Panther Commando

Chapter 4395: anxious look

When Wan Lin heard Dean Wan's laughter, he agreed with a flushed face, and quickly walked to Xiaoya's mother and reached out to take the bag in her hand. Xiaoya stuck out her tongue at Wan Lin playfully, and then pulled Wan Lin to the side restaurant. The two leopards also jumped off the sofa and excitedly followed them to the side restaurant.

In the evening, Dean Wan sent a car to take Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin back to the headquarters compound. Li Dongsheng asked the driver to take Wan Lin to the gate of the small courtyard of the temporary station. Wan Lin jumped out of the car and waved at Li Dongsheng, turned and walked into the gate of the resident courtyard.

At this time, Cheng Ru and a group of people were sitting on the pony in the courtyard to enjoy the shade. When everyone saw Wan Lin walking in, they quickly stood up. Yingying looked at Wan Lin and said with a smile, "Wantou, Sister Xiaoya and Xiaohua. "What about Xiaobai?"

Wan Lin strode into the courtyard and replied, "Xiaoya has gone home, and she will come back tomorrow. Two leopards are with her." Zhang Wa walked over from under the eaves with a maza and handed it to Wan Lin, then looked at He asked with a flushed face in the starlight, "You have been drinking, did you drink it with Dean Wan?"

Wan Lin took Maza and signaled everyone to sit down. He also sat down and said, "Yes, there are also the commander, Deputy Director Wang, and Li Tou." Zhang Wa asked in surprise, "Where are they?"

Wan Lin recounted what happened during the day, and then said with a smile: "Haha, if the commander and the others hadn't gone over, Xiaoya and I would have followed the police to the police station for a while."

Everyone laughed, Bao Ya said with a smile: "Haha, you caught a thief and almost sent yourself to prison." Zhang Wa also smiled and said: "Yes, the police must see the ragged vest you are wearing inside. I think you are a fake officer and must be brought to justice!"

Wan Lin laughed himself, he glanced around, then looked at Cheng Ru and asked, "Lingling hasn't come back?" Cheng Ru replied, "Today is Saturday, and tomorrow is Sunday, so she stays at home and spends time with her old age. Mom and Dad, I came back from dinner at night." He followed Wan Lin and asked, "Why do I think you don't seem to be in a high mood, what happened?"

Wan Lin recounted what happened in the mountain area where the Eagle Falcon base is located, the head of the Yamaguchi security guard and the Black Eagles. After hearing this, everyone's faces turned gloomy, and the small courtyard shrouded in starlight suddenly became silent.

Everyone was silent for a moment, Cheng Ru looked at Wan Lin and said, "We still can't determine the purpose of the two people's arrival there, and we have also informed the Eagle Base of the two people's arrival in that area, I think Eagle Base will definitely be prepared.”

Zhang Wa said with a gloomy face: "I hope. The night owls come into the house and come here for everything. The leaders of these two big mercenary groups will definitely not go to the barren mountainous area without a target. These **** can't do good things. Come." He followed Wan Lin and asked, "Can you notify the three of Xu Liang? Let them also prepare for an attack."

Wan Lin shook his head and replied: "The military discipline of the Falcon Base is extremely strict, and we can't get in touch with them personally. Now, the three of them can only advance and retreat with the Falcon Base and fully understand the command of the base. If Kuroda and George are really former To plan to deal with the Eagle Falcon base, we are beyond our reach and can only wait and see what happens."

Feng Dao also said thoughtfully: "Yes, now we are indeed beyond our reach, we can only wait for news from the military region and Deputy Director Wang, we are too far away!"

As he said that, he looked up at the stars in the sky, and said irritably: "Wantou, it's getting late, you should also take a bath and go to bed, maybe there will be news soon, it's useless for us to think about anything now."

Wan Lin stood up and said with emotion: "Yes, it's useless for us to think about anything now! Deputy Director Wang has ordered the intelligence department to pay close attention to the situation over there. If there is any situation, he will notify our military region in time. Wait, maybe soon. There is news."

He looked at the worried people and said, "It's getting late, everyone should go to bed." After that, he turned around and walked to his room, followed by a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

On Monday morning, Li Dongsheng dispatched a medium-sized van to take a group from Wanlin back to their station in the Special Forces Brigade. As soon as everyone returned to their small courtyard, Hong Tao, the chief of staff of the special operations brigade, and Wang Hong, the battalion commander of the special operations battalion, hurried in. The two greeted everyone and took Wan Lin directly into the courtyard. meeting room.

The three sat at the conference table, Hong Tao looked at Wan Lin and said hurriedly: "Li Tou has already called me, we already know the situation at the Eagle Falcon base, you just came back from the headquarters, Xu Liang and the others are there. Is there any news?" Wang Hong also looked anxiously at Wan Lin.

Wan Lin looked at the anxious expressions of the two big brothers, and knew that they were worried about Xu Liang, Yan Ying, and Xie Chao. He shook his head and replied, "No! The situation is still unclear. Bian is only sure that Kuroda has rushed there, and the news about the Blackhawks owner George is just a rumor and has not been and their past purpose, we have no way of knowing."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Wang Hong said with some disappointment: "Oh, we thought you would know something about the situation, I'm so anxious." Hong Tao followed with a gloomy expression: "If these mercenaries attack the Eagle Falcon base. , then Xu Liang and the three of them are really dangerous. By the way, who is the principal of the Eagle Falcon Base? How is the defense situation on the other side of the base?"

At this time, Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao saw Hong Tao and Wang Hong drag Wan Lin into the small conference room, and immediately understood in their hearts that they were here to inquire about the Eagle Falcon Base, and the three of them also pushed the door and walked in.

Wan Lin motioned the three to sit down and looked at Hong Tao and replied: "This principal is very mysterious, always wearing a mask, no one knows his true appearance, we don't even know the defense status of the Eagle Base, we only know now. They're in a valley called Wild Elephant Valley."

Wan Lin took out his mobile phone and continued: "By the way, I asked Li Tou to send the photo of the principal. Let's see if this person is someone we know?" Principal Zhang's photo, and then handed the phone to Hong Tao.

Hong Tao took the phone, and Wang Hong stretched out his head and looked at the phone together. The two watched intently for a while before Hong Tao handed the phone to Cheng Ru who was sitting next to him. Cheng Ru took the phone and stared at Feng Dao and Zhang Wa together.

Hong Tao immediately frowned and looked at Wan Lin and said, "I can't tell, but I can only see that this person's posture according to the gun is very standard, and he should be a sniper."

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