocks and trees near the top of the mountain. He hid behind a big tree and took out his binoculars to observe the surroundings.

In front of it is an endless virgin forest. The forest stretches along the mountain. From far away, you can hear the sound of the branches and leaves colliding with the mountain wind blowing the leaves. , like the sound of waves from the endless sea, one after another.

At the bottom of the mountain, a winding path leads from the surrounding hillside to the edge of the forest, and then passes through the edge of the forest, like a white belt climbing another mountainside.

Wan Lin stared at the place where the bottom of the mountain and the forest bordered. A small road in the forest was linked with the road at the foot of the mountain, forming a fork in the road. Wan Lin turned around and handed the telescope to Allende, saying, "That forest Is the trail in the middle the passage to the enemy base?"

Allende looked at the binoculars for a while and said, "Yes, I passed by this place a few years ago. There is still their post at the fork, and there is a guard fence at the intersection."

Wan Lin took the binoculars and glanced down again. The distance was too far to see the enemy sentry Allende said. He turned around and waved downwards, ordering the team to climb to the vicinity of the mountainside, then turned around and walked back to the mountainside. He ran to the left with the team members. He wanted to lead the team members into the forest from a place far from the three-way intersection below to avoid frontal contact with the enemy.

The group detoured to the foot of the mountain. At this time, night had fallen, and the late autumn mountain wind swayed the boundless forest in front of it with a "swoosh" coolness. The commandos quietly lurking on the side of the mountain road to observe the surrounding movement brought a cold and terrifying atmosphere.

The thick night gradually enveloped the surroundings, and a thick white mist slowly rose from the forest, gradually covering the forest and mountain trails.

Wan Lin listened to the surrounding movement, and decisively ordered: "Enter the forest." The group quickly got up and entered the endless forest.

In the forest, there are five fingers out of sight. Xiaohua and Xiaobai’s eyes radiate red and blue beams of light. They slowly walk in front. All the team members follow closely behind them. The forest is extremely silent. A nightingale screeched loudly.

A few bright spots of light flashed around the team members from time to time, but they soon disappeared into the vast forest. Obviously, the sudden appearance of the two leopards made these animals, big and small, who have lived in this forest for generations, have a new life. They were all terrified like never before, they all quietly left the area after smelling the smell of the leopard or seeing the two dazzling beams.

Lingling and Xiaoya walked in the middle of the team, Lingling held Xiaoya's hand tightly and whispered, "Why is this forest so scary? We have been to many forests, and we have never felt so scary as this forest." Ya squeezed Lingling's little hand tightly and said softly, "Hehe, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just that it's too dark tonight, so I'm scared."

Xiaoya's voice just fell, "quack quack", "Jie Jie Jie Jie" strange cries came from a distance, Xiaoya and Lingling trembled involuntarily, their footsteps slowed down unconsciously, the people behind them. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa collided with them.

"Ah!" Lingling exclaimed involuntarily. The surrounding team members didn't know what was going on in the dark. They all stopped and ducked behind the trees around them. To: "What's the matter."

Xiaoya quickly replied: "It's alright, it's too dark, I bumped into it." In fact, everyone is carrying infrared night vision goggles in their equipment But no one dares to use it easily, who knows what to do in How many days and nights have passed in the forest, so the batteries in it are valuable assets. This time, because there is no supply, everyone can only use these electrical equipment during combat.

"Shh" a bright beam of light lit up from the front, Wan Lin came back with a flashlight, and has been walking through the dense forest for four or five hours. In the middle of the night, the light of the flashlight couldn't shine very far. For safety's sake, Wan Lin walked back with the flashlight.

"Counting" Wan Lin walked back to the middle of the team and whispered, "One", "Two", "Three"... A series of counts sounded softly. When the last Bao Ya reported to eleven, Wan Lin followed Answered "Twelve", and all twelve were there. Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief and walked in the dark jungle. He was afraid that the team members would fall behind and get lost. Once lost, they might get lost in the dark jungle and encounter accidents .

Wan Lin saw that it was too dangerous to continue moving forward, and at the same time, he observed everyone's tired expressions, and immediately ordered: "Rest in place, I will be in charge of vigilance."

The team members sat on the ground with their backs against the big tree and bowed their heads to rest. They marched continuously. Every team member was exhausted. Wan Lin called Xiao Bai back and let him lie down next to Xiaoya and Lingling. Next, there are leopards, and the poisonous insects and beasts in the forest will stay away from this area.

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