Panther Commando

Chapter 4397: gunshots in the mountains

The sudden ringing of the bell from the conference table made the expressions of Wan Lin and the others become nervous. Wan Lin reached out and took the mobile phone that Zhang Wa handed over, raised it to his ear and said, "Vice Minister Li, I'm Wan Lin."

Li Dongsheng's serious voice immediately came out on the phone: "Deputy Director Wang Molin just sent a notification to our operations department. According to the information they have obtained, there was a fierce battle last night in the mountainous area where the Eagle Base is located. Gunfire, The explosion sounded all night, and it is very likely that the Falcon base was attacked."

A light suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's eyes, and he hurriedly asked, "What is the exact location?" He followed in a low voice and ordered Cheng Ru, who was sitting next to him, "Call up the map of that mountainous area." He Then press the speakerphone key.

The voice of Li Dongsheng came from the microphone of the mobile phone: "The specific direction is unknown, the general direction is the location of the north latitude ****, the east longitude ****, and the range covers a radius of tens of kilometers."

At this time, Cheng Ru had quickly found the satellite map of that area, and then pressed the projector on the table to project the map onto the white screen beside the wall. He then picked up a laser pointer and irradiated a red laser point on a rolling mountain according to the direction Li Dongsheng said.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the map on the screen, and asked nervously to the phone, "Are you sure that the Eagle Base was attacked, should we contact them?"

Li Dongsheng replied on the phone: "I have been contacted, but there is no response. You tell Hong Tao and them, don't worry, I will notify you in time if there is a situation. Now, Deputy Director Wang and us are closely watching the movement over there." "Yes. !" Wan Lin replied immediately.

Wan Lin hung up the phone and stared at the map on the screen with a gloomy expression: "There was an extremely fierce battle in this mountainous area last night. The sound of explosions and gunshots rang out in the middle of the night. It is very likely that the Eagle Base was attacked. Now, the military region is still Unable to get in touch with Falcon Base."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the screen to stare at the map displayed above. The map showed a rolling mountain. He stared at the direction Cheng Ru pointed with a laser pointer.

After a while, he frowned and said: "The terrain of this mountainous area is very complex, surrounded by mountains and canyons, and there is a lake of hundreds of square kilometers not far from the side, and there is a large forest around the lake. ." He then raised his finger to a relatively flat area on the side of the lake, and continued: "This is relatively flat, it should be a swamp."

He turned his head and looked at Hong Tao and the others who had stood up from the conference table and continued: "This mountain area is huge, and there are indeed many similar canyons in it. It is difficult to determine the location of the Eagle Falcon base. "

Hong Tao stared at the map for a moment and said with a gloomy face: "It can be seen from the map that these canyons are indeed dangerous. If the Falcon Base is really in one of the canyons, this terrain is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. But they Once surrounded, it is very dangerous, and if there is no foreign aid, it is difficult for the people inside to escape from such a closed canyon."

Wan Lin and the others all nodded gloomily. At this time, they all recalled the scene of attacking the canyon of the big drug lord Ao Kun. After Ao Kun was killed by Wan Lin sneaking into the canyon, his younger brother Kunsha closed the canyon and hibernated in the valley for several years. After this kid made a comeback, Wan Lin and the others closed the mouth of the valley, then sneaked into the valley through the secret cave in the valley, and destroyed the poison den in one fell swoop.

At this time, Zhang Wa recalled the battle that year, and suddenly said with bright eyes: "From the photo, the wild elephant valley where the Eagle Falcon base is located is very similar to the topography of the poisonous nest of Ao Kun and the others. There should also be a secret cave leading to the outside of the valley, right?"

When everyone heard Zhang Wa's voice, they all stared at the map on the screen, Wan Lin said thoughtfully, "Looking on the map, the area where the battle took place last night has high mountains and steep slopes, and is full of cliffs. The mountain where Kun is located is very similar. I guess there must be caves on these steep peaks, but I don’t know if there are caves on the cliffs on both sides of the wild elephant valley that can lead directly to the outside of the mountain?”

Hong Tao also stared at the map on the screen and said: "Yes, the person who can set up the special forces training base of Eagle Falcon must be a special warfare expert. When he chose this Wild Elephant Valley as a training base, it is impossible not to consider being besieged by opponents. There must be a secret passage in the canyon leading to the outside of the canyon.”

Cheng Ru, Feng Dao and Wang Hong, who were sitting on the side, nodded when they heard Wan Lin's analysis, and their nervous expressions relaxed, Wang Hong said: "Yes, the principal of the Eagle Base must be a Special warfare expert, there is an area of ​​constant fighting, so he will definitely consider all possible situations when addressing will never be easily trapped in the canyon by others."

Hong Tao followed up: "Okay, I'm much more relaxed when we come to this analysis. I heard Li Tou tell me just now that the two leaders of the Black Eagles and the Yamaguchi Security Corps appeared together in the mountainous area where Xu Liang and the others were located. At that time, our brothers were very anxious, we were really worried that Xu Liang and the others would be in danger, they are all excellent fighters that we have carefully cultivated!"

Wan Lin said: "When I was at Xiaoya's house last night, Deputy Director Wang's secretary suddenly came in to report the matter, which also made me nervous at the time. Although we still can't get the exact information there, we can be sure , the principal of this Eagle Falcon base is by no means mediocre, even if they encounter an attack, they will not be crushed in the valley by their opponents and wait to die."

He then sighed and said: "A few days ago, this Eagle Falcon base also took the initiative to contact our military region. They not only commended Xu Liang, but also asked us to send combat instructors to their base. They highly respect our Chinese martial arts. ."

When Wang Hong heard this, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and smiled, and he followed up: "Haha, they must have seen the magical skills of Xie Chao and Yan Ying, so they were shocked!"

Wan Lin smiled and told Xu Liang and the three of them about the new students. They all laughed when they heard it. Hong Tao looked at Wan Lin in surprise and asked, "Hey, Xu Liang is not practicing taekwondo. And karate, when did this kid learn the Qing Gong of Yan Yumen?"

Wang Hong said with a smile: "Xu Liang will always pester others to teach any novel Kung Fu when he sees it. This kid has a very strong understanding of various martial arts. With a few words, he can infer other people's stunts. Hehe, this kid is a martial arts prodigy."

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