Panther Commando

Chapter 4437: scent in the woods

In the dim forest, Wan Lin quickly threw out two whips, and then took a step towards the front of him. A fierce murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and his right foot raised with a gust of wind. He kicked the boy in front of him **** the head.

The boy who was drooping on his injured arm and using the other hand to pull out the pistol on his leg, didn't say a word amid Wan Lin's flying feet, his head swayed to the side, and then he slammed into the thick body. On the trunk, softly lying under the tree.

Wan Lin didn't even look at the boy, he took back the long whip in his hand and looked around. He knew in his heart that although the other party had a bulletproof helmet on his head, no one could resist the kick he kicked out with internal force. May survive!

In the blink of an eye, Rinnai's battle was over. The scorpion, who had already run to the edge of the forest, only saw whip shadows flying and flashing blue light in the dim starlight. Several black shadows had already fallen down in front of the two people who waved whip shadows.

At this time, the figures of Cheng Ru, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had already rushed to Wan Lin and Feng Dao's side. The three of them didn't even look at the shadows falling to the ground. Between has disappeared into the dim forest.

The three Scorpions stared in astonishment at the few Chinese people who rushed into the forest like lightning, and then ran towards Wan Lin and Feng Dao with their guns. The scorpion ran to the wind knife, and immediately lowered his head and raised his gun to look at the woodland.

There were already five black shadows lying on the dark forest floor, and a strong smell of blood was rising from the shadows. There was a faint scent left in the forest.

Scorpion and the men who followed him ran to Wan Lin. They saw the boy who was bitten off half of his neck by Xiaohua at a glance. There was a look of horror in their eyes, and they involuntarily took a deep breath. , and then stood up from the forest floor. In astonishment, he looked at Wan Lin and Feng Dao who were wrapping the whip around his waist.

They really didn't expect that the thin whips in the hands of these two people had such power, and the whip marks on the enemy's body seemed to be cut by a long sharp blade. That kid who was missing half of his neck must have been the work of the ferocious little animal beside Wan Lin!

Scorpion stood up and was about to open his mouth to exclaim, when he suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and the men next to him also swayed violently, and the two staggered and took a step forward.

At this moment, Wan Lin and Feng Dao had already wrapped the whips in their hands around their waists. When the two saw Scorpion, they suddenly staggered forward and took a step forward. They immediately understood that they were a little dazed by the fragrance of the incense magic whip.

The two quickly took a step forward, reaching out to support their swaying bodies. Scorpion and the two stood firm, and Scorpion shook his drowsy head vigorously. He looked at Wan Lin and asked in astonishment, "Captain Wan, why do I suddenly feel dizzy, what's going on?" His subordinates were also shocked. Looking at Wan Lin and Feng Dao.

The gentle mountain wind had already blown away the fragrance wafting in the forest. Wan Lin released his arm holding the scorpion and waved his hand and replied, "It's fine, you'll be fine in a while." An icy infuriating.

In the sweltering forest, the two Scorpions only felt a rush of cold air, and the drowsy feeling was swept away. They really don't know why they suddenly feel dizzy, and why there is a sudden chill in front of them.

At this time, another Eagle Falcon team member with a leg injury also limped in from the edge of the forest. Wan Lin twisted and stared at the bandage wrapped around his leg, and whispered in a somewhat blunt Y language: "Injury Is it heavy?"

Scorpion turned around to support the approaching men and walked to the back of the tree. He looked at Wan Lin and replied in a low voice: "It's okay, just now he was hit by the shrapnel that exploded in the thigh muscle, and he didn't hurt his bones. When I was hiding, The shrapnel inserted in his leg has been pulled out, and it will be a little inconvenient to move."

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully. He stepped behind the tree on the side and raised his gun to look deep into the dark jungle. Their actions have been exposed, and Scorpion's subordinate has a wound on his leg. If they continue to carry the wounded, they will not be able to carry out follow-up operations in the forest.

Just when Wan Lin was thinking about how to arrange the wounded, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded from the forest in front of him, and there was a flash of fire in the dark forest.

From Wan Lin's earphones, Cheng Ru's urgent report sounded: "Leopard head, the enemy suddenly found in the forest ahead, and we are blocking. Judging from the fire from the opponent's muzzle, the opponent is about the size of a small team."

At the sound of the gunshots, the scorpions and the wind knives immediately leaned out from behind the invisible tree, raised their guns and aimed at the glade in front of them and pulled the bolt. Fengdao turned his head and whispered to the scorpion hiding behind the tree on the side: "Scorpion, our firepower is too weak, there are enemy rocket launchers and machine guns in the forest bunkers!"

Scorpion heard the call of the wind knife, turned around and beckoned two of his subordinates to run towards the enemy's bunker at the edge of the forest. UU Reading Feng Dao also raised his feet and ran towards the forest above the hillside, taking the captured machine gun he just placed on the hillside above.

Wan Lin held his sniper rifle and aimed at the flickering jungle in front of him. His mind was spinning quickly. The sudden appearance of the enemy really shocked him.

Judging from the information provided by Charlie and Scorpion, there were only four or five snipers and a mercenary team chasing the enemies of Johnny and Xie Chao. Just now, they had wiped out all the mercenaries of this team, but now a team of enemies suddenly appeared in the jungle, which really surprised him.

He raised his gun and aimed at Guoguang in the distant forest, and then realized that the enemy in front must be a mercenary evacuated from the vicinity of the Eagle Falcon base. In this operation, the boss of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security did not target the Eagle Falcon base, but Charlie and themselves they hated.

Now, the other party has regarded Johnny and Xie Chao as their own. They will definitely send reinforcements from the withdrawn mercenaries to this dense forest in the lakeside area, and try to stop the Eagle Base from sending support to Johnny and Xie. Super reinforcements, at any cost to achieve their goals.

Wan Lin thought of this, and immediately turned his head to look at the figures lying around. He saw at a glance that some of them had dark skin and some were pale. He immediately determined that these people were Black Hawk's mercenaries. .

He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this operation is indeed led by George of Black Hawk, and it is mainly Black Hawk's mercenaries who hunt down Johnny and Xie Chao. In this operation, the Yamaguchi security guards are only cooperating, and they will most likely only send Got some snipers for the chase!"

: . :

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