Panther Commando

Chapter 432: Jungle Attack (1)

Zhang Wa handed the light machine gun in his hand to Yu Wenfeng, turned around and said to Wan Lin, "Wait a minute" and ran back in a hurry. After a while, he saw him running back with a big cloth bag.

Wan Lin and the team members looked down at the cloth bag Zhang Wa was carrying, and saw that he was carrying a blood-covered camouflage uniform, which was probably picked from the enemy's corpse. A pile of things, Wan Lin asked, "What's in it?"

Zhang Wa replied with a smile: "Grandma, the terrorists have buried so many mines in the forest to greet us, and I will send them back a few mines." Arrange to the enemy base.

Wan Lin smiled and grabbed the package in Wan Lin's hand, turned around and ordered: "Fengdao, take a few people to set up some booby-trapped mines on both sides of the woods, don't let the enemy approach us from both sides of the woods, Lingling is approaching the enemy base as we approach. When the time comes, immediately block all radio signals in this area and interfere with the enemy's command system. The rest of the team is ready to attack at any time, Zhang Wa, go" and bend down and run into the base. That big package still runs faster than itself.

The two took Xiaohua to the enemy base. The base was built on a large open space in the forest. The original trees were sawed off by their roots, and the base was covered with weeds that were higher than the knees. The body was extremely low, running and stopping, gradually approaching the base, while Xiaohua ran from the grass to the edge of the base, stood up and observed the base, the tall weeds just made Xiaohua's petite figure. cover up.

Feng Dao watched Wan Lin rush out, and immediately ordered Brother Feng Yu to set up booby traps in the woods on the left, and ran to the woods on the right with Bao Ya, which could effectively prevent the enemy from approaching the commando from both sides and avoid being attacked by the enemy from three sides.

At this time, the two snipers Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng had climbed two century-old trees and found their sniper positions; Dali and Kong Dazhuang also found a high point and mounted their machine guns, and the rest of the team spread out and squatted. Get down, get ready to attack.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa approached Xiaohua, and immediately laid their bodies in the grass and followed Xiaohua's gaze to the base. There were four or five watchtowers erected with thick tree trunks in the base, and on each watchtower stood two. The three sentries, from time to time, turned around on the watchtower to observe the surroundings.

Wan Lin saw that the enemy in the base was so heavily guarded, and knew that they must have learned the news that Base No. 1 was taken down, so he strengthened the guard here.

Bright stars twinkled in the sky, casting a silver light on the base, and the night vision was excellent, providing a good vision for attack operations.

At this time, Wan Lin and the two looked at each other, lying on the grass and slowly crawling towards the edge of the base.

Around the base was a half-human-height fence tied with vines, encircling the entire base. It was estimated that this was a guardrail built by the enemy to prevent the intrusion of wild beasts in the forest.

The two climbed under the fence and slowly raised their heads. Within a dozen meters of the fence was the enemy's camp. A row of log houses stood neatly in the base, and a tall watchtower was erected near them. The guards turned their bodies from time to time to look here, and there was a round cover that blocked the rain and sunlight on the top of the watchtower.

Wan Lin looked at the watchtower and knew that he would not be able to enter the base unless he eliminated the sentries on the two watchtowers. He climbed a few steps forward, knelt on one knee as he approached the fence, and returned to take out the bow and arrow from the equipment bag.

There are only a few bare arrows left in his small bow and arrows, and the rest of the bow and arrow bombs have been used up in the previous battles. He drew out two small arrows and attached them to the small bow, and the arrows pointed to the two sentries just upstairs.

"Prepare," Wan Lin said softly to Zhang Wa, his right hand loosened, "Bang", with the slight sound of the bowstring, two arrows from the string flew towards the watchtower like two meteors.

The two sentries on the watchtower heard a slight noise and turned their heads to look towards Wan Lin. The two of them just turned their heads when two sharp arrows passed through their necks at the same time. The sound slowly slumped on the watchtower.

Wan Lin pulled out the pistol with the muffler turned on in his right hand, and crossed the fence with a parcel full of mines in his left hand. Zhang Wa followed. Wan Lin handed the parcel to Zhang Wa and said softly, "Quick, I'll cover." Zhang Wa After taking the package, Wan Lin ran to the bottom of the watchtower and looked around the base.

At this time, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening. The base was quiet. Occasionally, voices came from the lit room. From time to time, someone pushed open the door and walked out to a small low house in the corner of the base. , it is estimated that the house is the bathroom of the base.

Seeing this scene, Wan Lin said to Zhang Wa in a low voice, "Go." The two swaggered out of the watchtower and walked to the surrounding rooms. Under the bright starlight and in the empty base, any concealed movement was impossible. Escape from the vigilant eyes of the sentry guards in the other several watchtowers standing high in the base.

The two swaggered to the door of the nearest room. Zhang Wa bent over and fiddled with the doorknob a few times, then got up and followed Wan Lin forward. Every two rooms, Zhang Wa bent over and fiddled with it for a while.

Wan Lin's body deliberately stood in front of Zhang Wa, covering Zhang Wa, who was bent over to arrange explosives, and the two walked around the base smoothly, as if two night watchmen were patrolling the base, and the two of them walked around the base. It did not arouse the alertness of several other sentry guards in the base.

When the two followed the sound of "buzzing" to the front of a row of Lin found a lot of oil barrels piled up at the entrance of a tent, "Oil depot", Wan Lin whispered to Zhang Wa , which is the enemy's oil depot for diesel generators.

Zhang Wa hesitated for a while. They didn't have a timed blasting device, and if they detonated it now, they would expose themselves. Wan Lin stared at the watchtower not far away, and said softly, "Connect the lead to the enemy's door."

Zhang Wa patted his head: "Yeah, why are you detonating it now, let the enemy detonate it yourself." He turned around and walked into the tent, took out the last two mines in the bag, and connected them to the mines with a very thin wire On the mixing line, place the mine on the edge of the oil drum in the tent, then walk out of the tent and slowly walk towards the nearest door.

The two of them had just walked to the door of the room when the door suddenly opened, and a man in a piece of clothing walked out with his mouth open and yawning. As he spoke, Wan Lin's left hand snapped out and pinched him around his neck, pulling him out of the room. Zhang Wa quickly closed the door and wrapped the wire around the door handle.

The enemy on Wan Lin's left hand rolled his eyes, stuck his tongue out, and held Wan Lin's left hand tightly with both hands. When Wan Lin saw that Zhang Wa was done with her work, he tightened his hand and snapped the opponent's neck bone.

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