Panther Commando

Chapter 4377: Wanlin's idol

Xiaoya was indeed a little nervous after finishing the commander's wrist vein. According to Western medicine, this situation must be hospitalized to clear the blood vessels. If it is serious, a stent or bypass surgery will be required. But according to Wanjia's medical methods, surgery is not needed in this situation, but she is not sure.

Wan Lin saw that Dean Wan and the others were very nervous, he quickly looked at Xiaoya and replied, "Commander Zhong's situation is similar to Liu Hongxin's situation, I will use my true energy to clear the heart of the commander, and then eat A few Snake Pills will do."

Wang Molin and Li Dongsheng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Wan Lin said that the situation was similar to Liu Hongxin. At that time, Liu Hongxin suddenly fell ill in their hometown in Wanlin, and it was Wanlin's grandfather who came to the rescue in time. At that time, the old man used infuriating qi to dredge Liu Hongxin's heart, and then used Wanjia's elixir to assist in treatment, and Liu Hongxin still maintains it. healthy.

Wan Lin followed up: "Xiaoya, you give the commander three snake treasure pills, take one now, I'll give the commander a bit of conditioning, and by the way, dissolve the medicine. In addition, you will follow the method taught by your grandfather later. , give the commander a prescription for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and let the Chinese medicine department of the military region hospital make the prescription into pills and give it to the commander to take on time." Xiaoya quickly agreed.

Dean Wan heard Wan Lin's affirmative voice and knew that he would definitely ensure the safety of the commander. He said excitedly, "Okay, it's fine if you are here, can the commander still drink later?" Wang Molin and Zhong Hanrui also asked Wan Lin Wang came.

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "It's fine, as long as you unclog the blockage on the commander's heart, it won't be affected by drinking less alcohol." Zhong Hanrui exclaimed with joy, "Okay, if you can drink, take some medicine. It doesn't matter!" He followed and smiled at Dean Wan and Dean Wan's wife: "Old Wan, old sister-in-law, you have found a good uncle!"

Xiaoya's mother took Xiaoya's arm and said with a smile: "This is not our girl, but the young man she was looking for is still good?" She followed Wan Lin with fondness and urged: "Lin Son, hurry up and unblock the commander!"

Several people laughed when they heard her excited cry, Zhong Hanrui said with a smile: "Haha, dredge, are you treating my old Zhong as the sewer of your house?" "Hahahaha..." Dean Wan, Both Wang Molin and Li Dongsheng laughed.

Xiaoya's mother also laughed: "Hehehe, don't care about the sewer or sewer, just dredge it up for you, Lao Zhong. Xiaoya, quickly get the medicine for the commander, and you can go outside with me to buy some. Let's go." When she saw Wan Lin said Commander Zhong was fine, she finally let go of her hanging heart.

Xiaoya agreed, and quickly ran to the side table to take out three snake treasure pills from her bag. She carefully put two pills into a small plastic bag, and then walked to the coffee table with the plastic bag and one pill. Beside her, she bent down and poured a glass of boiled water and handed it to the commander: "Uncle Zhong, you can take one now, and the other two are one a day."

The commander took the pill and put it under his nose, smelled it hard, and then said, "What a refreshing taste, good medicine!" After saying that, he put the pill in his mouth, took the water glass and put it into his stomach, he followed He took the plastic bag and put it in his jacket pocket. Xiaoya saw the commander take the pill, so she took her mother's hand and walked towards the door intimately.

Wan Lin saw Xiaoya's mother and daughter walking out, he smiled and said to Commander Zhong: "Commander Zhong, sit on the ground with your knees crossed, and I'll take care of it for you." Zhong Hanrui immediately stood up and walked to the open space next to him and crossed his knees. Sit down on the ground, and then put your hands on the dantian. He then took a deep breath, closing his eyes slightly and breathing slowly.

Wan Lin glanced at the commander sitting cross-legged on the ground, and he said in astonishment: "Commander, have you practiced internal skills?" Dean Wan, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile: "Haha, we old guys are all It came from a hail of bullets, which one has no kung fu."

Zhong Hanrui also opened his eyes and said with a sigh: "If we didn't do it twice, we wouldn't be alive now. On the battlefield, you can kill the enemy only if you survive. That's why I always urge the soldiers to practice their military skills. If a soldier does not have a strong physique and excellent skills, you can't get out of the smoke and gunfire at all, let alone go to charge and kill the enemy."

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully when he heard the sighs of the two chiefs. He knew in his heart that these old generals were all powerful figures on the battlefield. They were all warriors who fought against the enemy's artillery fire. Otherwise, they would not have taken up their current leadership positions. what!

He sat cross-legged behind the commander, then took a deep breath to calm his excitement, then put his hands on the commander's back lightly, he lifted his true qi and slowly forced it into the commander's body Going to Dean Wan saw that Wan Lin had raised his skills, he turned his head to look at Wang Molin and said in a low voice, "It's rare to have such aura today, let's practice too." He followed and looked at Li again. Dongsheng asked: "Dongsheng, you are the first to get the moon, and you should be familiar with this Wanjia health qigong, right?"

Li Dongsheng replied with a smile: "Wan Lin's grandfather also asked my parents to practice this exercise. I also take time to practice for a while every day. This internal exercise is easy to get started, and it is really good for improving physical function."

Dean Wan said, "Okay, then let's practice in Wan Lin's aura." After speaking, the three stood up and walked behind Wan Lin, sitting cross-legged on the ground...

The spacious living room immediately became quiet, and Dean Wan and several others closed their eyes slightly, put their hands on their lower abdomens, and then calmly and slowly began to run the infuriating energy in their bodies. At this time, Wan Lin had already forced out his true qi to circulate in the commander's body, and he whispered, "Commander, relax your body and use your mind to follow my true qi in your body."

As he said that, he pumped out his true energy and ran slowly along the meridians in the commander's body for another week, and then gradually increased his strength to force towards the commander's somewhat blocked meridians.

As Wan Lin gradually raised his skills, a faint air circle gradually emerged around his body. The pink air circle not only enveloped himself and the commander, but also enveloped the three behind Dean Wan. In the pink infuriating.

The living room was suddenly silent, only the antique clock on the side made a "tick, tick" sound, and the air of the living room was gradually filled with the medicinal fragrance of snake treasure pills.

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