Panther Commando

Chapter 4482: we are brothers

In the dim cave, Xie Chao suddenly said in a low voice with a dark expression: "These enemy snipers are so abhorrent, when they attacked our Wild Elephant Valley, I saw seven or eight brothers fall at their guns. Come on, this group of snipers is terrible. If it wasn't for Principal Falcon's ordering Instructor Johnny to take some of our student snipers to suppress the enemy's snipers desperately, I'm afraid the casualties would have been even greater."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru heard Xie Chao's angry voice, and the two of them had already restored the battle scene at that time in their minds. They knew in their hearts that among the accurate bullets of so many enemy snipers, the casualties at Eagle Falcon Base must be very large.

Charlie's timely order to abandon the base of Wild Elephant Valley was indeed a wise move at the time. Otherwise, they are likely to be wiped out in the narrow valley by the enemy!

At this time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru also suddenly understood that it was Johnny and Xie Chao who attracted the enemy's elite forces to this forest, otherwise it would be difficult for Charlie and the others to reach the backup base. No wonder Charlie would go all the way to request to send a few of himself over, and sent a team to respond outside the forest at all costs. Johnny and Xie Chao are indeed the heroes who saved the Eagle Base.

After Xie Chao finished speaking angrily, he reached out and took the sniper rifle in Wan Lin's hand and asked, "Brother, is this sniper rifle the one used by Black Snake?" He followed and looked down at the sniper rifle in his hand, and was a little surprised. He said: "Hey, why doesn't the Black Snake sniper rifle have a scope?"

Cheng Ru stretched out his hand to take the sniper rifle in Xie Chao's hand and looked carefully, he followed with a smile: "Hehe, Leopard Head, you shot this kid's scope into the air, and there is still a scope base on the rail. Haha, although you didn't shoot this kid down with one shot, this shot was enough to scare this kid into peeing his pants!"

Wan Lin also smiled, and he followed with some regrets and said: "Yes, the black snake was in the forest more than 400 meters below my side, and I shot a shot from under a hidden rock, which happened to hit this place. The kid's scope. If I had raised the muzzle a little more, I would have blasted this black snake's head with one shot! Grandma's, what a pity."

"What a pity!" Xie Chao said in a low voice, he followed and stared at the sniper rifle in Cheng Ru's hand and asked, "Brother Cheng, which country's sniper rifle is this? I've never seen it before." Long, I don't know much about foreign firearms.

Cheng Ru looked at the sniper rifle in his hand, and then whispered in surprise: "This kid uses Steyr, how can this kid use this light sniper rifle?" He then looked up at Wan Lin.

Wan Lin reached out and took the sniper rifle and replied in a low voice, "Yes, this is Steyr. This sniper rifle is very light in weight. It is made of resin. The weight of the empty gun does not exceed three kilograms. One meter, with a magazine capacity of five rounds, it has great convenience and high precision in mountain combat, and is very suitable for combat in the mountains and forests. The sound of this gun shooting is very strange, like the dull sound of wearing a mask ."

He handed the sniper rifle to Xie Chao next to him and continued to whisper: "Hei Snake is about 1.7 meters tall and has a thin body. This sniper rifle is indeed suitable for him. In the last battle, this boy used It's not this sniper rifle, he should have chosen a sniper rifle that is easy to carry and suitable for mountain operations for this mountain battle against Charlie and me."

Cheng Ru nodded when he heard Wan Lin's explanation, and continued: "Yes, I have seen this kind of sniper rifle from the documentation. It is said that this kind of sniper rifle is mainly used by some foreign police forces and special forces. The tube is slender, cold forged, very durable and accurate. This sniper rifle has a limited effective range but is well suited for combat in this forest.”

As soon as Cheng Ru's voice fell, Johnny, who had been sleeping quietly against the cave wall, suddenly opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked at Wan Lin and the others, followed by Wan Lin who was sitting beside Xie Chao. .

When Xie Chao saw Johnny wake up, he quickly stood up and walked to Johnny's side. He pointed to Wan Lin and introduced Johnny in a low voice: "Instructor Johnny, you're awake, great! This is our special forces. Wan..." When he introduced it here, he suddenly remembered that Wan Lin and their names could not be easily leaked to the public, and he quickly closed his mouth.

At this time, Wan Lin turned his head to look at Johnny and said with a smile: "Are you the instructor Johnny? My name is Wan Lin, and I am a colonel." He followed Xie Chao and asked Xie Chao to translate his Chinese.

Xie Chao hurriedly said: "Brother, Instructor Johnny can speak some Chinese." Johnny, who just woke up, really understood Wan Lin's words. He heard that Wan Lin was the rank of colonel, and quickly raised his hand to hold Xie Chao's. The shoulders struggled to stand up.

Wan Lin saw Johnny's appearance and knew that he was going to stand up and salute. Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said, "Your body is just right~ Don't get up." Johnny ignored Wan Lin's stop and struggled. He stood up and followed the left hand to support the cave wall, with his heels close together, he raised his right hand in a salute, and whispered in a blunt Chinese language: "Report, the former special forces retired captain Johnny is reporting to you!"

Wan Lin stared at Johnny's standard salute posture, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. From the standard military posture and eyes of the other party, it can be seen that this Johnny instructor in front of him, like Charlie at Falcon Base, was once a real soldier!

He stood up abruptly, put his feet together, raised his hands in return, and said sharply, "Salute!" After speaking, he lowered his arms and reached out to support Johnny, who was swaying, and said, "Sit down."

Wan Lin helped Johnny to sit on the rock, grabbed the opponent's left wrist and checked the wrist pulse, then looked up at Johnny's eyes, he turned his head to look at Chengru and said, "The medicinal power has bloomed, as long as there is no wound. Infection, certainly not dangerous."

When Xie Chao heard Wan Lin say that Johnny was no longer in danger, he was overjoyed and grabbed your hand and said excitedly, "Instructor Johnny, you are all right!"

Johnny had understood Wan Lin's words, he stretched out his hands to grab Wan Lin's and Cheng Ru's hands and said, "My Johnny's life was saved by your Chinese soldiers, thank you!"

Wan Lin squeezed Johnny's hand tightly, stared into his eyes and said, "Although we met for the first time, we are both soldiers, and now we are comrades-in-arms and brothers who are fighting **** battles with the enemy in a trench! You don't have to follow We are welcome!"

When Johnny heard Wan Lin's sonorous and powerful words, a light suddenly appeared in his dull eyes, he shook Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's hands vigorously, and said boldly: "Yes, we are comrades who fought **** battles with the enemy. , we are all brothers, we are welcome!"

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