Panther Commando

Chapter 4413: fully armed

The off-road vehicle bumped over the foothills ahead on a rough, silent mountain road. While driving, Scorpion raised his finger and pointed to the endless mountains, and continued: "A few years ago, a lot of oil and gas resources were suddenly discovered in this mountain, and various foreign lawless forces were like a swarm of flies, swarming and aiming at this area. Barren land."

He moved his finger and pointed to the rolling hills on the side, and then said: "Some illegal armed groups sent a large number of armed personnel to secretly sneak into this mountainous area to establish a stronghold by using this rolling mountain, and then dispatched armed personnel to drive out the indigenous tribes here and seize it by force. The site in the mountains, so the sound of guns and guns in this mountain has been uninterrupted."

As he said that, he glanced vigilantly at the surrounding mountains, raised his hand to pick up an assault rifle and put it on his lap, and then introduced: "When our Falcon Base is training students for actual combat experience, the goal is to target these foreigners. militants, protect the local people, so we have a good relationship with the government and most of the tribes here.”

Scorpion briefly described the local situation. He followed in a low voice and commanded the wireless microphone beside his mouth: "Wilson, this place is far away from the city, and fighting may happen at any time. You park in the secluded place in front, and we will hand over the weapons and equipment to him. To the new instructor." "Yes." There was an immediate answer from the microphone in his ear.

After a short time, the three cars had come to the front under a steep rock wall. The first car parked next to the towering rock first, and the four heavily armed men jumped out of the car quickly. The driver also jumped out of the car in full armor. Several people carried guns and ran to the surrounding mountains. Then they stopped at the end of the cliff and between the mountains on the side, raising their guns and aiming forward.

After Scorpion parked the car in the first car, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying and said, "Now that we are far away from the city, all kinds of things can happen at any time in the mountains. This place is relatively secluded, and we will hand over the equipment to you." , he jumped out of the car and ran to the back to open the trunk.

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying jumped out of the car and ran to the back of the car. Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Wen Meng in the car behind also jumped out of the third car, and they all looked at the trunks of the two cars.

At this time, the eyes of several people were all widened, and the trunks of the two cars were actually filled with various weapons, like two small arsenals, in addition to sniper rifles, assault rifles, weapons, etc. The weapons they used were actually powerful weapons such as machine guns and rocket launchers.

Scorpion looked at the astonished expressions of several people and said, "We don't know what weapons you usually use, so we bring some of various weapons, you can choose for yourself."

He then picked up two small combat uniforms and handed them to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng and said, "We didn't know your identities, but Xu Liang reminded us that we have specially prepared two combat uniforms for you."

Wen Meng said "thank you" to Wu Xueying, took the combat uniform and quickly put it on her body, and then took the bulletproof vest and helmet handed over by Scorpion and put it on.

Wan Lin and the others quickly put on the equipment, and then picked up the sniper rifle and assault rifle that were placed behind the car. They skillfully checked the weapons in their hands, and then inserted the spare magazine into the tactical vest. .

At this time, Charlie had already stepped down. Wan Lin looked down at the sniper rifle in his hand and praised him, "What a gun! I didn't expect your equipment here to be so advanced."

Charlie looked at Wan Lin and the others who were already fully armed in the blink of an eye, he nodded and said: "Yes, our base is equipped with the best weapons, we have prepared three * sniper rifles for you, I was really worried about you at that time. I'm not familiar with this kind of weapon, but now that you are so skilled in checking guns, I'm relieved."

Wan Lin said with a smile, "Why are you unfamiliar? Didn't you give us a sniper rifle of this type back then. In addition, our special operations unit is very familiar with well-known weapons from various countries and can be used when they are picked up. ."

Charlie was stunned when he heard Wan Lin's reply, and then he recalled what happened back then. At that time, Wan Lin hit the sniper scope of his sniper rifle with one shot. He quickly turned around and rushed to the rapids behind him, avoiding being killed by the opponent. The sniper rifle he left at the scene has become a trophy for Wan Lin and the others. This is the kind of sniper rifle he used at that time.

Charlie smiled a little embarrassedly when he recalled the past. He then picked up an MP5* from the trunk and handed it to Wan Lin, and continued: "Yes, you are the best special forces in China, and you will definitely be familiar with all kinds of weapons. How to use weapons. The lakeside terrain is very complicated, so we have prepared melee weapons for you snipers, so all your snipers should bring this kind of weapon that is convenient for melee combat.”

Wan Lin nodded gratefully, reached out to take * and checked it quickly, he followed * behind his back, raised his hand and picked up three spare magazines from the trunk and inserted them into the tactical vest.

Cheng Ru, Feng Dao Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying also quickly finished dressing, followed by the general's knife and pistol fixed on the side of their thighs, they immediately walked to Wan Lin with sniper rifles and assault At this time, Xiaohua was also excited Jumping down from the trunk full of weapons, it glanced at Charlie, then jumped onto Wan Lin's shoulder and lay down, staring at the rolling hills ahead with its big eyes.

Scorpion and the people from the Eagle Falcon base who were on guard in front were stunned when they saw Xiaohua suddenly jumping out of the car behind. They didn't expect these Huaxia special forces to come out to carry out their missions, and they would bring a little cat.

Scorpion looked at Wan Lin in astonishment and asked, "Why do you still bring your pet cat when you came out to carry out combat missions?" Xiao Hua suddenly turned her head to look at him when he heard his question, with an angry blue light flashing in her eyes. He opened his mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand and pressed Xiaohua on his shoulders and explained, "This is my partner. It's called Xiaohua, don't call it a kitten." At this time, Charlie had realized that this Xiaohua cat was an animal similar to a military dog. , it must be to find the location of Johnny and Xie Chao as soon as possible, so Wan Lin and the others brought it.

He stared at Scorpion angrily and rebuked: "Why are you so unruly? Don't ask if you shouldn't!" "Yes!" Scorpion replied with a flushed face, at this time he had realized that this kitten must be this one. The right-hand man next to Captain Wan, and it is the secret of the special forces of Huaxia.

Wan Lin waved his hand to Scorpion, then looked at Charlie and said, "Now the situation is urgent, we won't go back to the base with you, we'll talk about other things later, please send us to the area closest to the lake. Charlie, you Tell me about the situation."

: . :

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