Panther Commando

Chapter 437: look out for the wind

After everyone filled their stomachs, Wan Lin immediately ordered the team to go straight to the No. 2 base of the East Turkistan terrorists. The No. 2 base was only 40 to 50 kilometers away from the No. 3 base. The base is mainly to train some newly recruited personnel, mainly to carry out brainwashing work, transmit their organizational philosophy, and spread hate speech against the Chinese government.

When Wan Lin brought the commando to the vicinity of the No. 2 base, he found that the base in the mountain was quiet. Wan Lin held the binoculars to observe for a long time, but found no signs of personnel activities in the base.

Wan Lin wondered if the enemy had retreated. He turned around to look at the wind knife lying beside him, also holding a telescope to observe, the wind knife shook his head at him, and said softly: "It may be an empty camp, maybe the terrorists get the news and flee ”.

Wan Lin smiled slightly and ordered: "You take someone to cover, I'll take a few people down to have a look." After saying that, he called Zhang Wa and Brother Feng Yu to run to the base in the middle of the mountain, and when Wan Lin got up, the two leopards also got up. Quickly ran to the col.

When Wan Lin and the others ran into the base with their guns raised, the two leopards had already walked around the base room and ran out in frustration, wagging their tails. Obviously, the Nuo University base in the mountains was empty.

It must be that this base received the news that bases 1 and 3 were attacked and destroyed, and immediately evacuated all the personnel, leaving only an empty city. This base has only a very small number of fighters. They heard that the two bases were heavily guarded. They were all destroyed, and naturally they would not attack such powerful opponents as Shi Jing with an egg.

Wan Lin and the others walked around the base room, but they didn't see anything of value. They were a little puzzled. Seeing that this Nuoda base should have a scale of 200 to 300 people, they should have a food warehouse. What, how come I can't find anything to eat after turning around. It seems that the enemy was retreating to clear the field. Now the commandos urgently need supplementary food to restore the strength of the team members. The continuous and intense battle has not eaten for a long time. A decent meal.

Xiaohua watched Wanlin and the others go in and out of various rooms. She didn't understand what they were doing. She stared at Wanlin. Wanlin saw Xiaohua looking at him and patted her head: How could I forget this search expert.

He hurriedly brought Xiaohua and Xiaobai to the base's kitchen, pointed to the stove, and gestured to his mouth about eating.

Xiaohua bared her teeth at Wan Lin, and roared in a low voice, meaning: "Why didn't you say it earlier? You still need to go back and forth to find it, and then probed the edge of the stove to smell it. Bai ran out of the door, ran directly to the hillside behind the base, and came to a steep hillside. It suddenly flew up from the side, and flew from the side of the hillside and crashed into a large stone weighing several hundred kilograms.

Zhang Wa, who ran after him, immediately shouted: "Brother, don't worry, there's nothing you can't think of, you can't be conscious of the people." Wan Lin smiled and said, "Fuck you, you are the only one Can't think of it."

"Bang" Xiaohua slammed into the big rock, the big rock swayed twice and rolled to the side, and a small hole appeared where the big rock was just now. It turns out that this is the hole where the enemy usually stores food. The cave in the mountainous area is warm in winter. It's cold in summer, and it's not easy to put food in it. It can be said to be a natural refrigerator.

When the enemy retreated, they blocked this stone from the entrance of the cave, presumably because they wanted to wait for the commandos to evacuate before returning to the base, but they did not expect that this very secret warehouse they thought was hidden was discovered by Xiaohua.

When everyone saw the entrance of the hole, before Wan Lin and the others ran over, Xiao Bai jumped in and followed Xiao Hua.

When Wan Lin and the others ran to the edge of the cave, the two leopards had already run out with a horse sausage in each of their mouths. Xiao Hua ran directly to Wan Lin and handed the sausage to Wan Lin, but Xiao Bai was still there. The commandos on the mountain ran.

Wan Lin smiled and took the sausage handed over by Xiaohua, patted Xiaohua's head lightly, turned his face to look in the direction Xiaobai ran to, and saw that Xiaobai had already rushed to Xiaoya's side on the mountain with a stream of dust. He jumped up and threw himself into Xiaoya's arms, regardless of the dust on his intestines, he took the sausage in his mouth and sent it to Xiaoya's mouth.

Xiao Yaxi's face was full of smiles, her left hand hugged Xiao Bai tightly, her right hand quickly took the sausage from Xiao Bai's mouth, lowered her head and kissed Xiao Bai, who was also covered in dust. Full of dust on Xiaobai's body.

Lingling stared at Xiaobai jealously from the side, and now seeing Xiaoya's big, dusty face, she laughed with a "puchi", bent down and pointed at Xiaoya's big painted face and laughed more and more. sharp.

The guarded team members around heard Lingling's laughter, turned their heads and saw Xiaoya's face with a yellow beard on her mouth, and they all laughed "hahaha".

Xiaoya looked at everyone inexplicably and didn't understand what everyone was laughing at. She quickly looked down at the sausage in her hand, saw the loess on the top, and then looked at Xiaobai in her arms, and saw that its original white fur had turned into dirt. Yellow, only the place where I kissed showed a white circle.

She suddenly realized, smiled and put down the dust on Xiaobai's shivering body, reached out and pulled out a towel from her bag and wiped it **** her face a few times, proudly holding the sausage and turning around in front of the team members: "I won't give you any food. ” He said, peeling off the casing, and in the eyes of everyone with green light, he took a bite, and slapped his mouth a few times.

The greedy players around are all swallowing For many days, everyone has not eaten a full meal. Now everyone is watching Xiaoya eating delicious sausages and slaps their mouths hard, everyone's The greedy worms were all hooked out, and the stomach was "gugu", and both eyes were flashing green.

Lingling next to "Shu" took advantage of Xiaoya's lack of attention and grabbed the upper half of the sausage, trying to grab it, but she didn't expect Xiaoya to finally eat the food given by Xiaobai, and her right hand was so tight that she actually grabbed it. She didn't grab it, so anxious that Lingling's eyes flashed green light, she stabbed her head towards it, and bit off the top half of the sausage in one bite.

The rest of the team members opened their eyes wide to watch the sisters grab the sausages, and they all laughed loudly.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others were already running here with several large packages. Zhang Wa shouted, "Brothers, there is something to eat." The two snipers and the rest of the team all ran over, each grabbed a sausage and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xiaoya and Lingling also smiled and let go of their hands, ran over to pick up a new sausage and started eating again. With the wind knife in their mouths, they took a few sausages and dry food and gave them to Chengru, who was standing guard.

Wan Lin watched everyone eat beautifully, and waved the two leopards to run out to the mountains to find their own food.

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