Panther Commando

Chapter 4416: admiration

Charlie threw himself on the side pothole road and rolled over to a rock on the opposite side of the road. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the small animal was still behind him, and he quickly turned his head to look behind him.

The ferocious little animal was scurrying into a piece of rock on the side like a smoke. A bullet hole had appeared in the bodies of the three off-road vehicles, and the front windshield of the first vehicle had been shattered.

There was a sudden sound of gunfire in the silent mountains, and pieces of bullets whizzed past the mountains. On the steep rock walls and the standing rocks in the mountains, pieces of stone chips shot by the bullets were flying. The first off-road vehicle parked under the cliff kept making the sound of being hit by bullets, and a white heat was rising from the machine cover.

Charlie rolled under the rock on the opposite side of the road, raised his right hand and extended the sniper rifle from the side of the rock. He endured the severe pain and pulled out his left arm from the bandage on his chest, pressed the gun body tightly with his left arm, and raised his right hand. Pulled the bolt.

Just as he aimed at the distant hillside and was about to pull the trigger, the two clusters of flames that were spraying on the hillside in front suddenly disappeared, and the two figures fell backwards from behind the rock on the hillside.

"Da da da!" A series of rapid gunshots followed from the side. Charlie turned his head to look, and the muzzles of the three Chinese people were spewing bursts of rapid fire in the distance, followed by rolling under the rocks on the hillside in front. Four or five shadows appeared.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind a rock not far in front. The figure knelt down on one knee, and the bazooka carried on his shoulders spurted out a dazzling fire, and a * roared towards the mountain ahead. Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded.

"Okay!" Charlie praised loudly, looking at the wind knife kneeling on one knee behind the rock, and there was a look of joy in his eyes. In the short sound of gunfire and explosions, he could already see that the Huaxia special forces in front of him were indeed extraordinary. These people not only moved quickly, but also had extremely accurate marksmanship, and they had turned the tide of the battle in the sudden attack.

Sure enough, the sound of the gunshots in front suddenly faded away, and only the machine gun held in Scorpion's hand was still making "bang bang bang" gunshots. The three Huaxia people who were lying on the side in the chaotic world had already jumped up from under the rock and ran straight to the hillside with a wide view in front of the side. Then they saw a few faint flames from the muzzles of the two snipers.

At this time, the bullets shot from the mountains in front had disappeared. Charlie looked up at the cliff in front of him. Wan Lin was still lying on the cliff several meters high, and the muzzle of the gun was spewing out fire.

A smile appeared on Charlie's face. He knew that the opponent had turned around and fled in the distant mountains amid the accurate bullets and hurricane-like firepower attacks! Huaxia's three snipers are sniping the fleeing enemy from a long distance, and this hand-to-hand battle has come to an end!

Sure enough, the deafening machine gun sound in front of Scorpion stopped, and Charlie's earphone immediately sounded Scorpion's report: "Report to the principal, the enemy has fled, and about fifteen people have been killed!"

Charlie replied in a low voice to the microphone: "Yes!" He followed the right hand and pressed the rock in front of him to stand up, then looked down at the blood-soaked gauze on his left arm, which he knew had been torn during the roll. Wounded, he shook his head slightly, raised his sniper rifle with his right hand and walked towards the off-road vehicle on the opposite side of the road.

At this time, Wan Lin had already turned his head to look at the steep rock wall below him. He picked up his sniper rifle and slid down against the cliff. When he slid down more than two meters, his right foot touched a little bit. A rock protruding below, the body fell to the ground as lightly as a fallen leaf.

Scorpion and a few other subordinates all turned their heads to look at Wan Lin, who was floating down the cliff, with a look of astonishment in their eyes. They turned their heads to look at each other, and raised their thumbs quietly, and Scorpion immediately followed. He stooped backwards with his machine gun in hand.

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who was running towards Wan Lin, raised her head suddenly and looked towards the hillside in front of her. A blue light suddenly flashed in her eyes, followed by a rapid roar from her mouth.

At the moment when Xiaohua Xiaohua's eyes flashed blue light, Wan Lin, who had just landed on the ground, suddenly raised his gun, and the muzzle of the gun spewed out a fire, followed by a black shadow tumbling down from a field of grass a thousand meters away. , a sniper rifle is also horizontally outside the grass.

Scorpion, who was running back with a machine gun, saw Wan Lin's movements. He slanted to the side of a rock and pounced, then turned around and followed the direction of Wan Lin's gun's finger, "bang bang bang" swept out. A string of bullets.

Wan Lin leaned against the cliff, raised his gun and quickly glanced at the hillside in the distance, then ran towards the off-road vehicle with his muzzle lowered. Charlie and the others looked at the figure rolling on the hillside in the distance in astonishment, and then looked at the little flower who had jumped over Wan Lin's shoulder.

At this time, they suddenly understood in their hearts that this little animal's eyes were extremely keen, and it could actually see the muzzle of the other party's suddenly protruding gun from such a long distance, and Wan Lin lifted his gun and killed the enemy hidden in the grass. In the battle, the cooperation between this little animal and Wan Lin is a perfect It's like a person!

The skills of the few Chinese soldiers really surprised Charlie and the others. They were not strong, and they seemed to be weak in combat. Moreover, there were two girls with delicate appearance inside, but they didn't expect that once they entered the battle, they would be as fast as a gust of wind. , moving like a thunderbolt, in the blink of an eye, he helped the scorpions to kill more than a dozen mercenaries, which really made them look at these Chinese people with admiration.

Scorpion ran to the off-road vehicle almost at the same time as Wan Lin. Charlie looked at Wan Lin and said, "You guys used up some ammunition just now, so hurry to the back of the car to replenish." "Okay." Wan Lin replied and raised his hand He made a "return" gesture to the Chengru people who were on guard around him.

Charlie then looked at Scorpion and ordered: "Time is running out, we are going to set off, and send Captain Wan and the others to a place close to the canyon as soon as possible." "Yes!" Scorpion replied immediately, turned around and ran to the car and put the machine gun in. trunk.

The four of Cheng Ru also ran up to Wan Lin with their guns. Wan Lin looked at them and ordered, "Refill ammunition and prepare to go!" "Yes!" Then quickly replenish the ammo that was just consumed.

Wan Lin and the others quickly replenished their ammunition, then twisted around and stood beside the two off-road vehicles. At this time, the air knife was carrying the bazooka just used, and carrying a small ammunition box on his body ran to Charlie and said, "Principal, I brought this baby, it's great!"

Principal Charlie looked at him and said worriedly: "Brother, you are all armed for long-distance raids. Is it too heavy to carry this on your body?"

: . :

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