Panther Commando

Chapter 4441: fog in the forest

In the dark jungle, Wan Lin looked at the quiet forest behind him and said worriedly. As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the wind knife suddenly came from the earphone: "Leopard head, we have got rid of the pursuers in the mountains." Wan Lin made a warning gesture to Cheng Ru, covered his mouth and asked in surprise: "Great! Are you all safe?"

Feng Dao's low voice followed: "We have been chased by each other, and we failed to protect Scorpion's two team members during the battle. Elephant and Jackal were sacrificed in the battle, and Scorpion and Wen Meng's arms were injured by splintered fragments. ."

Fengdao paused for a while, and continued in a low voice: "After we received your order to rush out of the forest, about two teams of mercenaries from the other side chased out of the forest one after another. We fought and retreated, Jackal. There was a wound on the leg, and the speed was too slow. The elephant was hit by the enemy's bullet to protect him. The jackal saw the elephant fall down beside him. He threw a * backward, and he fell down with the elephant."

He sighed for a long time when he said this, and then continued: "The scorpions are all good, and they are quite brave in battle, but I didn't expect the elephant and the jackal to persevere. Fortunately, Charlie ordered the lakeside in time. The Falcon team members who were on standby arrived, and only then did the enemy's firepower be suppressed."

After listening to Feng Dao's report, Wan Lin's face became nervous. He asked in a low voice, "How are Wen Meng and Scorpion's injuries?" Charlie had already told him that an experienced instructor and security guard The formed team has been on standby in the lakeside area to cooperate with them. Unexpectedly, they really came over at a critical moment, otherwise Fengdao and several people might be in danger.

Fengdao heard Wan Lin's hurried questioning, and he immediately replied: "Both of them were injured by the enemy's shrapnel, the wounds have been treated, and there is no danger to their lives. If Wen Meng hadn't desperately used a sniper rifle to prevent the enemy from approaching. , it is difficult for us to withdraw from the enemy's superior firepower, and Wen Meng was injured by the enemy's * in the blocking."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Wen Meng and Scorpion were not in danger. He asked in a low voice, "Is the battle over now?" Feng Dao replied, "It's over, the team of Eagle Falcon standing by the lake is very capable. When they arrived, they suppressed the enemy with intense firepower and covered our retreat. Now the remaining enemy has retreated into the woods."

Wan Lin followed up: "Okay, your mission has been completed. You and Wu Xueying escorted Wen Meng and Scorpion back to the Eagle Falcon base, and ordered the Eagle Falcon team to stand by and prepare to receive us."

When Fengdao heard Wan Lin's order, he quickly said, "I'll stay here to meet you, and let Wu Xueying and Ying Falcon's people **** Wen Meng and Scorpion back to the base."

At this time, Wen Meng's voice suddenly sounded in Wan Lin's headphones: "Leopard head, I'm fine, Yingying and I will stay by the lake to meet you." At this time, the voice of the scorpion also sounded: "Captain Wan, we all It's okay, you don't have to go back to the base, just waiting for you here! Colonel Feng's shoulder was also slashed by enemy bullets, but we can all continue to fight!"

Wan Lin's expression darkened immediately when he heard Scorpion say that the wind knife was also wounded. He brought four Hua Leopard players, but Feng Dao and Wen Meng were already injured, which made him really nervous. But he also understood that no matter what he tried to persuade, Feng Dao and Wen Meng would never leave this mountainous area.

Moreover, if Wu Xueying, Wen Meng, and Scorpion left, and Feng Dao didn't understand foreign languages, he would not be able to communicate with the Eagle Falcon team at all. In this fierce battle of life and death, he really did not worry that the people from the Eagle Base would respond outside the forest. If he didn't have his own leopard team members, he was really uneasy in his heart.

Wan Lin hesitated for a while, and then said: "Alright. Feng Dao, you must ensure your own safety and use the medicine we brought. If the injury is serious, use Xiang Mo Wan and She Bao Wan immediately. Scorpion, order The people of your falcon squad follow the command of Colonel Feng!"

"Yes!" The air knife and the scorpion answered from Wan Lin's earphones. At this time, Cheng Ru had also heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Feng Dao through the earphones. He looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "The enemy really made a lot of money here, and actually gathered so many troops in this forest. Okay. Before Charlie sent a team to stand by in the lakeshore area, otherwise Lao Feng and the others would be in danger!"

Wan Li looked at Cheng Ru and nodded, he said gloomily: "George and Kuroda, the two bastards, it seems that they really regarded Xie Chao and that Johnny as me and Charlie, so they have already invested heavily here. From this point of view, Xie Chao and the two must be the best snipers in the two mercenary groups, and Xie Chao and the two are indeed very dangerous."

He then raised his gun from the side of the tree trunk and aimed at the hillside above and said, "Once Xiaohua finds Xie Chao's trace, you must be careful, those snipers will definitely appear near These people are very dangerous, We can't be the slightest bit careless."

Cheng Ru nodded solemnly when he heard Wan Lin's exhortation. He knew in his heart that this was a forest area with an extremely narrow field of vision, and enemy snipers might appear behind every tree trunk at any time, and the battle they faced was indeed very dangerous.

At this moment, Xiaohua suddenly sprang out of the thick fog without a sound. It jumped up the tree branch above Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's head, then lay on the tree branch and stretched out its two front claws to gesture towards Wan Lin. Down.

Wan Lin looked up at Xiao Hua's movements, and then made a clear gesture. He then looked at Cheng Ru and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua has already reconnaissance, and there are indeed two mercenaries on the top of the mountain. It seems that they established here. Lookout post, just in case we were stalking up the steep rock behind the mountain."

He followed and glanced at the blurred tree shadows in the thick fog, and said in a low voice: "The fog is so thick now that we can't see the obstacles under our feet at all, and we can't move fast. Don't alarm these two sentries, we quietly leave here , find a quiet place in front of you to rest for a while."

Saying that, he pointed to the little flower on the branch above his head and pointed ahead. Xiaohua immediately jumped down from the branch, jumped into the thick white fog in front of her, and ran forward. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru also carried sniper rifles and walked forward cautiously.

The fog in the forest is getting thicker and thicker. The fog that was still on the waists of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru has already shrouded the entire forest at this moment. It has also become blurred in the fog.

: . :

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