Panther Commando

Chapter 4250: comfortable sandals

The bright moon hangs high above the top of the mountain, and the bright moonlight reveals the shadows of the undulating mountains. The mountains are very quiet, except for a stream not far away, which makes a "crashing" sound in the dark.

Bao Ya took the straw sandals, reached out and wiped a handful of sand on his raised right foot and replied, "It's okay, I lived in the mountains like you when I was young, and I usually played barefoot in the mountains. It's a pair of iron feet." He put on his straw sandals and stood up and stepped on it hard and said, "These straw sandals are so comfortable! Do you still have this skill with Leopard Head?"

At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng came over. The two looked at the straw sandals on Bao Ya's feet. Wu Xueying said in astonishment, "That's great! Leopard head, can you make a few pairs for us when you're fine?"

Wan Lin looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng fondly at the straw sandals he knitted. He raised the straw sandals that were almost finished in his hand and said, "It's not easy. I'll knit a pair for each of you when I go back." Beside Lin, she reached out and touched the straw rope in Wan Lin's hand and asked, "Leopard head, what kind of grass is this? It's really flexible."

Wan Lin picked up a thin straw rope at his feet and handed it to her, and replied: "We have a lot of this kind of grass here. We call this kind of grass Loma, and it can grow as high as one person. We usually use It rubs ropes and is very strong. The straw sandals made of it are very comfortable to wear on the feet, especially in summer, they are breathable and cool, and I grew up wearing these straw sandals when I was a child.”

In the darkness, he raised his finger to the tall grass on the mountain and said, "That's this kind of grass." After speaking, he picked up a few straw ropes beside him, and woven the straw sandals in his hand and handed them to the bag. Ya said, "Old bag, put it on."

Wu Xueying, who was sitting next to him, grabbed the straw sandals in Wan Lin's hands, looked at Bao Ya with big eyes and said eagerly: "Brother Bao, Brother Bao, let's change, you wear my shoes." Reach out with your right foot to untie the shoelace.

Bao Ya stared at her little feet and shouted: "Little aunt, you let me wear your three-inch golden lotus embroidered shoes? You should forget it!"

Wu Xueying looked at the big straw sandal in her hand and laughed: "Hee hee, you are not tall, why do you have such big stinky feet?" Wan Lin and the others heard the conversation between Bao Ya and Wu Xueying, and all fell silent. Lou laughed.

Wang Dali, Kong Dazhuang, and Lin Zisheng who were around heard the laughter and came over with their guns. Wang Dali took the straw sandals in Wu Xueying's hands and glanced at them, then looked at Wan Lin and praised: "Leopard head, this thing is Yes, you can teach us when I go back, and when I have nothing to do, I will bring a few pairs to the market to sell, and I will definitely be able to exchange some pocket money to buy two pig trotters to chew on."

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "No problem, now the **** is in a hurry to wear it, so I just knitted it, if I have time, I can make a lot of patterns on it. Hehe, this is what my grandfather taught me when I was a child. mine."

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling came over with Xiaomin and Xiaomiao who were already asleep, Lingling smiled and handed Xiaomiao to Chengru who was sitting on the rock, she raised her hand and knocked on the strong helmet and whispered: "You You're a money-lover, it's not easy to eat pig's trotters, so just hold the old bag's pair of big smelly feet and chew it!"

"Fuck you!" Vigorously turned to Lingling and shook his big fist. He smiled and said, "Old Bao's stinky feet can kill anyone, so I'll leave it to you." Bao Ya raised her foot to The two kicked away: "My feet are tricking you, provoke you?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Xiaomin and Xiaomiao, who were sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up in their sleep. The two pulled out the sharp daggers from their waists, and Xiaomin stood up and shouted in a daze: "Where are the drug dealers? "

Seeing the nervousness of the two, everyone knew that they were still fighting those drug dealers in their sleep. Lingling and Xiaoya smiled and stretched out their hands to grab Xiaomin's right hand holding the knife, then pulled them to sit next to them, Xiaoya said with a smile, "Xiaomiao, Xiaomin, the battle is over long ago, there are no drug dealers!"

Xiaomin glanced at the relaxed eldest brother and eldest sister around, she embarrassedly inserted the dagger into the scabbard around her waist, then raised her hand and rubbed her red eyes vigorously and said, "Aiya, why did I fall asleep?"

Xiaomiao also looked at Wan Lin and said in frustration: "Brother, I dreamed that those drug dealers were running towards us just now. I was about to draw a knife and kill me, but I didn't expect to wake up at this time!"

Wan Lin patted Xiao Miao's head distressedly, and he said to the two with a serious look: "The battle is over, you are too tired so you fell asleep. Remember, this experience must not be shared with outsiders, it is kept secret at this time. Discipline! It's all right now, you guys sleep a little longer."

Xiaomiao shook her head vigorously in the dark and replied, "Brother, Sister Xiaomin and I can persevere. We have slept for a while, and now we are in good spirits." Wan Lin smiled at the two of them, and he stood up and said: "That's good, we'll go home now. Your big brother has something to do at home, so we have to hurry back." After speaking, he stood up and ordered: "Let's go! Xiaohua, Xiaobai, Qiuqiu, go. already."

At about noon the next day, a group of talents from Wanlin appeared at the foot of the Wanjia courtyard. At this time, Wan Lin's grandfather was standing at the entrance of the small courtyard halfway up the mountain, staring at the foot of the mountain with his hands under the awning under the blazing sun. Obviously, Wan Lin and the others had not returned for several days with Xiaomin and Xiaomiao, which made the old man feel uneasy.

The three leopards saw their grandfather standing at the door, and immediately ran up the hillside like a smoke. Qiuqiu ran in front of the old man and jumped directly into the old man's arms. The old man reached out and hugged He saw Xiaomiao and Xiaomin following Wan Lin and returned safely, and his nervous expression eased.

He gently stroked Qiu Qiu's head, looked at the group of people who were striding forward and shouted, "Lin Er, what are you doing, why have you been out for so long?" Asked: "Xiao Bao, where are your shoes?" Bao Ya quickly replied: "Grandpa, it's okay! Leopard head made me a pair of straw sandals, I'll try them on."

At this time, Wan Lin strode up to the old man and explained: "Grandpa, it's nothing serious, there are a few drug dealers in the mountains, we rushed over to deal with it, and now it's over. It's too hot here, let's go inside and talk. "

As he said that, he took the old man's arm and walked into the courtyard. As he walked, he turned his head to look at Xiaoya who was following and said, "Xiaoya, you female team members should go take a bath first."

"Yes!" Xiaoya took Xiaomin and answered with a smile: "Okay, ladies first, let's wash it first." Wan Lin looked at Lingling and asked, "Lingling, has the car sent by Minister Qi arrived? ?"

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