Panther Commando

Chapter 4317: 2 drunks

In the thick night, Wan Lin took a deep breath outside the window, then stared at a black car passing from the side lane and said, "Old Bao, speed up and go around the institute." Yes!" Bao Ya replied, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to chase the car in front of him that had just passed his own vehicle.

In a blink of an eye, the black car in front had reached the intersection with the red light in front and stopped. Just as Bao Ya accelerated to catch up with the car in front, just as he was about to turn the steering wheel to turn to the right road, the black car in front of him stopped. Suddenly start and turn towards the road on the side of the research institute.

Wan Lin stared at the car that suddenly turned away. According to the car's driving intention, it was going straight through the intersection in front, but the car suddenly turned right when Wan Lin's off-road vehicle caught up. Go, this shows that the person in the car in front seems to suspect that his car is following them, so he suddenly changes direction and leaves his approaching off-road vehicle.

He fixed his eyes on the car that was turning in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Old Bao, go straight, don't follow the car in front." At this time, the green light at the intersection was already on, and Bao Ya quickly stepped on the accelerator and went straight through the intersection in front of him. .

Just as Wan Lin was passing the intersection in front of him, Wan Lin had already grabbed Xiao Hua, pointed at the car that was turning right, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua, follow this car and see which direction it is going?" Xiaohua quietly put it down close to the body.

Xiaohua fell on the road and ran to the side of the road like black smoke, then got into the green belt on the side of the road, and quickly chased the black car in front. Bao Ya drove through the intersection, Wan Lin turned his head and glanced coldly at the car driving towards the street beside his eyes, then turned his head and said in a low voice, "Old Bao, go ahead and turn into the family area, wait for Xiaohua."

He followed and whispered into the wireless microphone next to his mouth: "Captain Liu, I'm Wan Lin. Let the monitoring room monitor the black car on the road to the left of the institute."

The voice of Company Commander Lianliu, the guard of the institute, came from his wireless earphone: "Captain Wan, I'm monitoring in the monitoring room. This car is driving around the road around the institute." Wan Lin followed up: "Notice. Police, let them check the number plate file of this car." "Yes!" Captain Liu replied immediately.

At this time, Bao Ya had already driven into a family area on the side. After he parked at the gate of the community and took an exit slip, he drove the car into the community and parked in a vacant seat on the side. Wan Lin said in a low voice, "Old Bao, you are on standby in the car, I'll go out for a walk." After that, he picked up a baseball cap from the seat and put it on his head, opened the car door and walked out.

The night shrouded the quiet neighborhood, the windows of the surrounding buildings were pitch black, only a few scattered windows showed light, and the street lights in the neighborhood looked very dim. Standing by the car, Wan Lin raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was already 11:30 at night, and Wan Lin raised his foot and walked towards the gate of the dimly lit community.

The security of the community is not strict. There is a sleepy security guard sitting in the security booth at the gate of the community. He raised his head and glanced at Wan Lin who walked out of the community, then lowered his head and closed his eyes. Wan Lin glanced at the guard, pushed open the small door on the side, and strode out of the community. He followed and turned towards the research institute.

The street was quiet, except for the dim yellow lights on the light poles standing on the street. Wan Lin just walked out about 100 meters along the sidewalk, when two black shadows suddenly appeared at the corner of the street in front of him. Wan Lin slowed down and looked forward intently.

The two shadows in front supported each other and walked towards him. The two of them were staggering, and one of them was shaking a cylindrical object vigorously. As Wan Lin walked forward, he secretly raised his inner strength and took a breath. A smell of alcohol came from the front immediately.

Wan Lin frowned and walked over to meet the two of them. Just as Wan Lin was approaching the two in front, the two who were walking slantingly suddenly raised their heads and looked forward, and one of them raised the empty wine bottle in his hand and shouted at Wan Lin, "Dude, let's continue drinking! The other person also raised his head to look at Wan Lin who was approaching and shouted drunkenly: "Brother, drink up!" He followed and raised his hand to grab Wan Lin who was approaching.

Wan Lin heard the other party's local words with a strong accent, and his right hand, which was already filled with infuriating energy, immediately dropped from his waist. He had already heard from the accents of the other two that they were indeed locals. Although they were drunk, their accents were quite pure, and it was difficult for outsiders to imitate such a pure local accent.

Wan Lin took an oblique step to the side, letting go of the right hand grabbed by the drunken man in front of him, and walked forward with a quicker pace. The two drunk boys saw Wan Lin suddenly dodging, and then continued to walk forward scoldingly.

Wan Lin shook his head with a wry smile, scolding in his heart: "I am in front of you defending this territory with all my life, but you are living a life of drunken life and dreaming. It's really a **** bad luck." He then slowed down and moved forward. As he walked, there was still a secret energy in his body, preventing the two drunken looking people from chasing after him.

In such a quiet night, he really didn't dare to relax his vigilance. This is the place where the red fox is focusing on aiming. There may be an emergency at any time, and he really doesn't dare to relax in the slightest. He strode under the landscape tree on the sidewalk in front of him, then stopped close to the thick trunk, turned his head and glanced back.

The two drunks were walking crookedly towards the residential area where Baoya was parked, but they didn't catch up with the alcohol. It was only then that Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief. He secretly said in his heart, "It seems that these two are really residents of this community." He then glanced around, raised his feet and walked forward.

It was getting dark and the surroundings seemed unusually quiet. Wan Lin unhurriedly walked forward along the side wall of the institute. At this moment, the questioning voice of the guard Lianliu suddenly came from his earphone: "Captain Wan, is it you who is walking on the sidewalk outside the institute wall?"

Wan Lin glanced around and replied in a low voice, "It's me, is there anything unusual about that black car just now?" Captain Liu replied immediately, "This car went around in a circle, and then went behind the research institute. I stopped on the side of the street for about three minutes, one person pressed the window and smoked a cigarette, and then drove towards the city. The police just called me back. From the license plate, there was nothing abnormal about the car. The owner of the car was The people of this city have not reported the loss.”

Wan Lin pondered for a moment after hearing Captain Liu's He secretly thought: "No, this car suddenly changed direction just now, obviously because he was worried that the car would come up to him, how could there be no problem? "

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