Panther Commando

Chapter 4355: slip through the net

Company Commander Liu, who was standing beside Secretary Wang, heard Li Dongsheng's question, and he immediately replied: "A row has been sent to the opposite street to search. The police have blocked the surrounding roads and are now conducting a carpet investigation." Li Dongsheng Hearing Captain Liu's answer, he asked, "Where is that drone?"

At this time, Captain Yang took a step forward and replied: "When the Leopard Head was operating just now, the unmanned aircraft suddenly flew into the distance. I was worried that the drone would escape, and immediately ordered the sniper hidden on the roof of the experimental building. We shot it down with our hands, and Secretary Wang has sent someone to take the shot down unmanned home for analysis."

Li Dongsheng nodded when he heard this. He looked at Wan Lin and the group of people who were still standing in front of him and said, "It's not a big deal. It's just a fish that slipped through the net in a panic. Let's take care of it, let's continue to eat."

Cheng Ru's group heard Li Dongsheng's command, and then lowered the muzzle in their hands and walked to the side dining table with the gun in hand.

There was actually a * hidden on the body of the rebel, which really made them feel a little puzzled. The other party came to steal the meteorite fragments in the research institute, not to carry out a suicide attack, but why does this kid carry a * fixed on his leg? And the power of the explosion was not large, which really puzzled them.

At this moment, Wang Molin pondered for a moment, and said to Li Dongsheng who was standing beside him: "I judged that this is the person of the Red Fox who installed a remote control on him in order to restrain the traitor to prevent this kid from being half-hearted. Look. Come on, the people of Red Fox are also worried about this kid."

Wan Lin immediately said: "Yes! If this traitor can defect from his master's sect and kill his ancestors after learning martial arts, the people of Red Fox will definitely be more vigilant about him. This anklet must be their way of restraining this kid and preventing him It's not good for them at a critical moment. In this operation, the red fox probably left a person in charge of monitoring outside. They saw that the signal on this kid suddenly stopped, and they were worried that he would be captured alive by us, so they started it* Kill this kid."

Wang Molin nodded when he heard Wan Lin's analysis. He looked at Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing who were standing beside him and said, "Wan Lin's analysis is very reasonable. Judging from the current situation, there is indeed a boy in charge of monitoring outside. There should be no one home, this kid should be remotely controlled in a safe place."

He stopped talking and thought for a moment, then continued: "This person fled immediately after finding out that we were ready, and during the escape process, he saw that the locator on the rebel suddenly stayed in place for a long time, so he judged This kid has already been captured by us, so we pressed the remote control button to prevent that traitor from revealing information about their red fox."

He said this thoughtfully, then suddenly turned his head to look at Company Commander Liu who was standing beside him and ordered: "This kid has already escaped far away, and it is difficult to find him now. Bring one of your platoons back to strengthen the vigilance of the institute, outside Let the police handle it, you go out." "Yes!" Commander Liu answered straightly, and then strode out the door while holding the walkie-talkie to issue an order.

At this time, Secretary Wang, who was standing aside, listened to the wireless earphones in his ears for a while, and then reported to Wang Molin in a low voice: "Director Xu reported that the police discovered through surveillance that just now, a car parked eight kilometers away. The motorcycle suddenly started from the darkness on the side of the road, and then drove towards the suburbs with the lights on. The speed was extremely fast, and the track was very suspicious. The person on the vehicle was wearing a helmet, and he could not identify his appearance. Now he has disappeared. in the suburbs."

Wang Molin immediately asked: "Did you send someone to catch up?" Secretary Wang replied immediately: "Director Xu has already sent someone to follow the suspect's trajectory, and the place where the person disappeared from the surveillance can lead to the two surrounding provinces. At the junction, the exact whereabouts of the other party is unknown."

Secretary Wang continued: "Director Xu followed the report. Their technical department has carried out a technical analysis of the captured drone. The drone is equipped with a high-definition camera and a long-distance receiving device. The other party uses remote control to implement monitoring. He It is judged that the other party has changed the means of transportation to escape."

When Wang Molin heard Secretary Wang's report, he nodded solemnly. He lowered his head for a moment and pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head to look at Secretary Wang and said, "This kid is very cautious, and he is ready to run away. Forget it. , he's already a frightened rabbit, and it's hard to find him again."

When he said this, his voice suddenly said in a cold and white tone: "Now, this fish who slipped through the net is already a loner, and he hasn't had the guts to take any more action, so let him report to the master of their red fox, we Huaxia are not their red fox. The place where the fox organization is doing bad things! Let's go, let's continue to eat." With that, he took Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng's arms and walked to the dining table next to them...

At this time, in the white and snowy world on the other side of the earth, the sound of "kakakaka" is ringing from a steep snow is sitting on the sofa holding a cigar and concentrating The thoughtful Red Fox boss Phillips suddenly heard the terrifying sound, he turned his head suddenly and looked out the window, his expression suddenly became nervous.

He quickly threw the cigar in his right hand into the large ashtray on the coffee table, and his seemingly thin body dashed off the brown leather sofa. He raised a pair of high-powered binoculars in front of his eyes and looked up at the white world of ice and snow outside the window.

Outside the window was snow-white, undulating mountains covered in silver, and on a steep mountain a few kilometers away from the side, black cracks were appearing on the snow-white slope.

Phillips held the binoculars and stared attentively. The black cracks on the hillside in the distance were constantly expanding. Pieces of huge snow flakes were slowly sliding down the steep hillside. The sound of "kaka" suddenly broke from this piece. sounded in the snow.

His brows furrowed sharply, and he immediately understood that the thick layer of snow that had been formed on the steep mountain for decades was collapsing, and a huge avalanche was forming in this terrifying sound, which was more severe than the previous few days. The avalanche is even more violent!

He followed the mobile telescope and glanced around, and found that the avalanche was still a few kilometers away from the manor where he was located, and his heart calmed down a little.

Phillips often stays in this world of ice and snow, knowing that violent avalanches have the potential to destroy trees and rot. Wherever the avalanche goes, houses will collapse immediately, and any solid building will collapse in an instant in such a big avalanche. No one is immune to the mighty roar of nature.

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