Panther Commando

Chapter 442: barren desert

Last time, Wanlin and the others followed Li Dongsheng in the mountains, and fought fiercely with East Turkistan terrorists and Viper from the Flying Fox Mercenary Group in the mountains in this area. Wanlin's shooting instructor Wu Hanyu died at that time. in battle.

But Wan Lin and the others did not reach the Gobi Desert that time. Once the mission was completed, they escorted Wu Hanyu's ashes back to their troops and did not stop in X Province. It can be said that Wan Lin and Zhang Waji were kept here. The place where the old commandos were sad and tearful, until today, they have truly seen the boundless Gobi.

The vast Gobi Desert is covered with coarse sand and gravel, the wheels are rustling on it, and dry ditches lie on it lifelessly. Occasionally, you can see some drought-tolerant plants such as ephedra and Shaguai jujube dotted in the barren land. On the deserted Gobi, the stone walls that rise suddenly, the pits and pits are covered with the traces of the years left by the phoenix blowing the stone, standing quietly among the coarse sand and gravel, like the old people who are dying, crying about the years. ruthless.

Xiaoya looked at the desolate Gobi Desert in front of her, and suddenly recited a verse from Cen Shen in the Tang Dynasty: "The poor and the deserted, the birds do not fly, and the dream of thousands of mountains is still lazy." The most realistic portrayal.

More than three hours later, Wan Lin suddenly saw a touch of green in the distance. Wan Lin was refreshed, stepped up the accelerator and rushed over.

Soon, a large forest of Populus euphratica stood on the edge of the Gobi. It was a windbreak forest. The commandos suddenly saw this green forest from the desolate Gobi, and they were all refreshed. Green is a symbol of life.

Wan Lin drove through the woods, and saw a wide road leading straight ahead, three grass-green military jeeps, galloping towards them from a distance.

"Squeak", the vehicle in front suddenly stopped when it was more than ten meters away from them, and a heavily armed soldier jumped out of the car and hurried towards this side. Wan Lin quickly braked the car and jumped off. With a smile on the face of the person on the opposite side, he shouted loudly from afar, "Brother Wanlin."

Wan Lin wondered how anyone in this place knew about him. He hurried forward two steps. Seeing that it was Colonel Hong Hu, the commander of the special operations brigade of the X Province Military Region, who had fought together last time, he quickly stood at attention. Salute, before he could open his mouth, Hong Hu had already hugged him and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, don't notify me first when you come."

Wan Lin smiled stupidly, not knowing how to answer him. At this moment, all the commandos in the car got down. Hong Hu released Wan Lin, carefully looked at the team behind Wan Lin, and suddenly widened his eyes in surprise. , took a deep breath of his nose and asked, "Why did you cross the border to fight."

He smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke from the players' bodies. Wan Lin nodded without explaining. Hong Hu saw that some of the team members were still wearing bandages. Knowing that they must have gone through a hard battle, he hurried to With a wave from the back, the two team members at the back immediately took out several large boxes from the car.

Wan Lin was not polite when he saw this, knowing that Hong Hu brought something to comfort them, he turned around and ordered his team members to help.

The team members brought in four or five boxes. Hong Hu opened the lid of the box and shouted loudly, "Brothers have worked hard. Come, eat the local specialties cantaloupe and grapes."

Wan Lin and the others were not polite, and immediately sat down on the ground, grabbing grapes and honeydew melons and stuffing them in their mouths. Hong Hu looked at the group of devoured players, his nose was sour, his eyes were hot, and he almost burst into tears.

From the food of the team members, he knew that these team members hadn't had a decent meal for a long time. He knew that the combat effectiveness of the Leopard Commandos could make these team members so embarrassed, which showed how **** battles they had gone through.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai also took a bunch of grapes each and ate them happily. Hong Hu looked at Xiaohua and Xiaobai happily, squatted beside Wanlin and asked, "Why is there another leopard, I only saw it last time. Xiaohua is one." Wan Lin swallowed the honeydew melon in his mouth vigorously, and said with a smile, "That's his daughter-in-law." Hong Hu laughed, Xiaohua and Xiaobai turned their heads and glanced at him, wagging their tails and bowing their heads again. I took a bunch of them in the box, put the core and skin directly into my mouth, and the sweet grapes made the two little things wag their tails.

Hong Hu took a closer look at the team members, and saw that not only did Li Dongsheng disappear, but also many unfamiliar faces, he asked, "Why are there so many newcomers, why didn't Li team accompany the team?" Wan Lin briefly explained , Hong Hu then realized that they were representing China to participate in the World Special Forces Competition. As special forces, they naturally knew about this competition.

But he looked at the group of players who participated in the game in wonder, how could this be the state of participating in the game, these people must have just come down from the battlefield.

The smell of dirt and gunpowder all over their bodies, as long as they are people who have participated in real battles, they can tell at a glance that this group of people must have gone through an extremely cruel battle.

But he saw that Wan Lin didn't introduce it, so he didn't feel embarrassed to ask again. Special forces usually involve some secrets when they go out.

Hong Hu saw Wan Lin and the others devoured all the boxes of fruit, and said with a smile, "Brothers, get in the car and go home, and eat when you get home."

The team members smiled and waved to Hong Hu and ran to their jeeps. At this time, two jeeps drove on the opposite side. When passing by them, they slowed down. The driver stuck his head out of the window and greeted Hong Hu. .

Hong Hu shouted, "Don't Slow down." Wan Lin looked at Hong Hu in confusion and asked, "Why do you drive slowly?" Hong Hu smiled and replied, "I Your subordinates are here to pick up the few armed policemen who let you throw them out."

Only then did Wan Lin understand, and he laughed and got into the jeep. Hong Hu followed Wan Lin into the same car and drove back to their special forces station.

On the way, Wan Lin introduced to Hong Hu what happened during the special forces competition. Hearing that, Hong Hu's eyes lit up. When he heard the tyranny of the little devil, he shouted loudly and leaned the back row against the car window. Lingling, who was sleeping, was taken aback, she grabbed the automatic rifle, and loaded the bullet with a bang.

Lingling heard this shouting in her sleep, and thought it was on the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke. Hong Hu turned around and waved apologetically, only then was he surprised to find that there was actually a female soldier in the back row.

When we met just now, Lingling and Xiaoya didn't speak. They were wearing the same combat uniforms and helmets as the male team members. If you didn't pay attention, you couldn't tell their gender.

Hong Hu turned his head and asked Wan Lin, "Why are there female soldiers in your team?" Wan Lin looked up at the rear-view mirror in the car, and said with a smile, "Haha, this is the main member of our commando team. There's another one."

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