Panther Commando

Chapter 4422: hand in hand

Cheng Ru heard Feng Dao's worried self-talk, and he also looked up at the canyon illuminated by lightning bolts, with a worried look on his face, he shook his head and replied: "Now there is lightning and thunder, we can't at all. Contact them and wonder if they have found a safe place?"

Wan Lin heard the discussion between Cheng Ru and the two, and he followed up: "You don't have to worry! Scorpions are all trained special operators. Before I entered the canyon, I had reminded Scorpions that there would be a heavy rain tonight, and he would definitely be able to bring them with him. Find a safe place with your two men."

The torrential rain in the mountains came and went suddenly. Not long after, the strong wind had blown away the thick clouds, and the dark mountains were suddenly enveloped by a silver star. Wan Lin glanced at Taniguchi, which was revealed in the starlight, and he whispered to the people around him, "Get ready to go, I'll contact Scorpion to see if the three of them follow?"

Xiaohua jumped out from under the rock when she heard Wan Lin's voice, and ran straight to Taniguchi, tens of meters ahead. Wan Lin lowered his head and called out to Scorpion. When he heard Scorpion's answer that it was safe, he put his heart down.

Wan Lin was about to greet Chengru and the others out of the valley, when a few black shadows suddenly flashed out of the narrow valley. One of the shadows screamed and stepped back, raised the assault rifle in his hand, and faced the small flower that emerged from the darkness. "Da da da" fired a string of bullets.

Xiaohua let out a deafening roar, and the figure leaped towards the chest of another figure above the side like a spring. The whistling bullet rubbed its tail tightly and swept across the rock at the mouth of the valley. A string of sparks shot out by bullets.

Wan Lin was shocked! He didn't care to answer Scorpion's question, and immediately whispered in his mouth: "Rush out of Taniguchi!" He put the sniper rifle behind his back, and while running forward, he stretched out his hand and took out one from the hidden weapon pocket. Steel needle. Cheng Ru and several others also rubbed the dark cliffs on both sides of the canyon and rushed straight to the mouth of the valley.

At this time, several people in Taniguchi were already in a mess. Xiaohua dodged the bullet fired by the other party, and it let out a loud roar in rage, a violent blue light appeared in its eyes, and went straight to the chest of a boy on the side. The other party took a step back in shock, raising the assault rifle in his hand to block it in front of his chest.

At this moment, Xiaohua had already rushed to the chest of this kid, and its two front claws pushed the gun body raised by the other side hard, and the figure rushed towards the kid who just shot behind him like lightning.

Before the kid in the back could react, Xiaohua had already rushed towards the opponent's chest like a cannonball, and the sharp nails protruding from her four claws stabbed into the kid's chest like a few daggers.

The boy let out a scream, released his tightly gripped assault rifle with both hands, and fell backwards on his back. At this moment, Xiaohua's eyes had already burst out with a blue light, and its four long legs pushed the boy in front of him vigorously, the figure slanted towards the top of the boy's head, and the raised right paw slapped the boy's head. on the opponent's helmet.

"Crack," followed by a loud noise from the kid's helmet. The boy groaned, let go of the raised assault rifle, and fell down limply. Xiaohua slapped a paw on the side boy's helmet, her body jumped up, and rushed towards the other side boy like lightning. The long nails on her claws swept across the opponent's neck in an instant with a gust of wind.

At this time, Xiaohua's eyes flashed with a blue light beam, it shuttled back and forth between several figures, and in the blink of an eye, the three black figures had collapsed screaming, and Taniguchi was filled with a strong **** smell.

The other two shadows were shocked! They never thought that such a ferocious animal would emerge from the dark canyon. The two jumped back a few steps, shouting for their companions to come to support, and raising the assault rifle in their hands. .

The six or seven figures who followed closely behind heard the screams of their companions in front, and several of them ran towards Taniguchi while pulling the bolts. At the foot of the mountain 200 to 300 meters away, there was also the sound of pulling the bolt, and a group of figures rushed towards Taniguchi, and clusters of bright flashlight beams also lit up in the dim mountains. .

Obviously, this group of people had heard the shouts of their companions in front and knew that the companions in front had encountered a ferocious beast, so they did not raise their guard, but turned on their flashlights and ran forward.

At this moment, Xiaohua slashed across the neck of the boy in front of her with a paw, without the slightest pause in her figure, she turned around in the air and rushed towards the head of the boy who had just raised the muzzle. The boy was startled, his upper body slammed back, and the raised muzzle pulled the trigger in the air, "da da da", and a string of flames shot straight into the air.

At this moment, Xiaohua had already plunged to the ground like a projectile, followed by a swipe of blue smoke and got into the middle of the few boys who had just run, and it rushed past the legs of the two boys, and the nails on its paws were lightning bolts. Like across a kid's thigh.

The boy screamed, sat down on the ground, and then yelled at him to turn the gun and pull the trigger. But as soon as he raised the muzzle of his gun, he saw that the blue light was jumping right and left among the several companions, and he couldn't aim at the ferocious little animal at all.

Several boys around were shocked by this ferocious little animal! A few people shouted and raised their guns, but Xiaohua scurried around them, and a few people didn't dare to With panic in their eyes, they quickly raised their guns to protect their chests. , backed away in panic.

At this moment, the attention of the boys from Taniguchi was already attracted by the ferocious animal in front of them. These people instinctively thought that since this ferocious little animal was rushing out of the valley, it was impossible for someone in the valley to hide beside such a ferocious animal, so they did not pay attention to the few shadows that were silently rushing out of the valley.

Just when they were fighting with Xiaohua at Taniguchi, Wan Lin had already rushed out of the canyon like an arrow from the string. He rushed out of the canyon and slapped a black shadow that was dodging Xiaohua. At this moment, his sharp eyes had swept across the mouth of the valley and the mountains on the side.

He could see at a glance that Taniguchi was wearing a full set of special operations uniforms, and the seven or eight figures who rushed behind were wearing local clothes, but the assault rifles in their hands were not the AKs commonly owned by the indigenous tribes in this place. Assault Rifle.

Wan Lin immediately judged that the kid who suddenly appeared in the mountains must be the mercenaries who were withdrawn from the Eagle Falcon base, as well as the armed men who entered here illegally.

Wan Lin slapped the boy in front of him with a palm, and his right hand lifted up, and a cluster of cold light flew off to the seven or eight shadows running from the side of the mountain. With a sway of his body, he turned around and rushed into the crowd around Xiaohua.

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