Panther Commando

Chapter 4459: gunshots

The thick night shrouded the undulating mountains, and in the daytime the mountains stared at the hairy jungle, as if they were dyed with a layer of thick ink.

Wan Lin was lying in the dark grass in the forest, frowning and staring at the scope of the gun. He hesitated in his heart to immediately approach the dense forest below where the silhouettes of people flashed?

At this moment, behind a vague tree in the forest below, a dark shadow suddenly flashed. The shadow rushed through the glade just now, heading straight for the darkness ahead. In a blink of an eye, this person has disappeared into the forest below, and his movements are as agile as the previous shadow, and the direction is to rush towards the forest above the first shadow.

Wan Lin's gun immediately followed, and he shouted anxiously: "It really is two people, a sniper team, 250 meters away! But are they the enemy or Xie Chao and the others?"

At this moment, a rhythmic "da da" sound suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone. The sound was different in severity, and the rhythm was fast and slow. This was the alarm sound from Cheng Ru, and the direction was at the bottom right of Cheng Ru. The jungle at one o'clock.

He listened intently for a while, and his face immediately became tense. He moved the muzzle and aimed towards the side of the forest that Cheng Ru had instructed. An anxious look flashed in his eyes, and his fingers were firmly on the trigger. When two shadows appeared in the forest below, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy, another shadow suddenly appeared in the dark forest on the side, which made Wan Lin really feel nervous.

At this moment, Cheng Ru, who was lying under the tree behind Wan Lin's right, was raising his gun and aiming at the tree at 1 o'clock on the lower right. The place where his gun was pointed happened to be a gap in the forest. Half-human-high weeds grew sparsely on the forest floor. On both sides of the gap were erected thick tree trunks. It was like a forest corridor that suddenly formed.

At this moment, Cheng Ru, using the moonlight that shot through the gaps in the branches and leaves, suddenly saw a dark shadow emerge from the forest on the right side of the corridor. The shadow stopped under a tree as thick as one person, and the figure was almost as thick as one person. The dark tree trunks in front of him merged into one. The man stood quietly under the trunk for a moment, and then raised a long gun from the side of the thick trunk.

"Sniper rifle, it's a sniper!" Cheng Ru stared at the scope and immediately narrowed his eyes, and lightly squeezed his fingers on the trigger to aim at the kid's head.

At this moment, as long as his finger gently pulls the trigger, he will definitely blow the opponent's head with one shot. But he also shouted in his heart: "Who is the target in front of you? There are two sniper teams at the same time below and in the forest on the side. One of them may be Xie Chao, or they may both be snipers from Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security. Hand. Now that the fighter plane has appeared, once the other party disappears in the darkness, I am afraid it will be difficult to find their shadow. "

With an anxious look on his face, he lay motionless in the dark and stared at the other person's head. The other party also raised his gun motionless and aimed at the jungle below the side, apparently searching for the jungle below in the dark.

Cheng Ru followed and turned his head to look into the dark forest on the hillside behind him. Now there are two sniper groups on the right and below the forest. If the enemy appears in these two directions, they will face the dilemma of fighting from both sides. Once the enemy snipers appear behind them, the two of them will be surrounded by three sides of the enemy, and they will be in a very dangerous situation!

The thick night shrouded the depths of the dense forest, and the forest was completely dark. If it wasn't for Wan Lin and Cheng Ru wearing night vision equipment on their faces, they wouldn't be able to operate in such a dense, pitch-dark forest.

Just when Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were anxious to find the figure and couldn't distinguish the enemy from the enemy, a blue light suddenly shot out from the dark forest below. The blue light flashed away in the darkness, and a shrill scream followed from the dark forest below the hillside! A flash of fire from the muzzle flashed in the darkness.

In the flash of fire, Wan Lin, who was lying in the grass, suddenly saw through the scope that a dark figure was standing behind a thick tree trunk. The long gun body in front of him flashed against the blue light. A faint flame of fire erupted from the forest.

"Pfft", the sniper rifle in front of Wan Lin sounded immediately, and a faint flame shot straight to the black shadow below. A muffled sound followed from the pitch-black forest below, and the sound of an object falling to the ground followed one after another.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and rolled his gun under a dark tree trunk on the side. There was a sound of bullets flying through the grass behind him, and a bullet whizzed through the grass behind him, and a few withered grass blades immediately appeared in the darkness.

Wan Lin pounced under the tree on the side, pressed the raised tree root with his left hand, and kicked the woodland behind him with his feet.

The moment Wan Lin left the tree, there was a crackling sound from the raised tree root behind him, followed by a cluster of sparks shot by bullets from the pitch-black tree root.

Gathering at this moment there was a low sound of sniper rifle shooting in the forest on the side. Cheng Ru, who was lying under the tree, had gleaming eyes, and his right hand had already pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in his hand.

With the low sound of a sniper rifle, the dark shadow on the side who was hiding behind the tree and shooting with a gun fell backwards. Cheng Ru pulled the trigger, grabbed the gun, and threw himself under a raised rock in the woodland on the side.

He quickly threw himself under the rock he had observed before, and extended his gun to aim at another sudden flash of fire in the forest on the side. At this moment, there was a strong murderous aura in his eyes, aiming at the place where the fire was flickering and pulling the trigger lightly, a cluster of red sparks immediately flew from the dark tree trunk in the side forest. He followed the gun and rolled out under the tree on the side.

"Boom", an explosion sound suddenly sounded from the dark forest below, and the dark jungle was illuminated red by the firelight. A series of hurried sounds of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" also followed from the firelight bursting from the forest below. From the side and in the forest below, there was a burst of hurried footsteps.

A deafening leopard's roar followed from the forest where Wan Lin was. Wan Lin was already roaring in the dark, and ordered Xiao Hua to stop chasing immediately.

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that the enemies in the woods below and on the side were retreating, and the rapid gunshots and explosions of the * were preventing Xiao Hua from continuing to attack and covering their retreat.

In the darkness, the flames of the explosion flashed away, and the rapid sound of shooting stopped abruptly. The dense forest, which had just been flickering with fire, was plunged into darkness again.

: . :

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