Panther Commando

Chapter 4344: life and death struggle

Zhang Wa grabbed the opponent's ankle and pulled hard in front of him. The figure of the opponent who was falling was immediately pulled in front of him from the air.

He stared at each other with gleaming eyes, and shouted loudly to Lin Zisheng who had already stood up from the grass on the side: "Don't shoot, catch this kid alive!"

Just when Zhang Wa's right palm was about to slap the opponent's body hard, the opponent's body suddenly twisted in the air, and his right arm suddenly raised upward. The chest is flying!

Zhang Wa saw the raised arm of the other party, and the pupils in her eyes immediately shrank to the size of needle awns. He really did not expect that the moment the other party raised his balance, he could quickly throw out the dagger in his hand.

On one side of his body, a strong murderous aura surged out of his body. The right hand he hit suddenly retracted, and his right leg rose up with a gust of wind, and went straight to the opponent's back with a "swoosh". Kick it hard.

Zhang Wa originally wanted to capture the opponent alive, but he didn't expect that the opponent in front of him was extremely capable of fighting alone, and he still fought back with his life despite the serious imbalance of his body, which made him suddenly have a murderous intention in his heart! He already knew in his heart that if the opponent fought back desperately without fear of death, he was fantasizing about trying to fight a **** path to prevent him from being captured alive!

In the dark, the sharp dagger flew past Zhang Wa's chest, and then slammed into the thick tree trunk behind the two of them with a thud. , with only a black knife handle left outside the tree.

At the same time, a dull sound of "pop" sounded at the same time, and Zhang Wa's right foot kicked vigorously from bottom to top has already kicked the opponent's back firmly! "Crack!" A crisp sound of broken joints also sounded on the back spine of the boy in front of him.

The boy in front of Zhang Wa screamed, and his strong body flew into the air with a bow. He followed like a mangy dog ​​with a spine removed, and fell to the asphalt road by the side of the road with a "click".

A pistol, which had just been drawn from his waist, fell from his open right hand, and the pistol then landed on the asphalt road by the side of the road with a clatter. The boy was lying on the road, his two bent legs twitched weakly, and then he lay motionless on the road.

Zhang Wa kicked the opponent's spine, then took a step back and bent over to pick up the assault rifle on the ground. He pulled the bolt and stepped forward, raised his left foot and stepped on the opponent's back, and then raised the gun to look around. .

In the dimly lit residential area in front of the side, there were already four or five dark shadows flying over with guns, and three or four cars with local license plates were also driving quickly on the roads on both sides.

Lin Zisheng, who had just raised his gun and aimed at the shadow in front of Zhang Wa, saw that Zhang Wa had kicked the opponent away, and immediately ran towards the gangster's off-road vehicle with the gun in hand.

Just now, Zhang Wa and the boy under his feet moved extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the close-quarters fight between the two of them was over! Zhang Wa glanced sharply around, followed by pressing the muzzle of the gun on the opponent's head, and bent over to look at the opponent's face.

At this moment, he looked at the two dull eyes on his opponent's face and scolded in a low voice: "Bunny, I wanted to give you a way to survive, but you are the one who seeks your own death!" He then reached out and grabbed the opponent's He pulled down a human-skin mask with all his strength, and the deep eye sockets and the high bridge of the nose on the other's face were immediately revealed in the dim light. At this time, the boy's face was already full of blood.

"Grandma's, it really is from the Red Fox!" Zhang Wa scolded in a low voice, and then threw the torn skin from the opponent's hand onto the boy. He straightened his waist and kicked the pistol that fell to his side, and then looked at the boy. The two national security officers in plainclothes who came running said in a low voice, "The battle is over, and no suspicious persons were found around, so I'll leave it to you."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and took two steps to the side of the road. He lowered his head and reported to the wireless microphone on his collar: "Zhang Wa reports that the enemy's response team has been completely wiped out, we are safe!"

Li Dongsheng responded in a low voice from his earphone: "Received!" Zhang Wa heard Li Dongsheng's low voice, a worried look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head to the direction of the research institute in the distance. look.

Zhang Wa knew in his heart that Li Dongsheng replied in a low voice, which means that he must be in the institute's courtyard, and the battle on Leopard's Head must not be over yet. Li Tou suppressed his voice so low at this time, he must be worried about alarming the enemy!

At this time, Lin Zisheng also ran over from the opposite off-road vehicle with a sniper rifle. He ran to Zhang Wa and reported in a low voice, "Report, the enemy in the opposite vehicle has been killed."

As soon as Lin Zisheng's report sounded, three off-road vehicles whistled from the direction of the city, followed by a sudden braking sound, and stopped behind several police and national security personnel cars on the road. Cheng Ru and Xiaoya jumped out of the car with guns in hand. They glanced at the surrounding SWAT police and national security personnel, then raised their feet and ran towards Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao ran to Zhang Wa's side and looked down at the ground. Cheng Ru hurriedly asked, "Didn't you catch a live one?" Zhang Wa turned and pointed at the dagger stuck in the tree by the roadside, and lowered her head in frustration. He replied: "No, this kid is fighting for my life. I would rather die than lay down my weapon. I can only send him back to my grandma's house with one kick."

He then looked at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao and asked in a low voice, "Why is there still no movement over Leopard Head?" Cheng Ru and Feng Dao shook their heads gloomily, and worried expressions appeared in their eyes.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng came running from behind, and they ran to Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng while looking at them, grabbed their arms and asked in unison, "Are you not injured?"

Zhang Wa and Zisheng shook their heads when they looked nervous, and replied in a low voice, "No." Feng Dao, who was standing next to him, glanced around, and said in a low voice, "Come on, let's go to the place near the research institute and stand by. , I guess the Leopard Head has already started to act!"

Zhang Wa looked up and looked around. A group of SWAT officers and national security team members in plainclothes had aimed their guns at the surroundings. Several SWAT officers were pulling out the cordon on the roads on both sides. At this moment, a black car drove in and stopped beside the cordon that the SWAT police had just pulled out. A middle-aged man jumped out of the car nimbly and strode towards Zhang Wa and the others.

Cheng Ru recognized at a glance that it was Director Xu of the Provincial National Security Bureau, and he hurriedly shouted in a low voice: "Stand at attention, salute!" Zhang Wa and the others quickly turned around and stood at attention, looking at Director Xu who was striding forward and raised his hand to salute. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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